Winston needs a buff

>1 dps
>Short range attacks with a fucking tesla gun
>Lucio does more fucking damage
>only positive thing is he has mobility
>If lucio is healing enemy you are fucked because of 1 dps
Worst part is I like Winston as a character and I want to main him as a tank, but sadly he sucks ass.

He really, really doesn't. He's already a beast if you know how to use him well.

>He's already a beast

Well yeah. He's a fucking gorilla for God's sake


Really, I think the only buff he needs is a slightly faster charge to his ult.

>If lucio is healing enemy you are fucked because of 1 dps
You're basically complaining that you can't 1 v 2 as a tank.

You're a fucking idiot.

Double Winston on KOTH is the competitive meta. Overall being the 3rd most used character by "pros."

He destroys Snipers and Genji.

Lucio does not deal more damage unless he's headshotting every shot.

personally I think buffing his shield would be better.
Also does his shield block enemy heals? because it should.

winston is great at dealing with annoying characters like genji and tracer, also good at dealing with snipers

if anything lucio needs a buff cant kill a thing maybe make his push back move have less cooldown, or more health


Just end it.

you had to make another thread did you?

Winston is even better than Junkrat at taking out Symmetra nests

He's very good at disruption and getting behind enemy lines to deal with key threats like Snipers or teleporters.

I think his projectiles need to just travel faster. They feel slow as fuck and you need to lead so much just to hit someone moving at range.

Winston was never made to deal straight damage, he's more or less for crowd control.

Your job as Winston is not to go in and wreck shit, but rather, to go in and make the enemy team scatter. The tesla gun and his ult really help with this.

If you want a tank that who's job it is to go in and wreck shit, play Roadhog or D.Va.

>Play as Winston
>See enemy Mercy
>Jump on her and hold left click
>She's dead within 5 seconds
It's easy.

>Level 30 Winston was getting shit on by a level 6 Widowmaker that was on attack
I blame the fags that compared this game to TF2. All the TF2 fags wanted a new fresh game and got this and thats why there are so many shitters in this game.

fuck getting loot boxes the normal way. i haven't gotten a single legendary drop for 23 levels.

should i buy the 4.99 5 box drop and pray that's enough boxes to get me shit or should i just do the 19.99 one so i have 21 chances at not being a faggot?

something because it sucks to die, cant push for shit I go in and get my ass handed to me so I just run past them, but maybe thats the point

Lucio isn't supposed to push or run in, what are you doing

I've started to use him, but I'm not sure if I'm playing him right. I've been playing him somewhat like Tracer, where you jump behind everyone and focus on supports and snipers instead of people with higher hp. His ult seems like complete garbage though. 1k hp is nice, but borderline useless with zero damage. Roadhog can knockback more effectively with his ult, and it can actually kill people.

Winston has netted me so many wins

>all you have to do is stick to people and the tesla gun auto aims at them

It's literally broken

well he cant heal for shit so... I like to go in and being in there spawn coming out every so often and messing things up, then leave just as fast as I came

Why does his shield have a literal 15 second cooldown when Rein's shield blocks more damage and regens much, much faster?

Once you're level 100 you start gaining prestige levels that accumulate much faster. Basically that's when you start getting all the shit.

But if you don't wanna wait, buy a box. No one cares.

I think you need to pick a different character.

Lucio's heal is great. It's slow, but the idea is to be mobile and stick with your team. You heal everyone for fuck's sake, and you can use the healing boost.

His ult isn't to get kills, its to distract/fuck up the enemy team's coordination/cause chaos, leading to your allies killing them or taking the objective. It also instantly heals him to full so i like to use it when I'm at 100~ hp.

Problem with that is his shield isn't meant to be a team shield like Rein's but a personal/small skirmish shield.

Lucio has the best healing ability, though.

But once the timer ends, don't you go back down to the 100 health?

it's not that i think people care, it's that i wanna know if purchasing loot boxes raises the rate of legendary drops/currency at all

Winston is a favourite character of my wife's son. He definetely puts more diversity in the game.

>5 seconds
Are you implying that that is a good, nevermind great time to kill?

Winston is god tier against Mercy, hanzo, and widowmaker.

You can even take out reinhardt easily if you keep your distance

Also what the fucking fuck captcha

You can't 1v1 Lucio either

>that accumulate much faster
that's not true, the only thing that keeps progressing after resetting is the portrait border which changes every 10 levels up to a total of 1890 accumulated levels
everytime you hit level 23 the required exp caps at 22k

roadhog shits on winston

>top tier in actual comp play
Just learn how to actually use him.
He's not there to get kills, you retard. He's there to disrupt teamfights.

Are you retarded? Winston is already really good if you aren't mentally challenged.

Hell, the current meta for high level play in most control maps is running TWO Winstons.

please dont buy a box

I should learn how to play as Winston I don't see him a lot so may be good to learn

Pro use doesn't mean shit when it comes to randoms.

Winston requires his team to move in and take advantage of the chaos he creates. Most randoms play too cautious and will leave Winston hanging while they wonder why there's no Reinhardt to hide behind.

he needs an alt fire, but thats about it.

Tfw I'll have a really decorated portrait but still play like ass

>Most randoms play too cautious and will leave Winston hanging while they wonder why there's no Reinhardt to hide behind.
Every single time I play Reinhardt my team just runs ahead of or around my shield into Bastion fire.

10 seconds is too long to have a weakass shield

there are no teamfights in matchmaking, people just run in 1 by 1 like retards

it'll get better once they all read guides on reddit but right now everyone's fucking retarded

>50 on landing
>50 on punch
>Tesla damage over time that can't be deflected or blocked
He's not that bad m8.

>people just run in 1 by 1 like retards
This is why everybody cries and screams about how "OP" Bastion is.

