What do you think of Wolfenstein The New Order?

What do you think of Wolfenstein The New Order?

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It's great. Who would've thought Wolfenstein needed a story, of all things.

It shows a perfect world where good guys won.

Glad to see a thread about this game. I think it was pretty awesome. The gameplay was great, so was the environment. What I didn't like were the levels where you only fetch stuff and talk to people. I'm fine with levels like that in general, but there were too many of them.

People complain about the consolization of shooters, but there have been a bunch of really great shooters lately. Still need to play the new Doom though.

A game where the UN cries because the Nazis stole their super weapons of doom and destruction.

Surprisingly good. It's a bit weird near the start where you keep losing and starting with different weapons but it stabilizes.

It seems even normies got tired of the same whack-a-mole braindead shit that generic console shooters are.

the United Nations was in the game?

Could have been a great game, but limited itself with the abysmal weapon selection and variety.

The Old Blood at least improved upon this by making the auto-shotgun and marksman rifle better aesthetically designed, and more satisfying to use.

>Make a lot of high quality art and posters for the game world
>Everything is blurry shit because of the wonders of idTech 5

The engine was its main problem.

It's has nothing new and when you finished it, it is done. Do you know dark messiah? I still play it once in a while through and it is always great fun.

Sucks ass

>Kike magic shits

Just No. Without it, it would be GOTY.

>caring about this some fringe plot shit on a shooter
Sup Forums is that way

Great gameplay, great story, good, but very mixed visuals, horribly optimized thanks to id Tech 5.

I don't know what kind of space wizardry id pulled off with id Tech 6, but it's impressive that I frequently hit 90 FPS in the new DOOM on the highest settings while having higher quality assets and lighting than TNO. Meanwhile, I struggle to stay above 50 FPS in TNO on its max settings.

John Carmack really fucked up with id Tech 5, and whoever replaced him did wonders with id Tech 6.

Carmack is a hack
Id tech 6 is ex crytek guys

they should have written the whole engine from scratch t.bh. fixing id5 would take more time and resource than making a whole new engine i guess.

>no carmack this time

thank god. yeah he was amazing back in the day but he is now a relic of past. people should understand this really. time moves and you have to keep up, if you cant, you should just leave.

It was refreshing to play a game where some limp-wristed faggot on the dev team didn't think "HURRR LETS MAKE IT ANOTHER AMERICA IS DA BAD GUISE GAME." I just wasn't thrilled with the art direction of guns that take up so much space on screen that you're constantly blindsided or have to keep looking slightly down to see what's in front of you.


>ex crytek guys

I'm surprised then. Cryengine has always been a horribly optimized mess of an engine, despite its damn good visuals.

I can only imagine how much my performance on DOOM is going to improve when they actually implement the Vulkan API for it. Right now, it's just straight OpenGL, and it runs almost way too well for the quality of visuals I'm getting.

No it wasn't. Crysis 1 engine runs fine on good hardware. Turn down the settings and it runs well. Retards were expecting crysis Max graphics on shit mid range hardware at the time.

>I can only imagine how much my performance on DOOM is going to improve when they actually implement the Vulkan API for it
Vulkan is slower than OpenGL

doesn't D44m run like crap on mid tier hardware though?

I don't know why, but I thought your image was from Wolf Team

It wasn't very good. Story was unoriginal, characters were bland, and the ending was incredibly disappointing. The gameplay was alright though.

i agree with . people were expecting to play crysis maxed on very old hardware but of course it wasnt possible. But you could still play it on low settings etc.

also crysis 1 engine was really good in many aspects, physics etc. there are shit loads of videos showcasing this on youtube. it also allowed a nice 3rd person view as well. Crysis had so much potential but now its all gone. such a shame.

Boring shit with bullet sponge enemies


its very bad with amd cars as far as i know but nvidia are doing fine.


who uses amd for gaming rigs?

>Vulkan is slower than OpenGL

Not really, no. If anything, having more low level access to the hardware would actually result in potential performance gains rather than losses.

