If fallout modders are so great, why can't i play new vegas and fallout 3 in fallout 4

If fallout modders are so great, why can't i play new vegas and fallout 3 in fallout 4.

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Huh, The engine is the same.

The only thing they've done is update it, You've got a point user.

Tale of Three Wastelands when?

what about oblivion, skyrim? a tale of five wastelands

Skyrim has a different engine, it doesn't even have any of the base content or scripts that fallout has.

Literally the one thing it has is a pitboy and that's it.

The TTW guys are working on porting Oblivion into Skyrim.

and vats

>Skyrim has a different engine, it doesn't even have any of the base content or scripts that fallout has.


godam, I hate the games but the music hits me in the feels

Why would you want to, I've been playing TTW for a few months and yesterday I realised that 3 was just shit and I'd rather have just nv so I uninstalled it all and went back to just NV, I imagine the same thing would happen with 4 except it would be 4 getting uninstalled.

my thoughts from the get go, why would you even want to play fo3

4's enemies offer a bit more than what 3/NV's can due to unique monster abilities.

This is literally the only thing Fallout 4 has going for it.

>That feel when Skywind will be released in 2025 just in time for TES VII

Literally just porting everything in a single go and not making new models, Yup.

They had one job.

I just don't understand the point when Morrowind itself can be made to look really nice with graphics overhauls

When is the GECK coming out for f4?

They will eventually find a way, because modders have literally ported over fallout 3 to NV and vice versa before

They've been using the same engine for over a decade now.

It may look better with every new title and have a different name but it's STILL THE SAME SHIT

Because OpenMW is taking forever.

jesus christ, just use morrowind music

much more evoking

It's been 99% playable for a year

what's the 1%?

>This is literally the only thing Fallout 4 has going for it.
>not power armour
it's shocking how much better it is

the fun part

and how much the game suffers for it

oversized pipe guns all day every day

I'm saying it's pretty much the only thing they got right, the feel of using pa is great compared to the fo3/nv. It's a diamond in a pile of shit though

how can and why do people still get hyped for shit like this?

That would take a fucklong time to make, OP. Hell, the Morrowind-Skyrim overhaul isn't anywhere near done either.

Just stick with NV (or 3, if that's your thing) and enjoy all the mods compatible specifically for it.

>ballistic fist to adoring fan's face

Same reason you can't just copy paste games made on the quake engine to unreal 4

I think the real question is, why are you even playing Fallout 4?

Anyway, though it is the same engine, Fallout 4 uses a different lighting/rendering model (Physically Based Rendering), so EVERY asset from the previous games would have to be re-worked in order to look halfway decent. So, add that on top of all the scripting work required to get the wastelands to communicate with each other, and you end up with a massive pile of annoyance that pretty much no modder wants to deal with.

Just wait for Obsidian to make another Fallout game, but with the FO4 version of the engine. That's pretty much what everyone who was disappointed with FO4 wants anyway.

Is there a list of good NV mods?
Like Skyrim has the entire guide on tesgeneral.com/
Anything comparable for NV?

>why are you even playing Fallout 4?
waiting for mods probably.
Only reason why I keep Skyrim on HDD, is so I can check new version of Skywind. I sort of hope it won't suck, even though I know plenty of mechanics won't work, because they were cut from engine.

The Dev tools aren't out yet, when they put out the G.E.C.K. (dev tools) to the public mods will be a lot easier to make

I thought F4 geck came out already?
and no, geck is a mod tool, not dev tool

>I think the real question is, why are you even playing Fallout 4?

Far Harbor has been pretty good, and I like trying out different builds. Currently doing a child of atom build.

>The engine is the same

For Fallout 3 and NV, yeah. Fallout 4 is a current generation AAA game.

Seeing that horse animation again for the first time in ages made me think.

What is it about bethesda that lets them get away with winning GOTY and getting all of the acclaim they get when their games are made up of crap? Each individual thing in Oblivion and Skyrim and Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are crap. The animations, the movement, the models, the textures, the sounds, the voice acting, the writing, the dialogue, the quests (for the most part) and they just throw all that shit into a pot, release it and everyone goes mental for it.

They're the flagship developer for quantity over quality and it weirds me out that they keep getting away with it.

This, I hate most of Skyrim's gameplay
If you could have Cyrodill, Skyrim and the Tamriel Rebuilt version of Morrowind it would be the perfect elder scrolls game

>Fallout 3 isn't oblivion
>has the fucking horse commands left from oblivion

>Fallout4 isn't skyrim
>Foods in Fallout4 are recognized by game engine as "alchemy" objects

How bad does Tales of Two Wastelands run with mods installed?
The games already run poorly by themselves, so I cant see it worked better when fused.

