who the FUCK watches this shit
is it kids? is that it? that's the only explanation i can think of
who the FUCK watches this shit
is it kids? is that it? that's the only explanation i can think of
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"Of course only the kids do" said the fedora wearing man while his fingers hit the letters on his keyboard that felt crunchy covered in crumbles of Doritos.
Did that pink haired faggot dye his hair green? Or is this someone else.
"Nonsense" shouted the bloated lardtard as he sent his figmas and MLP paraphernalia flying. "If you are willing to look past the screamcams and meme humor, you will find an honest soul with decent opinions!"
I wiatch him every day with my little cousin
he is legit hilarious and entertaining
I also watch markiplier and pewdiepie
>Hating on based let's players
neo Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen
My little brother is qatching some dude play minecraft. Looks like this kid.
Found the underage, now get out.
Sup Forums is just filled with whiny hipsters who hate fun.
yeah its basically the children's television of today since they spend all their time on youtube instead of sitting in front of a tv
>bother watches this
>his voice feels like rape
yeah, kids. and stupid people
since pewdiepie is trying to be filthy frank this guy is now sliding into the screaming for views role
>objectively good
Ah yes, yelling into a microphone about children's games and Meme Games is really top notch, eh? Real high-quality?
>Liking Fresno
I'm sure some poorly developed minds find him funny, even those above the age of 14. It's sad we live in a world where some people form opinions on games based on these types of people, or Twitch streamers, though. I tend to just ignore those types of people.
His hair color, how come it gives me a stay the fuck away from him vibe?
Would Sup Forums sell their dignity for $4m a year?
Even if it was kids, the amount of sheer disgust I feel realizing kids DO watch this, is unbearable. I literally want the world to end just so faggots like this fucking irish cunt can't continue brainwashing people into being ADD sprung out morons. I want to punch this faggot in the face so badly.
>james and notch uncucked themselves
>pewdiepie and notch going MADMAN
>pewdiepie going full frank and keeps shitting on this faggot and other shitty youtube and himself
Damn that's original
Someone else.
Give Up isn't even that hard though
I feel guilty about being nostalgic for let's players who were calm and told comfy stories instead of shouting
Funny thing is Pewds helped him become popular through a program he does to help promote content creators.
Jack then stole everything everyone had already done for ez money.
Show me
I assume it's kids
I watch it too from time to time and back In the day we had no internet celerbities and I cursed a ton too but for online kids shows these dudes let loose some foul language.
but whatever they ain't too bad though jacksepticeye is a tad too much into "the voice o' EYRRELAN"
>watching a youtube faggot
>not neo-Sup Forums
>the genre "unfunny faggots screaming at video games" is now 12 years old
>it's still going strong
>tfw pewdiepie is beginning to take inspiration from filthyfrank
He's almost entertaining.
Hopefully LPs are a trend and all content creators end up working at McDonalds for 10 years because they blew all their money on stupid shit
i wish this every day
I would guess mostly kids and teens.
I've seen a couple videos of him, the voice gets really tiring after a video or two. Not the worst YouTuber, though.
People like pewdiepie and markiplier are pretty much set even if LPs blow over, though.
>content creators
literally the worst title for anything ever since "MOBA"
What's your high score on how long you can watch this fucking shit for?
i gave it 1 minute
post very related
>le ebin ironic randumb internet culture
Filthy Frank is vastly better than LPers and Pewdiepie is shaping up to not be that bad, but holy fuck they are still both extremely cancerous.
I'm surprised they haven't inspired a counter counter-culture with how cancerous they've become.
this fedora strawman meme stopped being funny a long time ago.
Sup Forums isn't an 18+ board hence the blue
My nephew does it.
17 seconds
Holy shit, it's awful.
It'll be a slow process but eventually they will blow over. Either the kids watching this shit will grow up and move on from it or Youtube will continue to screw with advertisement and users will generate less and less money
Every board's an 18+ board, you dumbass
His voice nearly kills me. It actually made Markiplier not so bad in comparison.
Spot the newfag
>becoming filthy frank
>mfw it's actually true
What's the bottom right? It's got me curious.
i can confirm my baby sister watches it and no i wont kill her Sup Forums fuk u
im not new they changed the rules since 2006 not my fault i dont read them
Must be some good crack
I know a guy that watches this shutter. Markiplier too.
>dude used to be super chill, lifted and played football in HS
>started talking to a friends ex after we found our she was an attention whoring psycho
>she watches these two YouTubers and acts like they're her friends
>friend starts acting like her and doing the same
>becomes asocial just so he has time to watch their newest videos so he has something to talk about
>drops out of college
>is getting out if shape fast
YouTubers ruin lives. Let this be a lesson.