Zero Time Dilemma is coming to pc
Zero Time Dilemma is coming to pc
Good. The 3DS version looked awful.
Why the fuck would you get the 3DS version when the Vita version looks awful
Thinking of canceling my Vita watch edition to just pirateit on PC now.
>2 days after the Vita release
I really hope I can go 2 days without spoilers ruining things
Yeah, but what about games?
Torrent when?
I'll play 999 on a DS emu but how do I play VLR?
Don't go on Sup Forums then
I'm still getting 3DS for physical + controls, but I always replay ZE so I'll get the PC version eventually. I just hope they bring 999 and VLR too.
On Vita or 3DS.
I'd still rather to play it on my Vita but that's neat either way.
The more the better.
Already have the watch edition pre-ordered, if I didn't I would just get the PC version.
Same. I don't like how the watch looks plus it won't reach my house for a week.
Vita TV is usually around $40, and it's even been on sale for $20 before. I've heard VLR is really awkward without a DS4, but still beatable.
Is it the release date for japan or the west?
Holy fuck
Did i buy this vita for nothing?
I got it for persona 4 and any exclusives but jesus
I was gonna get all these games but they keep coming to pc
Do you need to play the 2 previous games before?
>I just hope they bring 999 and VLR too.
Why? 999 doesn't need to be on PC. VLR could be on PC but it sounds like porting just for the sake of porting.
And there I thought I had a reason to crack out the Vita, back under the thick layer of dust it goes!
>Jumping into volume 3 without any background of the series is a good idea.
Does that sound smart to you?
That's cool, but I'm still getting the 3DS version.
3DS emulator is coming along pretty damn well, don't know if VLR will be in a playable state by the time this comes out though.
Enjoy PCkeks but you better play 999 and VLR.
They've said that the game should be accessible if you haven't played the first two, so there's probably going to be huge exposition dumps or an encyclopedia of the events of 999 and VLR, but you should still play them because you'll probably miss a whole bunch if you don't.
You still have a month, that's more than enough time to get through them.
Because I don't like playing on handhelds. Despise the fact that so many games I enjoy are locked to them. 999 I can just emu, but then the sprites and backgrounds kinda look like ass; I'd only want that ported if they touched up the visuals (no mobile port please). VLR I straight up want on PC.
Sigma is zero in VLR btw
I can't speak for the future but VLR plays like dog shit on Citra. No sound, choppy frames and you are lucky if you can get past the first novel section without the game taking a huge shit and crashing.
I have a feeling my toaster won't be able to run it.
There's a stream starting in two hours that's gonna cover 999 and VLR.
I'll probably do it during the weekends, should be enough time.
>buy 3DS version for collection
>pirate PC version for best experience
I hate this meme
But you fell for the meme
But all our hope made it real
Don't give in to that despair man
>Because I don't like playing on handhelds
But handheld play is max comfy.
>but then the sprites and backgrounds kinda look like ass
The Zero Escape series is not known for amazing visuals. Of the series, ZTD has the best we have seen but many still consider it lacking. To me, the visuals are good enough to get the point across.
I already said I'm buying the 3DS version.
>paying for digital downloads
Will I be able to wait 2 days for the superior version
I'm rather torn
>spent most of their budget on a few cutscenes that you will have to watch over and over and over because they forgot this was a visual novel game that could have conveyed the story with a few pleasantly drawn slides and text
At least now we can pirate the best version.
That's too bad, I always wanted to play 999 but I never had a DS. I have a 3DS now but no way to get a legit copy of the game, and I doubt there is some sort of digital version available.
I guess I'll have to emulate it if I want to play, not that I like doing so.
It's two days. If that is the version you want, just wait it. It's not 2 months. Just stay the fuck off of Sup Forums.
>Just stay the fuck off of Sup Forums.
This is the difficult part.
You dont deserve this. Ill complete it on 2 days on my 3DS and i'll spoil it to you.sea
Why the fuck are they porting third game when you need two other for story to make sense
Thank god, fuck paying for this travesty.
>people who play on PC don't own Vitas or 3DSs
I'd say get a life but there is nothing worse than knowing you have a crippling attention to this place
Good question. It would have been nice to play a version of VLR that isn't a buggy mess without having to buy a vita.
They know pc players don't care about story or immersion
So does this mean the vast majority of Junpei's narration is actually Akane?
You are going to have to once you start playing the game anyway. No way you are not going to be spoiled if you come here.
No, I mean the visuals would look like ass on PC because you're blowing unmodifiable low res images up, whereas VLR has 3D models so a res option is easy enough to implement. 999 would only look good on a bigger screen if they remade the sprites and BGs for higher resolutions.
>Do you need to play the 2 previous games before?
Think of it this way user, sure the developers are developing it from the perspective of new characters of the trilogy but let's be real here, would you start reading Harry Potter from the last half of Deathly Hallows? Or watch the last movie? Because that's essentially what you're doing if you play this game before you play VLR AND 999.
If the bottom screen is Akane, why does it refer to itself in the 3rd person as Junpei?
>no way to get a legit copy of the game
They did a reprint and it's 20 bucks.
I haven´t played any of the games in the series but I´m pretty sure these are the main points of these games so that´s probably not it
I got you.