Even then, it probably wouldn't be too much better than it is currently. People are getting way too hyped over DX12 and Vulkan thinking it will result in massive performance gains, but in reality, you may just get an extra 5-10 FPS at best.

>the sparsely found heavily armored enemies don't die in two hits? woooooooooooooow

>play through entire game on uber first try
>want to kill myself fighting the final boss, takes 2 hours to beat
Other than that, amazing game would play again.

Not the greatest game but sure as fuck better than Doom 4.

I actually got back into it recently and been having a good bit of fun so far. Will definitely finish.

Overrated average shooter. It's fun but not great.

Allright game, severely held back by being desigend for consoles.
Shitty pacing with forced "story exposure" where you also lose all your weapons.
Also the story is fucking shit, jewish space technology? Fucking Swedcucks.

This. The game was easy as fuck on the hardest difficulty. Then the final boss just rapes your ass and is bs. Nice balance.

Didn't finish it

idk. but doom has a pretty good engine. 50ish fps with 750ti is pretty good imo, if you have a better cpu it gets even higher. doom has pretty impressive engine. Hopefully they will use/improve it more.

check this out as well.


It was, but a couple of driver updates later, and AMD is pretty much on par with NVIDIA now.

It was more a fault with AMD than it was with id.

There's like 10 of those guys in the entire game.

I was surprised I ended up liking it.

Annoying characters, BJ is an annoying faggot too, no one cares about muh Anya, too many fucking cutscenes, too many boring hub missions, story is shit, who cares about nazi concrete for Christ's sake. Glad DOOM finally gave us a proper old school shooter t b h, I was so disappointed with TNO.

I really enjoyed it, mainly because of the story though
Like, it wasn't amazing, but I liked the characters and it had a great balance of serious and not too serious

Fucking amazing. This game, even though they were different developers, made me excited for Doom 4 (or Doom, as it was) again.

I hope another one gets made with id Tech 6, it would be amazing to see what Machinegames could do with it.

I just finished the new DOOM and I immediately started re-installing New Order because after finishing DOOM I came to the conclusion that New Order is the better game.

i dont use amd so i wouldnt know really. but i thought (and some people were claiming as well) it was more of an issue on id's part. i guess i was wrong.

hey look its the reason i stopped playing this fucking terrible game

bullet sponge hitscan enemies do not belong in old school shooters, thanks

that and this game loves to shove its shitty edgy story in your face every ten seconds so you can barely get into shooting things before it stops you for the 20th time anyways

waaay too many scripted sequences and a story that tries too hard to be dark while awkwardly trying to be funny. it's like a tarantino movie but written by actual retards.

fuck this game and fuck you.

What is so flawed about the new Doom, why is Wolfenstein so much better?

It was a really solid game. Maybe because they borrowed so much from Half Life 2 but still I had a ton of fun with it. All the shootan felt really good and I loved the cover mechanic when I thought I would hate it. Sad there wasn't a multiplayer mode in a 2014 game

Nothing, I love DOOM as a new Doom game. I simply came to the conclusion that I consider TNO to be a better game on a personal level.

>slow as fuck
>gay as fuck story muh polish waifu muh inner monolgue
>jewish magic hidden at the bottom of the sea is the reason the nazis won
>gimmicky mech level
>gimmicky submarine level
>boring as fuck weapons

and so on

I don't understand the hype. I felt only slightly lesser regret even at 25€ than I had after finishing Bioshock Infinite.

The only thing the game had going for itself was the nazi and enemy designs.

They are like sjws, they get triggered by non issues just to push agenda.

If you think Jew magic is new to Wolfenstien then you clearly didn't play the original games.

they are probably jewish

it's a good game i really like how you play as the bad guys

user, I'm Catholic

dont forget
>here's a huge fucking array of weapons but you're gonna just use the dual ARs with bazookas attached to them


it should have had a more thorough third act, after the fall of the secret base, where you were operating from the submarine and striking different targets worldwide. it would have been the perfect excuse to show the Nazi Hegemony in eg. Afrika and Oceania.

but whenever a game leaves you wanting more, it's been a good game.

and I'm the pope

The inclusion of Bombate's character has me convinced that they're setting up for us to see Nazi Africa at some point.

