Wants to buy Fallout Anthology

>Wants to buy Fallout Anthology
>You need steam for install the games

>I wanna drive a car
>i need gas to fuel it

unless you are a Cd Projekt shill, you shouldn't have a problem with that

>want to play vidya games
>need electricity


You're like those smelly African niggers that are scared of computers and calls every machine a "robot".

are you retarded?

this is why you should just pirate the games

Isn't 1 & 2 available in GOG?

are you not old enough to remember a world without steam?
do you not know that games can be installed and played without third party bloatware?

>Want to eat
>Need actual food to eat

Just get them off of GOG. No programs needed and no DRM. Install and play.

>food analogy

>people still ironically hate steam

Gtfo gog and origin shills

>I want Gaben's big DRM in my ass every time I play a game even when the game is older than Steam itself

unless you go to the store and buy the physical copy, you will need some software to buy/download the game

yeah. a web browser.

>wanna cuddle with my girl
>no girlfriend

price of progress

I'm sure you miss low poly games too


>Want to eat
>Need someone to watch me while I eat
>Need someone to be able to take the food out of my hands at any given time
>Need someone to put little bits of shit on my food without my consent.

>want to play games with friends
>requires internet

Give me your best food analogy Sup Forums

>want to cuddle with my girl
I have an irrational fear of intimacy after an incredibly bad breakup 3 years ago that ruins my relationship with anyone I've tried to be with since

>wanna cuddle with my girl
>Can't stand being touched
Fuck autism

you're just gay faggot

>Wants to buy Gone with the Wind on dvd
>You need a dvd player to watch it

what the fuck is wrong with you guys? share your stories.

Do you jump every time someone touches you? I do, never understood why

No no now you have to make a account that gives you access to the biggest PC game market on internet and allows you to download the game from any PC oh no.

>buy game at walmart
>go home
>open case
>it's just a steam key in a box
>no manual or anything

>Wants to play video games
>You need power to play them

My first major relationship ended really poorly as she was unable to introspect or confront people and let the relationship go on for years past when she wanted to leave. Now whenever a relationship gets physical my depression flairs up immediately and all I want to do is isolate myself and be alone. I have broken up with one girl before who was amazing to me and knew my most degenerate secrets and am about to do it again to a childhood friend who thinks the world of me and has liked me for years.

I'd have returned it.

Will we ever be able to go to a store, buy a game, stick the disc in, install, play? I'm tired of my only options being DRM, pirate, or digital only. It's the only thing keeping me from buying PC games.

after using the code?

>want to breathe air
>need air to breathe
How is this allowed?

>want to avoid suicide
>need a will to live to do it

Who're you talking about, OP?

VIDF is here, kill yourself cucks. Steam is a cancer on PC gaming as bad as Windows.

nope, Steam basically ruined physical PC gaming as a whole

ok go have fun playing your unix games like doom and text rpgs

>he buys games available on gog somewhere else

who cares?

Get the fuck off my board kid. Go give Gabe your mom's credit card and phone number so you can get cucked by digital downloads and DRM some more.

people who like actually owning something?
god tier manuals and big maps included with games was one of the best parts of PC gaming
in the future if Steam manages to go down totally all of your games will be gone

>All these buzzwords

user, you're not even trying anymore.

Paying for DRM games is like going to a grocery store and buying an apple
Paying for non-DRM games is like finding an apple tree in the wild and leaving money under the tree
Just don't leave your money under the tree if it's non-DRM.
DRM is literally fine it's a necessary hoop to jump through in order to verify that an item was actually purchased.

>implying people loved owning manuals and maps when all that stuff only collected dust
>m-muh collectibles

I already have all the Fallout games pirated. I just found one in my local store at a good price and thought it would be a nice piece of collection.
But my PC is so fucking shit running Steam, I would rather buy only Fallout 3

>god tier manuals and big maps included with games was one of the best parts of PC gaming
It used to be the best part of gaming in general. No one does it anymore; that's not Steam's fault.

>in the future if Steam manages to go down totally all of your games will be gone
That's a BIG fucking if, user. Realistically that won't happen in our lifetime.

>someone who disagrees with me must be defending Valve!

nobody buys it for the games anyway. i bought it for the shitty fucking bomb that doesn't even sound like a mininuke. I'm never buying promotional vidya items ever again.

