Kingdom Hearts

Why do people prefer Roxas over Sora?

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Because Roxas isn't a bitch


Sora became an absolute retard in DDD.

He sort of has character development and also what said

Ventus was though

Blond hair blue eyes.

Ventus just wanted to make friends and see the world. He didn't really want to fight unless he was helping someone. That and he was forced to face Vanitas or he (Vanitas) would kill Terra and Aqua

Tell me why you don't think it's the case, OP,

What, Roxas is a complete bitch.

Well he had something to bitch about

Honestly it's because with Sora X Kairi, there's like zero romantic development between them. It feels largely implied that they just like each other for no reason at all.

That's why Sora x Nomine made Sora look better. Because as he was losing his memories, he grew attached to this girl who he held as his one and true memory. Even though it was false, it still helped him out.

Then enter Roxas x Xion. They were perfect together. They grew up together, grew close together, and began to rely on each other. It was absolutely perfectly handled, and Roxas was given a real reason to fight.
He was like a Sora, but better in every way. Also, it got rid of fucking Donald and Goofy, the absolute worst characters in kingdom heart.

Roxas has an arc, and his home is infinitely more comfy than sora's


>Character development
>Not a fucking retard
>Not a happy go lucky jackass that trusts every single body he meets
>Better written character

Why do people still like this shit

cause its fun fuck you

Playing through that long tutorial made me wanna throw myself off a clocktower too.


Never have played a KH hearts game before.
Not into Disney, but don't hate it...
Should I try and where do I start?

Start with Kingdom Hearts 1 and play them in release order until you reach 3D.

Okay, I have a ps3 btw

Roxas is not infallible. Sora has plot armor up the ass.

then you start with 1.5 then 2.5

I better enjoy these games or I'm kicking your nerd ass lol

If people like Xion that's fine but I think she fucked up Days.

If you want to learn the story in chronological order, play birth by sleep first. If not follow advice

Don't hurt me man!

you're gonna cringe a lot

just telling you now so i don't see a thread up later about how much you're cringing and that nobody told you


I want kh3 to be good so bad but i'm really afraid osaka team is going to fuck it up.

Kh 1 and bbs are pretty cringe free

2 though..

please don't fuck up lea's gameplay square.

He's just more relatable than Sora

I am playing KH2, I just finished Pirates of the Caribbean world. I suddenly realized, I have no idea why I am doing anything.

The keyblade seems to be sending to a random world to do random shit over and over.

Because he was the first character to actually get sick of people's bullshit and demand an explanation for a change.

I'm playing through KH1 for the first time and Sora seems pretty normal. Naturally confused and a little frustrated at the start. I guess years of no school resulted in the dumbass we got in 3D. He went full shounen.

Roxas is pretty much screaming "what the fuck is going on?!?"
The players are wondering the same thing.

This. Why didn't they just fucking tell what was going on? Frustrated the hell out of me the first time.

Didn't you listen to Yen Sid?

Daily reminder Xion is nothing but a puppet with no emotions and no individualism, she has no soul, no heart, therefore she cant be someone, not even a nobody.

Move along now but remember, Roxas made a friendship with a ''robot'' the game wants us to feel empathy and give Xion meaning but she is still a puppet.

Yes. So there is no major mission like like closing the keyholes?

I am just jumping between worlds trying to kill every trace of heartless and nobody?


Because he's more relatable than Sora. Sora just goes around trusting ANY FUCKING BODY. And he's too fucking forgiving. Neku sold him out in Dream Drop Distance and put him in harms way and Sora is like "meh whatever we're friends!" He's not even slightly upset.

Roxas wants answers. He wants to know people's intentions and wants to know what the fuck is going on around him. He also just wants to live a normal, happy life with his friends but bad shit just keeps on happening to him and it's not even his fault. He's a more interesting character than Sora will ever be

Roxas isn't as one dimensional as Sora is. I like Sora as much as the next guy but they could've either allowed someone else to be the MC or not put so much significance on him like he's the Jesus of the KH Universe. There are far more interesting characters who could use more screen time and development than him. It's been like 3 games with Sora and he hasn't really matured aside from fantasizing about banging Kairi.

At this point he's just going to be an overglorified Ash Ketchem that the series can't shake loose without creating spinoffs or ending the series. Even Donald and Goofy could use a break at some point.

He was fine in KH1 and KH COM
But now he's just your typical "goku" like character after KH2
>Le goofy guy XD
>Muh friendship
>Le chosen hero who saves everybody
Roxas felt more human that's why people tend to relate to him more

I was talking about Sora btw

It will make sense why there are so many heartless attacks that need to be stopped halfway through the game


You're opening pathways between worlds and trying to figure out what the Organization are up to, but as you keep going things will make more sense.

>Riku gets amazing character development
>Roxas gets amazing character development
>Axel/Lea gets amazing character development
>Xigbar/Braig gets amazing character development

>Sora, the main protagonist of the fucking series, gets no fucking character development and gets dumber as the series progress

This is Shonen bullshit (the main characters gets no development but everybody else does) written all over it. It's like DBZ for example. Goku gets zero character development and gets more dumber as the series progresses but characters like Vegeta, Piccolo and Gohan get so much development.

Nomura better give Sora some fucking character development in KH 3.

Well Sora isn't supposed to be the MC

They give him development but they do it wrong.
As you said, there are great examples of character development like Riku, Roxas etc Whereas Sora got his development in 1 and in COM (where it was great imo) but when 2 came around.. he got pretty generic and ''I got dis guys :DD'' altought there were sometimes were we could see his concern and his maturity (even though he isnt mature at all).
They shat the bed in DDD where they made him look like a dumbfuck and a pussy.

