Anyone else, walk into Gamestop, and help customers out, Im friends with some of the staff so they really dont care, and I know way more then they do.
Anyone else, walk into Gamestop, and help customers out, Im friends with some of the staff so they really dont care...
I wish I was fucking a thick MILF instead of reading your blogposts.
>walk into Gamestop
>pick out embarassing rhythm game for vita
>qt "gamer" grill checks me out
You time is that worthless, uh?
Better shitposting here in Sup Forums m8
that's pretty vintage OP
its not worthless I actually enjoy it, and help people out, give them facts on companies and help them make informed decisions
I'd hear you out OP as long as your not some sweaty weeb neckbeard.
* you're
do you go up to people and randomly start sperging out about whatever game they're about to buy?
sometimes, depends like if i see someone buying wwe2k16 ill tell them about the history of the wee videogames. how acclaim used to develop them etc... A lot of people appreciate it
>omg what is this neckbeard doing talking me
>i better just play along unless i want to end up in a murder suicide.
no most people are actually cool and appreciate it
I'm sure that's what you keep telling yourself
They're just being polite you fucking autistic sperg. Fuck off, I've had faggots like you walk up to me in stores, no one wants your advice.
like I said its a good time and the employees dont care only person who bitched at me was the district manager
Do you at least charge them for that neet info that you gathered in a neet life?
This is a "troll" post right
Tell that manager to either hire you or kiss your boipucci
no not at all, like I said people actually enjoy conversations about games in a fucking game store. not every if s shut in who cant have a convo
No, this neckbeard actually thinks people like talking to him. In truth, the normies just feel bad and try to indulge it then walk away trying not to gag from the smell. I met a sperg like this, like ten years ago, you know when people still went to game stores.
then why dont you just work here
i dont need a job now, and i like going in on my own time no schedule etc.. i can show up for an hour leave
>Younger sister works at gamestop
>Get discounts on everything
I never go in, I just give her money and tell her to get me something.
>working retail
Is this elliot?
People are being nice, trust me.
Either that or you're literally autistic and can't tell they're not interested
I know an autistic guy that fucking spergs out about everything.
>Go to a shop
>Buying something
>Cute girl behind the counter
>Introduce myself and make some small talk
>Autistic guy sees a model car
>He goes on about the car's history and all kind of other shit
>He's not even buying it, he's just sperging out about it
>She looks visibly bored and is nodding politely
>Have to ask him to stop talking because we 'had to be somewhere'
>She looks relieved
Don't even get me started on him sperging out about vidya to people who don't care.
you sound like a asshole
>plot twist
>OP was the one sperging out
>other guy told OP to stfu and that him and qt needed to be somewhere
>posts on Sup Forums about his encounter and being the white knight.
>no most people are actually cool and appreciate it
I'm sure some people appreciate it but I can tell you from experience that I've humoured people who've forced their opinions on me a number of times. The catch 22 in this situation is that if you're not being well received then you'd never pick up on it because you'd be too much of a sperg to notice.
So you're basically doing it for free?
Sounds to me like he resolved the situation amicably.
So you are one of those annoying faggots who never shut the fuck up whenever I go to fucking GameStop?
if u want to phrase it like that
>introduce myself
I can't even remember the last time I was in a gamestop. Its been years now.