/fog/'s pastebin seems decent.

It's just the two games joined by a doorway, it doesn't render them all as one massive area. It should run the same as however the games run for you normally.

I really need a no pirated copy of NV and 3 for TTW?


No they just say that to cover their asses.
I pirated FO3 because I lost my disc and it worked fine.

This is still quite decent, albeit due to its age its missing some good ones. pastebin.com/wVAqLvCD


>inb4: but why?
Because it still does horrible save bloat. The enemy encounters are just (inser enemy) x15, the locations are boring hallways with rooms full of enemies and the "bosses" are bullet sponge regular joes with new skin (usually not even that)

AWOP works fine for me. Only noticable issue is perfomance and stability going to shit in Tech Raider areas.
It introduced what FNV was lacking: free hunt areas, where you can take breather from quests and just kill things and grab loot.

The mod that I'm really hoping gets made for FO4 is one that fixes all the guns(replaces pipe guns with stens, and combat rifles with M14s, etc.) and makes them right handed. This shit drives me insane. IMO the game is near perfect except for Bethesda's retarded gun designs.

That will be one of the mods that will most definetely be done. Right now Modders need to agree on a stantardized system for armor and weapon addons. Without it there wil lbe shitlaods of conflicts.

I think Witcher 3 winning GOTY almost universally was the kick in the pants they need.

I mean, they have no reason to do more than what they're doing since they're making billions, but it'd be nice to be respected as artists/designers while making those billions.

Yeah, presses stopped posting anything fallout related month after it was released. Withcer still gets press time and great reviews on DLC

As a developer myself, I'd hate to put all that passion and time into something and have it get dropped within a month outside of expansions and the survival update and modding.

They're going to get a TON of negative press from pic related (fucking LOL read it)

"Money talks" but they can make money while impressing people with their tech, so why not do both?

They literally own ID Software, they could say "make us a game engine that supports massive open world RPGs and native modding support"

I can already see the golden age of Morrowind modding return where people made mods that did subtle changes that would ruin your game completely

I dont even like using mods, but that's hilarious.

So games journalism is good when its talking about a game you like? I thought we didn't care what gives journalism talked about.

He's not saying it's good. He's stating a fact that Fallout 4 is less relevant than The Witcher 3 when it comes to critical acclaim and coverage which leads to sales.

We already had fallout 4 modded into NV before 4 was released.

Who gives a shit.

With the journalism I meant that Bethesda wont like that their flagship game is forgotten 3 months after launch. They definetely have someone there getting fat stack of cash from thinking the obvious: what went wrong?

Oh wow. I can smell the tears when something must have is released

The difference between FO4 and W3's metacritic score is only 5 yet FO4 sold over twice as much so I dont think that's very important though. Critical acclaim is useless outside of fanboys

But it wasnt forgotten...?

Yet Fallout 4 wasn't regarded as GOTY by anyone really.

Also, a lot of reviewers should be giving Bethesda's next game a proper thrashing after seeing what CDPR could do with their open world/engine versus Bethesda's

Also keep in mind that Bethesda spend 100-150 million dollars developing Fallout 4. CDPR managed what they did on $15 million.

People talked about Skyrim for ages. Fallout 4 is only relevant when updates/expansions release, meaning less of a lifespan.

Also, I figure people are getting sick of Bethesda's bullshit. Even the critics who rated the game a 9/10 said it felt like a budget game and that Bethesda better get their shit together for next time.


>combat devolves into mashing/holding M1 for five minutes just to kill one bandit

This is why I can't stand Fallout 4 or Skyrim.

man i wish i could buy skyrim right now. i can't seem to find a pirated version anywhere

Just imagine how huge this shitstorm is going to be. I can't fucking wait to see Bethesda shit their pants.

I think FO4's engine would also actually be able to handle an open Freeside/Strip

>Kill Mehrunez Dagon with a mini-nuke

>>Yet Fallout 4 wasn't regarded as GOTY by anyone really.

Actually it won two. One from dice and one from bafta.

>where do I download creation kit for xbox one?

new thread about console mods >

doing Cass' questline, am at the point where I'm supposed to kill Alice McLafferty. Went in to her with Cass in tow and.. nothing happened. I expected to at least have them talk or something, to have some event start. am I just supposed to pop her or is something not happening which should happen? cus I want to talk to Alice about it but there weren't any dialogue options

>Thinking Oblivion has bad quests