oops image
Watch everyone start cryin'
Do you like having a cheater in every game with you? Yes - CS GO.
>Game should require skill and actual teamwork: Yes/No
>Are you an idiot: Yes/No
Why did you put the same question twice?
git gud and play cevo novafags
only TF2 is 20 bucks or less, thats the max im going to play for a multiplayer only shooter
Its like you are just shitting on games you never played or something
this is correct
>Game is so trash it need external online services to work ON TOP OF publisher online service
Jesus, only on PC.
>only on PC
its "mostly only on consoles"
because you go through PSN/XLive + the game's own dedicated servers if the devs even cared that much about consoles to put up dedicated servers for them instead of just slapping glorious p2p networking in
What do you mean? Are you actually retarded? On console you start up a game, press multiplayer button, choose the game mode, then the match with other players is made and viola, you are playing the game. You don't need to install, register and start up any external service for this.
Or do you think what, you think Valve's dedicated servers are hosted on their own hardware and not on some amazon cloud? Fuck. You're tried to be smart and ended up being so stupid.
Globalfag here. Siege is the best tactical FPS I have ever played. Uninstalled shit named CSGO for this. Totally worth it. And stop calling people nova, you eagle shit.
Can you point me in way of some good Siege gameplay recordings. Just want to see how this game is played on the top high skill level.
Splatoon is underrated.
>Or do you think what, you think Valve's dedicated servers are hosted on their own hardware and not on some amazon cloud? Fuck. You're tried to be smart and ended up being so stupid.
nice projecting there
aww cute freg