How much are you willing to bet that PCfags complain about not understanding what's going on and the puzzles being too hard?
They're just gonna be spoiling the shit out of the game every day until August
Where is this thought coming from? Do we all think that people only own one gaming platform at a time?
As someone who played both 999 and VLR on DS/3DS, I am getting the PC version. And there's no way I'm the only one.
*looks better
I'm sorry I mistyped
Because consoles are dying in japan so they're porting everything to a platform that actually matters.
Yeah, that's nice, but unfortunately it's not available in my country.
inb4 denuvo
999 would require a lot more rework than VLR just because of that. They might be able to cut down on that work if they were to bring it to 3D. I imagine that a lot of the backgrounds in 999 are really just pre-renders of models that actually do exist. But you have the issue of the plot twist being ruined by being on PC.
With VLR, yeah, it would be easier to port the models over and rescale the resolution but those models aren't great looking either. Check the pic.
Just pirate it
I dont know if I should feel sorry that you might actually believe this, or if I should just say it's bait
What about 999 and VLR though?
I have already played 999 and have a PSTV that I was going to buy VLR for, however, when ZTD was announced for PC I held off in hope for VLR to get on PC too.
Is VLR on PC just a hopeless dream?
Not even a pc mustard
Just letting you know that you're a cunt and your existence spits of the face of Black Bar General
You could have played VLR without playing 999 and still enjoyed it, in fact, many people did
ZTD will probably be even worse in this regard, they said they rewrote some of the story specifically so people who never played the other games wouldn't be left in the dark
I wouldn't wait for VLR to come to PC. Assuming it is would be a big assumption. Shit, we are lucky to be getting ZTD.
I don't mind the models, but the animations are seriously killing my boner.
Just because the series doesn't have a focus on graphics doesn't excuse the fact that they're even worse than amateur.
The producers knew they were working with a tight budget, they shouldn't have gone for a structure that A: they had no experience with, and B: would require more money than they had. What was wrong with the VN style?
I guess I should just get VLR for my PSTV though.
And it does work on the PSTV though, right? Because I don't have an actual Vita. I have a 3DS though, but I heard that version was bugged as fuck and even had system crashing bugs in it.
Because they can. Plus it's a wider audience for them.
How long until a review copy gets turned into a .cia and leaked into the net?
Is it just gonna be gameplay or will there be commentary?
100% or bare minimum?
>I have a 3DS though, but I heard that version was bugged as fuck and even had system crashing bugs in it.
Just don't save during escape the room segments and you'll be 100% fine
I'm gonna have to muster up some willpower and stop going to Sup Forums for two weeks before release. I don't want to get spoiled by you fucking disgusting leakfags. I suggest everyone else does the same.
>PC version is a port of 3DS not Vita
How...How could they do this to the master race? Day one pirate for sure now.
Why the fuck didn't they fix it?
Isn't that the point of all this online bullshit we have to go through?
An actual game ruining bug that nobody bothers to fix.
Is it really?
>Japs are porting all of their games to PC since it sells much better on it
>Consoles not dying
How about you kill yourself consolecuck?
>Just because the series doesn't have a focus on graphics doesn't excuse the fact that they're even worse than amateur.
ZTD isn't even being developed by Spike-Chunsoft directly. Not sure why but they chose some random studio to help them develop the game. Never heard of the studio before. Go google it.
>What was wrong with the VN style?
Spike-Chunsoft is trying to cater towards a western audience. They know ZE sold like shit in Japan. By ditching the VN aspects, they are trying to play towards the people who will actually buy the game.
These models were made with 240p in mind. No shit they don't look good when blown up in resolution.
It was probably too much work to properly fix it. I'm pretty sure it got patched so you're just not allowed to save in puzzle rooms at all.
Final Fantasy
Dark Souls
ZTD on PC news aren't new. Now the release date is. Too bad that someone'll try to spoiler the game here, so two day difference between Vita/3DS and PC versions won't make much.
What are you, dense?
Post your favourite music
No commentary, fuck that.
I'll talk in chat.
Does that mean that 999 and VLR will also be ported? I never bought VLR and it's been years since I've played 999, so I would have no reason to get the third entry. I am glad that PC are getting these games though. I was really asspained that Danganronpa 2 never got translated for PPSSPP and I had no other interest in the Vita, but thankfully both Danganronpa games got ported.
>too much work
Ultima 8 had game ruining bugs. Origin mailed me the goddamn patch of a floppy disk.
No excuses.
I expect spoilers in random threads and spoilers in caps being made as threads which somehow the mods will ignore for several hours, not from actual ZE fans but assholes who found the spoilers somewhere and post them to ruin other people's experiences. Guess I'll just stay the fuck off Sup Forums for a few weeks.
Of course he is. He thinks pc gaming is relevant in Japan
Besides some disabling saving in some escape rooms, they never really fixed the problem. Two ways to help reduce the risk of fucking up your save data on the 3DS. One is to only save during novel sections. Two, if you have a hacked 3DS, someone created a program that backs up your save every time you launch the app (up to 30 saves) and then boots VLR directly. So if your save does get fucked, you can at least restore to an older save without restarting from scratch.
Yes, a handheld console. They're being phased out by phomes and PC same with home consoles.