Do you really need to finish a game to fully experience it?

Do you really need to finish a game to fully experience it?

Only autistic fucktards argue that.

Depends what game it is

I would have given Bioshock a solid 8/10, but after the ending, it is a solid 7/10.

So yes. It's kinda like leaving a movie unfinished or a book without reading the final chapter.

Do you need to cum inside to experience sex?

Who is this semon demon?

To fully experience a game you should fully complete it.

This is just game journalist logic. The same reason why they gave MGSV a great score because they weren't allowed to see any of chapter 2.

>Do you really need to finish a game to fully experience it?

Well I don't see how you can FULLY experience something without FINISHING it.


well isnt that what fully means?

But most of video games give you complete gameplay straight away

So you give importance to plots in video games lol


You can't finish Dota 2 but you can feel the experience by playing just a few games. The real experience is grinding at high mmr though, which only very few people in the world manage to achieve.

Not true. They were givin the full game, but they only had three days with it.

Some games are narrative heavy and others dont
Pacing is also a thing

I've been playing Doom 3 and I've fully experienced its shitty gunplay and good lighting.

Claiming that I need to finish it to have some extra cherry on top is retarded.

Let me guess, a big baddie dies. Or I am the demons?

Do you really need to finish a book, a movie, a song, a play to fully experience it?

>inb4 food analogy

Yes, for you to properly experience it. Sex with condoms never count, ever.

Narrative is only important as seen through gameplay when it comes to interactive medium. Nice argument about pacing, but very few games deal with that well and they usually get finished.

Interactive visual medium.

Where did I mention plot in my post? I meant the game might introduce late game mechanics, They might make the game better or worse depending.

The final boss fight and ending in Bioshock, cast a light on the rest of the game and the meaninglessness of the morality system which only hinges on whether you let a single sister die.

You can't replay the game the same way, because if you kill one you get the crappy 15 second ending.

Being forced to do something in a different way is actually not a bad quality for a game, but since the variation in consequence is so small in Bioshock, that means if you want the good end, you now see the lack of choice for what it is.

You can't fully experience Mass Effect 3 without finishing it, but do you truly want to?

are you high?

Excuse you, if you killed TWO little sisters.

First one doesn't count.

If you to "fully" experience it, odds are you have to do each and every thing available in the game. Going by the definition of full. It depends on how you interpret a full experience.

Yup. Sometimes you need to finish it multiple times on different difficulties/quest choices/gameplay styles ( i.e mage,warrior... ) as well.

atari games

Hermione Granger

You can argue that you can get a perfectly good idea of what a game is about without finishing it, but to say "fully" absolutely implies going through with the entire thing and finishing it.

If we're talking a game where there is a story, then surely completing the story is different from completing all of the fetch quests, unless the fetch quests directly tie into elements of the story or change the gameplay significantly. If it's just that completing X quests gives you an achievement or more XP then no, they're not necessary to fully experience the game.

What happened to her career? Can't name any of her movies after HP series except that one shitty teen drama where that gif came from.

>fully experience it
yes that's pretty much the meaning of finishing something
to experience it fully

Yes. If you are not gonna finish a game whats the point of playing it

>tfw had great relationship since I was 14 for 8 years, 6 of those spent having active sex
>tfw life drove us apart
>tfw over the depression stage
>tfw despite being over the depression feel apathetic towards dating and relationships, lived a full life feeling
>tfw 23 and don't know what to do with myself

Should I get back into dating. I want to have a family really bad and I'm afraid that if I wait till I finish my education that I'll lose my chance of finding a cute young girl to wife.

She's moved into activism. I don't know how much she made from the HP films but I would imagine it affords her a ton of breathing room if not setting her up for life.

Yes. Most gameplay elements aren't pushed to their full potential until late in the game.

As for multiplayer games, you could probably get the gist of the gameplay within a few rounds, but you'll never get a good idea for the level of depth from anyone but the community after a few months.

She's not going to stay a young girl, you know. If you're just looking for that element then dating or Tinder is more your ticket.

>30 and never dated
>no fucks given, love imaginary gf instead when I feel like sharing feelings somehow

Life is as hard as you want to make it

nigga look in a mirror.

>imaginary gf
I don't think you give as few fucks as you think.

The reason I want to get with a young girl is because I want to have children before I'm 30 and before my partner is in her late 20's, both for the health of the children and because I want to have multiple children a few years apart.

It has less to do with my personal preferences than with my family goals.

get out normalfag

Not my fault that you never asked her out when you had the chance, user.

>her face when shes getting BLACKED at this very moment


Doubt it, she was a much more aggressive racist than I am.

>date few girls here and there
>last year aptitude have been , fuck off to any drama bullshit (which its 100% of the time)

I've been single since I was 20, and I'm 26 now.
I came to the conclusion I'll stay single forever, unless magically the one finds me.
I don't get chasing for dates.
What sucks is I was in shape back then and went to the gym, but now I'm a fat fuck who drinks every day.
Fuck dating.

I know what you mean. I see it from the side all the time, part of the reason I'm hesitant to get back into dating.

I don't know who you're talking about

Why are people making these comments? What's with all the cuck and blacked posts? Are they made by black people trying to piss white people off? Are they made by anti white male people to further their ES JAY DOUBLEUU agenda?

I think it's disgusting to see black men with white girls. It's not exactly fair trade seeing as most black girls are either dumb, or fat, or both, let alone having well adjusted manners in western society.

inb4 gb2/pol/. I think I walk a fine line in between racism and acceptance.