>i-i didn't care for it anyways
then fuck off and go suck Valve's cock for reducing the value of PC games as a whole

>Realistically that won't happen in our lifetime.
Oh, you kids. So naive and optimistic. Steam hasn't even been around for 15 years, and you think they'll be around for 50 or more. You're insane.


im waiting valve

>Want to buy games
>Need money to purchase games

I agree this is some bs

>an anonymous Sup Forums user posts YOUR life story online

Why did you do this to me

>i have no argument so here's a reaction pic
good to know Steam only fags are as dumb as console users

>DRM is literally fine

Steam turned PC gaming into just another console war, because any casual can hop on the memewagon and play CS:RNG or Defense of the Cookie Clicker

Don't worry, don't worry. I feel you.
I don't know what works but for now maybe you, too, should just be alone.

>google hasn't even been around for 20 years
>what makes you think it'll be around for 50

>Locks on doors aren't fine!
>I have doors in my house with no locks on them and they function just fine!
>NO doors need locks! Even the ones on banks!

>butthurt pirate

Get a job you dumb cuck


Haha, the baby thinks Steam is on the same level as Google.

>le DRM stops piracy meme
oh yeah that's why i'm able to buy stolen keys from G2A and give no support to the devs

>implying Steam is a service used by almost the entire ""online population"""

over 200 million is a lot, user.

Are you a fucking retard? Tell me what any of that has to do with video games. How does any of that apply to DRM?

I'm sorry man, I know exactly what you're going through so I know how bullshit it is

>he doesn't like DRM so he must pirate

Those numbers mean jack shit on a site like Steam. I've made EIGHT Steam accounts since 2006, you really think there aren't thousands of people who have done the same? Google, on the other hand, is literally the definition of a search engine for almost everyone on the planet.

having steam is literrally no different then using a console. if you use steam and shitpost to console users you should walk off a bridge

Thanks for the support user. I just hate breaking up, it's so much easier when you don't have to be the bad guy

DRM is the lock that ensures that you have a right to play that game i.e. you bought it

locks are the DRM of doors that ensure you have a right to open them i.e. you have a key

you're fucking retarded as hell if you really can't draw the parallels

Why did you make 8 steam accounts user?

>he thinks the entire internet population plays vidya games

and 75 million of them aren't active

Because I needed alts and I used different accounts to keep in touch with different people instead of doing everything under one username. Two of them got hacked, and I forgot the password to another one. Account numbers are in no way representative of how many people are using Steam.
>posting incoherent bullshit
>reddit filename

That is a dumb fucking analogy. I bought the game I should be able to do what I want with it. I don't need a "lock" on a video game that I purchased. I don't know if you're smart enough to understand this user but doors and video games are two completely different things.

>75 million

they are, and they don't sell the cucked version of fallout 1.

Look it up, fallout 1 they sell on steam is the German censored version with kids removed. It actually renders some side quests impossible because of some child npcs absence

What reason is there, really, not to use Steam? I don't see any problem with it. It's the primary way I stay in contact with my friends, keeps all my games in one place so I can use it on multiple computers, uses cloud so I can even play the same save on a different computer, and has a huge library of (mostly shit) games that are almost always on sale.

in b4 shill, why the fuck would Valve need to shill steam. I'm just sincerely curious as to why I shouldn't be using it. I also buy games on GoG and GMG, but Steam is the best thing I know about for organizing my shit and also for talking to people and such.


You even posted the childhood friend part. I havn't told anyone about that.

The first 2 Fallouts are DRM free on steam. Yeah, obviously if you need steam to activate a steam code, but once you do you can do anything you want with the download.

It's okay to admit you were retarded and wrong. No damage control is worth such (You) investment.

Sorry I doubted you, if VG247 said that a year ago it must be 100% accurate and relevant to this argument.

what is DRM stopping you from doing? you can play the game as much as you want if you bought it
buy the game and DRM isn't a problem for you.

>b-but what if it shuts down?!?!?!

Literally the only reason I've seen so far, which is completely idiotic.

TF2 hat drops bruv

It was fixed in 2012, but still, from '07-'12 it was Idle Fortress 2

Video Games don't help they just make the time pass till you can next go to sleep

Hug user, we're with you

>I don't want to have some shitty client on my PC
>no physical disc
>Internet connection often required
>no loaning to friends
>no resell

It prevents me from doing lots of things. It's anti consumer and I refuse to support it.

>muh bloatware

It takes anywhere between 5 to 10 seconds between the moment you click on the Steam icon and the moment you start your game.
You faggots will throw a pissy fit about anything, goddamn.

I remember hearing that argument in like 2005 when it seemed like that could be a possibility at some time in the future. You know, before TF2 came out, to say nothing of DOTA. But, today? In current year? Steam isn't going to go away any time soon and even if it did I can't imagine that Valve would jew everyone out of the games they bought decades ago (when this could be a possibility).

>iTT faggots who don't have good reading comprehension and defend steam like slugs
