If I want to get into Legion should I start playing WoW right now so I'm prepared for it when it comes out?

If I want to get into Legion should I start playing WoW right now so I'm prepared for it when it comes out?

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Depends, everything is gonna be turnt tits up before Xpac pre-patch so you could just wait


yes, buy everything or you can't fully experience the grandeur. poorfags need not apply.


You will not be prepared for that shit. Save yourself some money.

Oh my god whats wrong with Sylvanas? I thought elves were supposed to be hot.


Age catches up with them

her body got pretty fucked up by Arthas you retards

There's no need to be prepared.

Launch day is fucking atrocious in every expansion, and WoD's was the worst one yet. I doubt Blizzard learned from this bullshit last time. Here's a better idea, don't play the next expansion at all.

shes a zombie, generally zombies arent all that hot

>shes a zombie

for now


WoW really needs to die off

>They will never use Sylvanas' old voice again

Fuck the new one. Goes horrible with that model update.


Start WoW when they introduce Legacy servers.
If they dont, dont start WoW its shit.

This is an undead elf.

>when they introduce legacy servers
oh user, oh dear sweet user

As good as the expansion might be, it's unlikely that they'll release patches in a timely matter after launch, if it all. Don't let Blizzard meme you.

>not wanting to fuck an undead David Bowie elf lookalike
Found the fag.

But all the Overwatch money means that they can make WoW great again!

Read 2nd sentence.

WoW money doesn't even go to WoW.

How many raid tiers are there? WoD was such a massive dissapointment I'm surprised people are even hyped for this shit

Main interest
>muh legion plot
>muh demon hunter
I was gone for all of WoD but came back when i heard about this new expansion

Why don't you think they'll happen user?

I might play again just because my friends are still playing. All we really do is PvP anyways.

You should start now with WoD so you can realize how shit WoW is while spending less money