Roxas is cuter than Sora.

>(even though he isnt mature at all).
He's like 15. Dude's still a kid

Yet Roxas is the same age as Sora and miles more mature

To be fair, if you had as much power as Sora did in KH2FM+, would anything even come across as a threat anymore?


You guys think Roxas is returning in KH3?

Goku did get some character development though, it was just subtle.

100% chance he will be

This too

Unlike Sora Roxas was brought into an organization where he had to take orders and go on missions. Then after a few months of Roxas's one year life things started going to shit

I only said that because the Keyblade was supposed to be for Riku in KH1 but it went to sora because Riku got taken by darkness.

How about I show you what real hurt feels like!

Not every 15yo is childish, specially with so much at stake like Sora.

Better character development and better voice acting

Even being a data version of Roxas is suffering

What development Goku got in Z or are you referring to Super? (Haven't been keeping up with Super)

Goku from Saiyan Saga is the same Goku at the end of Z. A happy go lucky, naive idiot who loves to fight. Meanwhile, Vegeta got all the sweet character development. Starting out a vicious alien hellbent on genocide and obsessed with beating Goku to a family man who loves Earth and accepted that Goku is better than him

Sora in CM was best sora. He actually grew a bit but the LOL HE FORGOT ALL ABOUT IT same with data sora too

Goku has no development in Super and Vegeta had a little of his character development thrown down the drain

>That entire fight once you reach floor 15 in the Hollow Bastion system sector.
>He turns yellow and will not get off your ass.
>Then he turns giant green and uses Faith pillars that hit an eighth of the battlefield like sixteen times.
Even if you have Judgement Triads yellow gave me almost no time to use them at all.

I kinda glossed over CM because he forgot everything anyways.

>Jesse Mcartney's delivery of that line

He's easily in the top 3 best voice actors in the series. In the same league as Leonard Nimoy and Billy Zane

>He didn't watch DB
He started out as a bit of a brat in the very beginning of the series but grew nicer.
Also, he used to kill the vast majority of the people he fought. It wasn't until he came back from kami's training that he started showing mercy to enemies.
Then there's Z where super saiyan used to influence his emotions and decision making, which he didn't really get fixed until training in the hyperbolic time chamber.
Again, it's subtle, but it's there.

I went through the entire game at Critical difficulty, but I had to lower it for just that because I just couldn't.

I got goose pinoles just looking at that image. Brb I'm going watch that scene on youtube

But he has the worst "love interest" in Xion which is a literary black hole. Should've stuck with Namine.

I love how almost all the VAs of the main characters just love their roles or are happy to come back to them.
>Mccartney spoiled 1.5's release early or something and was excited to be voicing Roxas again.
>David Gallagher loves returning for Riku
I know I'm forgetting something about him too, I remember he said something about Riku.
>HJO's eyes sparkled when someone asked him about Kingdom Hearts in an interview.

I went through the entire thing on Critical and decided my first try of the HB system sector would be with the 4% HP cheat because why not?
Died on floor 13 because I wasn't paying attention. Proceeded to beat the next two floors no problems.
Shadows were harder than Roxas to me somehow. Shadows.

You mean Neo Shadows right?

No. These things. One hit me from behind and then the one I was about to kill immediately hit me in the front and killed me. I don't think I've ever been angrier at a KH game.

The VAs love coming back because deep down they know they're voicing the best Disney characters made by Japanese men

I'm not even sure how that's possible.

Yeah, but look at Sora's life before shit hit the fan in KH1. No responsibilities, no enemies, island paradise, just played with his friends all day and then went home to his (presumably nice) parents.

It takes someone longer to grow up when their life never forces them to.

Personally, I like both characters for different reasons. Roxas is more relatable. Sora is an ideal. Roxas is like who we are, and Sora is like who we aspire to be. (Note I never played DDD or BBS, I'm going by KH, KH2, CoM cutscenes and Days).

I think it's the fact that he had a lot more character development shown and ironically it makes him appear more human than Sora.

Is that supposed to kairi's battle stance in kh 3?

It still works that way in later games.

One more thing to add, I make so many people upset/confused when they ask me who my favorite Disney villain is and I reply with Xehanort.

Because that's a retarded answer

probably because they arent used to dealing with autists

How so? All original characters in KH are owned by Disney. They even have sora in Disney world when a new game comes out

I really want sora to change his battle stance

I hope not

Well you aren't wrong

Normies dont know Kingdom Hearts

are you being ironic? please say yes.

Same. It was okay when sora was just a little kid, and the keyblade was assumed to be heavy, but that stance isn't believable at all when we see sora use it to chop up buildings.

He just wanted to chill out and have a good summer with his friends. But it turned out his life was a more fucked up version of the Truman show. Also TWO KEYBLADES.

Name an objectively better Disney villain than xehanort

Believe me, I didn't believe it either. They spawn behind you and since one shot from them knocks you down to 1 HP the next one that hit me instantly killed me before I could do anything. Low HP stuff is terrifying at times, especially when around Invisibles, but this was just depressing.

Normies love KH. The fuck are you talking about? It was their first action RPG and they love Disney

The only reason I want him to change it is because of the fact that him, Roxas, and Xion have the same stance but with the keyblade at different angles.

fug, didn't even notice. b-but they're all the same person! muh symbolism!