This is an Xbox360 game.
Why does it look better than new games running on better hardware using the same graphics engine?
>the wonders of idTech 5

That setting would be pretty refreshing, I'm curious to what MachineGames is working on now, I didn't expect this game to be good.

Stupid story, solid game play, longish campaign, I really can't say I didn't get my money's worth. It doesn't get up to D44M's rip and tear intensity, but it has its moments. At the time, it was a breath of fresh air compared to most other "cinematic" or "realistic" shooters on the market.

RAGE was a strange game, the only one I've played where it looks great from far, but when you go in those tiny corridor sections, you start to see the cracks, textures up close look very bad.

Anya's VA hinted on a sequel to TNO.

What are your eminence doing on Sup Forums, dear lord?

Probably because it's id using their own engine.

The creators of the engine probably know how to utilize it more effectively than fresh developers to the engine.

It's just a shame that RAGE is even horribly optimized on PC. It still looks great to this day, but it runs like shit and has the trademark shitty texture streaming that is somehow even worse than UE3's shitty texture streaming.

>looks like shit once you go inside a building
Kind of like CryEngine

>If you think Jew magic is new to Wolfenstien then you clearly didn't play the original games.

You got it wrong. It is Thulian stuff, not jewish.

Crysis doesn't look this bad indoors

I was loving it and then I got to the stealth section and it through me off and haven't played it since. Might try to get past it soon.

I don't even hit minimum settings because of my cpu but I can still run everything on ultra with 60-40fps

i honestly hope they don't. the story and ending of this game was just too perfect. and IMO it's not just a matter of leaving BJ dead, rather this game was a 'THE END' to the entire series.

So you played half an hour of it?


Let it go already. Unless Nazi found a way to invade our current earth with the dimensional power portal generator Germans created.

>shitty short mission shoehorned between each levels

It is your average AAA FPS game m8

What would you guys like to see Machine Games work on after the New Order's sequel?

but the average AAA FPS was worse than The New Order

I played it until I got to the moment where I had a quest to go to the other side of the map and bring some guy a screwdriver

Instantly uninstalled

Great by modern standards but not perfect, the hitscan tanks can be pretty annoying. Glad some of the faults with enemy design/movement were fixed with the new Doom.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Remastered

Commander Keen: The Keening.

it was good but boy that last boss fight was kind of ass

It was really fucking good. I kind of dig the whole tonally-weird "sane man in an insane world" thing.

Something like an hour or 2. It was awesome but that stealth section was giving me trouble and then I never wanted to go back.

A spiritual successor to SHOGO, working from an improvement and expansion of both mech levels from TNO and TOB.

shit optimization and shit engine.

Severely overrated imo.

But then again I never could quite get into the Wolfenstein games.

helping heretics understand that DOOM is much better than TNO

And people say Vatican didn't support Nazis.

An X-COM TFTD sequel

I love MachineGames style, their games feel very dramatic, some may say overly so, but I think it makes their games super compelling.

Shame the Darkness never made it to PC, they took a typical 90's comic and turned it into a beautifully melancholic story.

Worse by how much? The flow in the game is so damn awful that I don't ever want to play it again.

unlike Sup Forums I believe the nazis did a lot of bad things, and its harmful to overemphasize the superiority of your own nation or culture

but portraying them as ultra-evil demonic beasts that threaten all life or something, is boring

its an unwillingness to live in the real world, where problems are complicated and require complex solutions. I just can't enjoy humans being portrayed as an ultimate evil

>fetch quests

Then Wolfenstein series is just not for you.

Does anybody use the lean mechanic to make into a NEO Time Crisis? I think I love it for the lean mechanic alone. So well polished. If you duck your hit box becomes twice as small and gives you a moment to counter attack incoming Nazis when you least expect it. Moving up on the lean stick has you moving the gun above your head so you can shoot people's heads while they are in cover. So amazing! It even has a mini cover system.