What games let me create the ugliest characters?
What games let me create the ugliest characters?
saints row 2
Mirror's edge : real life edition
Elijah Wood really let himself go, OP.
Man what the fuck is going on with his face
Funny you mention Elijah since he too has drunk the kool-aid.
Happens when your parents are siblings.
And uncle and niece.
What did he do?
This triggers me
how is that even a question
I know some games let you put your face on a character.
This #triggers me more than baiting for likes on normiebook by making obvious political stances ever could
Why do all these nu males wear beanies? They never look good in any circumstance
You can smell that fag from a mile away, how could you have such sheep as friend?
I think its because "groups"
Or really this guy is... whatever its called and his sissy ass get offended by the most mundane shit like a priest.
Holy shit what you have created here.
And the biggest issue is that this "humans" dont have enough will to do anything.
To answer your question OP, oblivion, i never saw an ugly motherfucker worse than the characters in that game, they are like.. from another world.
While this guy seems to be a bit of a nonce, I honestly I wouldn't want a friend who's any of those things either. I don't have time for such insecure petty shit in real life.
That's quite the nose...
>the right wing guy in your group of friends who always brings up trump or sjws and says shitlord ironically even though no one was talking about politics
No one cares, you're a sperg and everyone thinks you're annoying.
Wait a minute, that nose...
>I can't handle people with different opinions than myself
Talk about insecure
they probably didn't even say or do anything but instead were guilty of microaggressions or something
>Niggers steal. It's a sad fact. If you're in a Wal-Mart, you do need to be aware that, as a nigger, you *are* a potential thief. Don't chimp out.
Guess I won't be getting in an elevator any time soon then
I found the resemblance
I guess Pinocchio did become a real boy. Shame he never stopped lying.
how could you rape someone in an elevator? the doors are only closed for 30 seconds, max
>you will never be this ugly
why are beta cucks so ugly?
>the liberal guy that's even worse
The only thing worse than watching those two bickering with each other every morning is seeing what happens when they both get drunk together.
as a man you should know that the urge to rape comes really quickly and only takes seconds
There's a distinct difference between an opinion and something objectively wrong like hating an entire group of people for some arbitrary petty reasoning.
these guys would probably be slightly less ugly if they weren't making those expressions
>30 seconds
I'm sure you've lasted shorter
It's the current hipster trend. It's gonne be over again in a couple of months.
Thanks m8 gonna start using this whenever that bait image pops up
>treating some clickbait faggot as your king
why are these cucks so autistic?
>Sup Forumstard neo-conservatives will never understand why it doesn't work this way
>having a friend is handling people
If I bump into some random cunt at a bar who starts crying about niggers, I can handle it just fine.
But why should I give up my free time to hang out with edgetards?
of course, but there's the time it takes to rip her clothes off and I'd have to take at least 20 seconds thinking about Chinese cartoons in order to get hard
What does constitute as racism/homophobia/transphobia/sexism to this faggot?
Reddit. Or Sup Forums. Almost impossible to differentiate the two these days.
>you will never be a nu-male cuck