>why are people making these comments
>these comments that will piss people off
>why on Sup Forums would people make comments
>that are designed to piss people off
>why would they do that

It's not just on Sup Forums. All over the internet about a year ago there was a sudden rise in cuck and blacked related pictures, posts, and comments. I really felt it was some sort of activist agenda.

yeah, why?

I need to finish Emma to fully experience her.

It's funny cause in real life the amount of women that actually date black men is fairly low, sure you see the screencaps of white women getting tricked into having nigger babies and then getting dumped, but those were lost causes and a tiny, tiny minority.

What's even more ironic is that medical studies show that white men have larger penises than black men yet people keep spamming the BBC meme.

Would you lick Emma Watson's pretty feet?

I like feet but these ones look gross

What's gross about them? I think they're pretty.

Yes, but only because I assume it would lead to me inserting my hardon inside of her waiting crevice.

And that medical studies indicate that penetration is secondary to clitoral stimulation when it comes to sexual pleasure for women but it's still always about the dicks.

To FULLY experience it, yes, you should experience what it has to offer. You don't need to fully experience something to form an opinion on it, though.


Depends on the game really.

>What's even more ironic is that medical studies show that white men have larger penises than black men yet people keep spamming the BBC meme.

What's ironic is that white dudes having scientifically bigger dicks on average does fuckall for the fact that I have a tiny penis.

Fuck statistics, and fuck you. I'm gonna go jackoff using only my thumb and index finger.

A lot of times the ending of the game is the worst part.
Either because the story goes full retard, or you have to fight some pain the ass multi-stage boss and his annoying minions.
It's rare to beat a game and enjoy it's ending.

>Do you really need to finish a game to fully experience it?
>Fully experience it

Yes. If you'd have asked if you needed to finish a game to enjoy it, then that would have been another question entirely. What you asked has an objective answer.

Be sure to stick your pinky out for classy jacking.


Unless it's a VN with zero gameplay or Telltale after they gave up on puzzles, yes.

Become a top tier trap then. Although I don't condone degeneracy like that, it's not like you'll get the self esteem needed to get a gf anyway.

Dick sizes doesn't really matter as long as you're not sub 14cm erect.

>But most of video games give you complete gameplay straight away
no, they don't. pretty much every game has a progression of some sort, the kind in which all mechanics are available to the player from the start isn't common.

I went a little retarded, disregard this.

That's because women like the novelty of having a man with a big dick. Much like watches. There's almost no need for them anymore now that people have smartphones, some people still like to wear them as an accessory.

You could check the definition of "fully" you inane fuck.

I don't know, my cock curves upwards so I can slam the gspot with it fairly well if I can angle my pelvis just right.

Sucks a bit though, because that means I don't really touch it during doggy style unless I have one of those porn star style soft erections, which is pretty rare for me.

If I'm eating a large meal: steak, potatoes, brussel sprouts, etc, but I get full 80% done, am I not in a position to judge the meal? Have I not truly experienced it just because I didn't clean my plate?

>tfw 21 years old kissless virgin
Only nine more years until I unlock my magical abilities.

>Food analogies
Merrifat pls

False comparison.

The meal is the same the whole way through, however a game's content may change during it's full duration, especially near the end.
It's still not too late senpai, unless you're fat and have literally no willpower, i.e. a weeb.

Considering you haven't had the dessert, yeah.

This is because Sup Forums has been a "mainstream" site for years, retards come and make stupid baby jokes about racism and shit becvause that's what they read Sup Forums was about on knowyourmeme, then a nu maymay is formed and spread on the internet by said retards in a n effort to be "original" and "cool" on the other shitholes they frecuent.

Take a look at FB, is meme central.


Example 1: The best part of Mass Effect 1 was the last act.(assault on citadel)

Example 2: The best part of Metal Gear Solid 2 was the last act.(Arsenal Gear)

>watch movie
>enjoying it
>have to leave during the last 15 mins
>good movie though
>talk about it with others have seen that movie
>they all think it's shit
>tell them why I think it's a good movie
>they ask me what I thought of the ending
>mention how I had to leave during
>everyone walks away from me in disgust

I wish that's how real life worked.

I yearn for a world in which everyone is as elitist as old Sup Forums.

What is Insidious, Alex?

Wanted to say this but it was said already.


All modern games are just theme parks so you quit when gimmicks finally get boring


What the fuck has happened to this board?

Final Boss fights as well as post game content are of huge importance, you fucking mongaloid

I see you're one of those spergs for whom 100 percent retard scaling has been 'invented'

>gotta pick all 200 rabbit feathers so i can fully experience the game!

>he plays collect-a-thons
get some fucking taste nigger, I should have specifically referenced Super Bosses so retards like you would understand


Listen, retard, you think you're all high and mighty because it's true that the bosses often showcase mechanics not previously seen

However the games themselves are often aware of how little importance most of the 'experience' is so they just give you boss rushes.

>playing a game with boss rushes
again, shit taste, and your opinion is dismissed

>La-Mulana is a shit game

but the point is in design choice, not the type of the game. game provides you atmosphere given through interaction and that's far greater feat than fucking plot twists taken from traditional media (poorly)

The thing about gameplay is that while it should change and develop as you progress, generally speaking if it's about hitting guys with a sword at the beginning it'll probably be about hitting guys with a sword at the end. So you could theoretically have a well-enough informed opinion on the gameplay by just playing a few hours.

If story is considered important though, you need to finish.

>file deleted
What was it?