Winston's is a sphere, stays in one area, and doesn't slow/stop Winston from firing.

>Just want to play Winston
>Every time I do the enemy team immediately counterpicks 2 Reapers and hunts me down
Please god I don't want to play Reinhardt every fucking game.

I've only played him for about 15 minutes but it was a fun 15 minutes, even though I wasn't that good. I can't hit anyone at all with his monkey pound but I can run away. Oh boy am I good at fleeing like the monkey I am.

Has yet to stop me.

Then play Roadhog. He eats Reapers for breakfast

>Reaper as a counter
>Hunting you down when you should be in their faces all day

None of that makes sense.

A full health Reaper will tear a Roahog apart.

Roadhog should've had the hook and traps, like Ghalt from battleborn. That way even high HP characters couldn't escape and every time you get the big TRAPPED display you just turn and hook for even freer kills than before.


He's fine. There are a couple of heroes people whine about needing a buff but they're just shit at them because they need more skill to be played.

>Playing Zenyatta
>Enemy Winston has a brainblast and decides to attack the healer instead of the people hes healing
>Jumps over my team and starts zapping me with his bug zapper
>Hit him in the face with balls until he dies
Maybe it was the armor I picked up that saved me, but I felt really bad for him.

That picture is from a OC comic on Funnyjunk from 2009

>Being in Reapers face
Also Known as being dead

congrats you're an oldfag

>Defending, any map
>Playing symmetra
>Rest of team rushes to sit outside their spawn
>Rest of team dies
>I have to 1v6 on the point
>Lose point before I can even put down a goddamn teleporter






Far too many heroes stack too well in this game. 1 of each hero per team should be max.

>Going furry & cry

I have no idea why people believe that sitting right outside the place that gives them free heals and a short walking distance is the best idea.

>pay money for access to items that are already in a game you've already paid money for
>people actually considering this

What is this. What is happening to video game consumers.

Remember when people were outraged at the mere concept of horse armour DLC? Now we've got people begging to pay money for stuff that isn't even DLC it's ULC since it's already in the fucking game.

Because people don't know what moderation is.

You shouldn't be hugging their spawn, but you also shouldn't be waiting at the point and giving up all of the ground in between for free.

When I played the beta the maps seemed both pointlessly large and small. Due to the respawn times and just the way the matches seemed to play out, all of the fighting would be taking place in one small-ish area. If you died and the rest of your team was still solid, you'd run through a big empty boring space to get back to the fight. If you died and your team got rolled, the other team pushes the front line to a new chokepoint and everyone fights there. Large areas of the map went basically unused.

Does that still happen?

He is great if used properly. But I do agree his Tesla gun could do with a TINY upgrade to damage.

Because it worked really well in TF2

Punch only does 30, but yeah.

A widow mainer who wins 1/4 of the games is considered good? (He has a kd of 9/4 averege)


>Widow main
Kill yourself

Why would a sane person main a fucking sniper
You have to be a fucking retard

>maining Widow
>caring about KD in Overwatch
It is time to consider suicide.

he plays symmetra hahaha. How's it feel being basically a wasted spot?

Thanks I will tell him that

you have some scripts deactivated

Yes you should
Guys like this are fucking cancer

>Jump on a Bastion in turret mode
>He doesnt notice whats hitting him
>I unload my entire ammo on him
>He finally thinks to look up and shoot
>I die in half a second

In the first place I dont think it makes much sense to be able to hit me from that angle, nevermind that he has like 20 times the dps Winston does.

I dont think its 10dps. Seems more like 20-30.

>wasted spot

git gud

I used to think Winston sucked but then someone told me that he's actually played a lot in competitive play so I gave him another shot and realized how to utilize his mobility and advantages.

He's absolutely fucking broken

His attack goes through Reinhardt's shield making him super annoying to deal with. He can completely annihilate squshies like Mercy, Hanzo, Genji, out of mech Dva, etc.

His leap deals damage, lots of people forget this and don't use it properly. You have to land near the enemy, immediately start attacking, only drop your E if you think you need it, get a kill and leap out.

The real magic is that his attack hits any number of targets, so you build your ulti charge really really fast. Your ulti is fucking annoying and wastes people's time. In closed small areas it also gets you free kills.

Also don't forget that when your ult expires, it refreshes your leap cooldown, so you can basically leap twice in quick succession.

The only thing that's really scary for you is McCree and Reaper, so just stay away from them unless they're distracted

only 80 people play Symmetra, sorry

Symmetra can carry a fucking team.

I lost a game on Watchpoint because we couldn't find the damn teleporter and the enemies were coming back too fast for us to do anything.

this tbqh

Who else /prettymuchonlyplaystheirmain/ here? Zarya synergizes super well with offensive heroes and fits into any solo queue team comp for that reason.

You need to stop playing Lucio for the sake of your teammates.

You're a shitter and you don't even realize it.


If I'm on Attack and we got a healer I go Reaper. I love teleport ingredients to the back lines and taking out people that are hindering our movement. I love two shooting people and for some dumb reason most Reinhardts that arecognized guarding don't turn around while I'm shooting in the head.

can we stop this x needs buff/nerf in overwatch. not just the threads but everywhere overall.

the game is balanced perfectly right now. changing a character throws the balance and you end up with shit like destiny where everything just gets nerfed to the point of unplayability.

Winston tesla gun out dps Lucio heal though. It's only beaten if Lucio had his amp it up.

You'll have more fun and more knowledge about the game if you play more Heroes than just one, you'll also be more useful to the team by making more ideal hero combinations. That and perhaps someone wants to play your "main" but you're denying them each game you're with them.

Mei is always the ideal hero combination.

Because Mei is OP and outright uncounterable in close quarters maps.

Mcree is the closest counter there is