Bought a Free MC Boot Memory card yesterday. Before it arrives what games should I download to play?
Ps2 thread I guess
PS. Was the fat Ps2 meant to look like the monolith from 2001?
Bought a Free MC Boot Memory card yesterday. Before it arrives what games should I download to play?
Ps2 thread I guess
PS. Was the fat Ps2 meant to look like the monolith from 2001?
ace combat 4,5,0
>Was the fat Ps2 meant to look like the monolith from 2001?
shit, you're right
>wet ps2
>Bought a Free MC Boot Memory
free is in the name!
how much ?
Unless he means a regular memory card he modified himself he probably fucked up and paid more for stuff he can find on google.
What do you even like OP? How do you expect recommendations if you can't elaborate a bit?
The SOCOM games have pretty fun campaigns. Champions of Norrath and its sequel are decent if you like ARPGs. Mister Mosquito's a wacky game that's fun for a bit. A lot of people love God Hand, but I could never get into.
>Bought a Free MC Boot Memory card
To install FMCB on a regular MMC you still need to be able to boot a burned CD on your PS2 at least once, and not everyone is willing to take those extra needed steps like blocking sensors or whatever else.
When i did mine, i was too scared to fuck up something cause i would have had to open up my slim and i didnt want to, so i just found a neighbour who had an already modded ps2 and asked him to let me use it to install the thing on my MMC.
I did the 007 disk swap with the level data replaced with the installer
Jesus shit. I just put a hard drive in and was good to go.
Still you need to be able to boot that modded 007 disc, and to do so you either need an already modded ps2, or a way to swap discs like the blocked sensor method, or if the PS2 is FAT, to do the ps1 swap trick that still requires you to partially open the console.
Not everyone has a FAT, and not everyone knows FMCB evolved into FHDB anyway.
i have a slim and a phat PS2 in my closet somewhere
the laser died on both
how hard is it to fix?
Fat can boot games off the hard drive.
I know that the ps2 color scheme is made to look like earth alone in space. A mighty figure among whole solar system.
I have a ps2 but know memory card is there anyway to connect to my computer and have it function as a disk drive and use my hard drive to save games?
one of the best games
how easy is it to mod a FAT ps2?
i have 2 old 160 gb HDDs around
how hard are they to install in a PS2?
You better slap a hard drive on that bitch or you're not doing it right.
Try these games out
Gitaroo Man
Rule of Rose
Odin Sphere
Shadow Hearts Series
Yakuza 1 & 2
Digital Devil Saga
Zone of the Enders 1 & 2
Dragon Quest 8
Final Fantasy XII
There's so much on the PS2, you'll need the space
ok what is the best way to do it?
can games be played off a USB drive? wouldnt that be easier?
i dont want to install a potatao HDD into my PC to format it
>can games be played off a USB drive?
Yes, but PS2 has USB 1.0, which is slower than reading games off the discs, meaning eery FMV will stutter, and some loading times might be longer.
muh laser died and USB seems the easiest
fucking get it
If you intend to play games where FMVs dont matter and are skippable(i.e. Tekken 5), go on.
But for games where FMVs are part of the game and are unskippable(i.e. FFX), those are a living hell from USB...the stuttering is not occasional and bearable, it really makes the movies play slower than half speed and the audio crackles the entire time.
Even open world games like GTA:SA become almost impossible to play, because the game is constantly loading parts, so from USB you'll end up with freezes happening every 3-5 seconds whenever a new area is loaded and/or with cars popping in way to late, even directly in front of you at times.
If you have a slim(or a FAT with ethernet adapter but don't want to fiddle with installing an HDD in it), the best option is to keep the USB HDD connected to your pc, and your PS2 cnnected either to the PC ethernet port via a cross cable, or to the modem/router with a normal cable.
Thet way you'll have faster than disc readings and no issues since the connection speed is faster than USB 1.0, although an internal HDD is even faster.
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater.
The absolute best way to play ps2 is to install an internal HDD and use OPL because all of the other results produce glitches of some sort
That's why the USB+PC+ethernet cable solution in my post was preceded with "If you have a slim(or a FAT with ethernet adapter but don't want to fiddle with installing an HDD in it)".
If you have a slim you can't install and internal HDD(not easily anyway), and since he says USB seems the easies, he really doesnt want to install an internal HDD even if he has a FAT.
Also, what glitches?
I've used the USB+PC+ethernet cable method cause i had a slim and never had issues, and i used OPL.
Is there an easy way to hook up the HDD to my PC? I bought one of those shitty adapters and it works like 5% of the time.
>tfw PS2 officially died two months ago
Been forever since I dicked with FMBC, but OPL was the iso loader yeah? Still had to painfully transfer the games slowly over FTP though.
I used the crossover cable method and some games are borderline unplayable, Gitaroo man and Harvest Moon come to mind.
Plus if the connection ever drops out the games gets screwed up. It's a fine method at times but I'm just explaining to the OP that it's the best method.
I only used the IDE to USB adapter you're talking about and yeah it's a bit finicky but just make sure all the pins are connected and it should work after a few tries.
I have a copy of Agent Under Fire. What do I do?