Point out what's wrong with this character roster

Point out what's wrong with this character roster.

Reisen will soon be on it featuring a big fat Sony Logo.

It lacks the girls from the first three Touhou fightans

Nue isn't in it for some godawful reason, even though she's practically made for the story of ULiL. Yuugi would also fit in nicely.

>What's wrong with this roster?
Terrible artstyle
All female cast
None of the females are attractive
All of them have the same face
Entire roster is pedobait

Considering the number of slots that they had, it was a really good selection of characters.
HM girls all had to come back, obviously.
Then we get an oldhu rep who hadn't had a chance to shine before now, and a newhu rep for the latest game. Last two slots being a mangahu and a newhu were good choices as well.

My only complaint is that Nitori shouldn't have been in HM to begin with, she could have been cut for Kanako or something.

>Nue isn't in it for some godawful reason, even though she's practically made for the story of ULiL.
Yeah, let's add another UFO rep.
Fuck off Nuefag.

>Yuugi would also fit in nicely.
Would have been nice, but EoSD-PoFV and DDC needed reps more than SA did.

nice b8 m8 r8 it an 8/8.

No reps from SA


Then who the hell is Koishi?

Who the hell is Koishi?

theres no suika.

He means Green Flandre.

Anyone up for some Euro ULiL?

>no Shou

Thank god.

I want to look up her dress.

Not enough horned characters.

Pretty much everything except Reimu and Marisa.

Mokou, Byakuren, and Sukuna are the only other characters I can see actually deserving a spot in this shit.


Who cares about that stupid cat?

Christ, I made that image when? Arround DDC?

And it's still arround.

Consider suicide

I'm from East Coast America but if that's cool I wouldn't mind playing if we can get it to work.

Is there some trick to playing this game online? I tried to play with a friend of mine and all that happened was he would connect, my game would freeze after a bell ringing noise, and his game would close after a few seconds.

>Muh Suicidal Girl
>Muh Youkai SJW
>Muh Japanese Inchling

It's fine. People just need to learn to love Reisen already,

>east coast

No thanks.

And you and your friends might have been playing different version or 1.30b which makes games crash that aren't hosted in Japan.

Quality anti-gaijin coding.


I already thought she was cool, but her new gun is just dumb looking.

Everyone loves cats.

I'll play you tomorrow, but I can't today.

Stupid bitch ass rat go and dowse for some relevance for your character.

ZUN doesn't.

Oh, nice, what an amazing patch.

Thanks for the help, we'll try redownloading the game and not running the updater like monkeys and see what happens.

That might be a disaster, I'm probably gonna be gone at around this time tomorrow, but if the time lines up maybe it'll be great.

If he didn't why would he make three?

I miss when Koishi wasn't a memehu.

You mean before her existence?

To taunt the stupid catfags who think they'll ever get a playable cat.

Aya's Wings aren't in it.

I wanna make vermin with her.

no kanako

That's every touhuo

looks like this is my sorta thread

Yes indulge yourself in the thread

No Flan yet.

Reisen soon to be added to it.

What makes you think that?

Where's raisin?

On the PS4.

When will she be in my world?

There are plenty of stray rabbits around.

nazrin doesnt have pink hair

Holy shit, Reisen actually looks good now

remove rabbit

why is there a blank slot at the top right, is that where they're going to put Reisen?

>not wearing her blaze
She looks worse now then ever.

The stupidly long hair is really the only problem I have with her design.

the fact that they're all children

There's no Cheeeeeen or Awooooo~

It's missing most of the cast from Hisoutensoku

It's okay, you get Reisen back!

Isn't that great!?

I really want to FUCK a Sekibanki.

>He didn't order a Reisen so he can have Reisen next to him as he plays as Reisen on his Reisenstation 4

But I want China and Sakuya

Shit, I forgot my Reisen.

Do it no one wants to play Suguri anymore.

Didn't they rename her to Reisony Sondonge Sonyba?

>no cirno
>no chen
>no god damn fucking Hoshiguma Yuugi


Is that made by the guy who does the Puppet Dance Performance art?
Because it sure as hell looks like it.


If plumbers don't wear ties, dumb bunnies like her shouldn't either.

IAMP is the only 2hu shit game worth playing, everything else is just autism

Don't be rude to the poor girl, at least she got onto Steam.

Too many irrelevant non-characters that are not even popular

>hata no kokoro

No seki is pure.

>No Cirno
What's even the point then


Hemo's art is pretty easy to spot.

>The final boss of the game is irrelevant

Reimu's in the game.

>not a single POC
Of course.

And people still expect videogames to be taken seriously as an art form?

I don't think you understand, I want to FUCK the Sekibanki, and then I want to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR the Sekibanki, and then I want to LIVE A FULFILLING LIFE WITH the Sekibanki, and you cannot stop me.

Tbh I don't know anything about 2hu but I downloaded one of them and should play it.

No. Don't go down this rabbit hole.

I'll make you immortal and make sure you never get to Gensokyo

Sure if it's a good one. Just dont ask which are good or people will lie to you.

Touhou games are good fun, whether they're official or fangames.

They're terrible, both the canon and non canon.

Lettyposting time? Lettyposting time.


No, it's never that time. Stop this now.


>500 years old

No chinese kung-fu fighting girl.

I was wondering why this was called "right now" and then I saw the date in 2014
what a time to be....under the covers and not having to go out.
also i just joined this thread, just because i love letty doesn't mean there are not other people who do ;)

Where's 9 girl?
Also agree with the sameface.

Kung-fu doesn't work in the air.

No one likes her that's why she's never ever coming back.

Letty is a miracle.

As a Meiling main I disagree. You can fight in the air just fine.

>Martial arts character
>No throws

this is a letty threadreplying to you guys to prove a point.