Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Lack of advertising, you're the first one who told me about honestly.
I think Epic is making a big mistake by trying to do their own Launcher. Just use Steam for crying loud they only have 4 games and they're not big like Blizzard.
Not interested. It does look fucking beautiful though.
Why is Unreal Engine 4 the best engine, and why is Epic suddenly being an awesome developer again?
The mobs and laning shit really turns me off. If it was a competitive Third Person hack and slash with parrying and all that shit, I'd be all over it, but it's just a fucking MOBA.
The videos I've watched left me pretty unimpressed with the graphics. The aesthetic they chose is just ugly.
>Tencent owns a large portion of the company
>Didn't turn into shit
I guess Sweeney and Rein are actually cool guys. That and that the Epic Engine crushed all competition so they must just be making money from licensing.
More people need to actually play Unreal Tournament 4 though. It breaks my heart that Epic is doing something so good and people play Overmeme instead.
But user I have been for a while
Is UT4 only available over their own client?
>Bought game during beta
>Still haven't installed it
Redpill me Sup Forums, is it worth playing? Describe it to me.
This game actually sucks
too busy playing vermintide
Yes, if your PC isn't a piece of outdated crap download it now.
It stole Zarya's character kit and gave it to GRIM.exe
If a game is so shit that it has to steal from a derivative game like overwatch then I dont trust it in the slightest
It's like Smite but there is actually high ground and low ground that affects things. You get cards which would be like your items from loot drops every level or on the first win of the day. There's a cash shop but I haven't used it
I already played during the last beta weekend.
It's fine. YEah, the graphics are good, but it isn't all that interesting besides that.
And the progression system based around random drops for your equipment will be a bightmare for anything compatitive.
>another company releasing a moba in a flooded market
What is the logic behind this? Are these companies retarded?
like Monday night combat?
because it's a shit game
fuck off shill
Game does nothing new and is painfully slow in every aspect. Card system seems made to be micro transaction based. There's no reason to play it over other, better mobs style games.
If, or when, UT4 gets on Steam, expect more people to pick it up.
Epic isn't Blizzard. They don't have the same massive legions of fanboys, so they can't really get away with not having their games on Steam.
I really don't see the problem with Overwatch though. It's a good casual shooter like TF2 was. I play Overwatch when I want to chill with friends, and I play UT4 when I want something super intense and satisfying.
Yes and no? There's 5 people on each team. There's a jungle. The items that you unlock from loot drops you put them in a deck and when the game starts you choose which deck you're gonna use. During the game you buy items from that deck which is like the items you take into the shop with you
>Like Smite
You aren't really selling this game
I am. I like to play as Twinblast. You fill everything with crit until you get about 80% then you build damage since you have your attack speed steroid already. You destroy people in a few attacks. I also have a card where my attacks do more damage to people who are shielded so that stupid robot chick is no bother.
Because it was really, really, bad when I was playing it with a friend around Sevarogs release and I'm not confident that the problems we had with the game are resolved.
It also has one of the most baffling cash shops/early access programs in terms of value of purchases made.
I'm a bit out of date so I'll describe the general themes since specifics such as role balance may have been patched.
Standard 5 v 5 moba map, character selection is done prior to queueing so it is impossible to make any team comp selections in public matches, people in parties are instantly at an advantage because they know each other and can communicate over 3rd party VOIP clients while people paired with random people are stuck with text chat and a dialogue wheel-like quick messaging system, because of the focus on party strength teamp[lay between the rest of the team was often downplayed because the people in the party were instantly more valuable so actions that helped them sometimes trumped the overall benefit of actions that helped a larger section of the team and smaller section of the party, instead of individual items you have "cards" (item cards and then upgrading cards which slot into the item cards), cards are dropped randomly and can be exclusive to certain characters (you may be getting a bunch of cards that are equipable on only tanks/supports so enjoy playing anything else and not being able to use those), instead of an item shop with all available items you have "decks" of cards you create in the main menu of the game with cards you have unlocked, you can choose from multiple decks at the beginning of the game.
It is admittedly pretty and there was actual Z-axis movement as opposed to Smite's 2D plane with jumps/teleports. It leads to some really neat ambushes when a Gideon teleports from some overhead arches and ults into a group of enemies going after the middle inhibitor.
Sounds shitty
I wouldn't really disagree. If you want MOBAs there are more competetive options with greater depth, there are options with a greater population, and there are options which are more casual.
If you want a TPS/action game there are better ones available.
Maybe it'll get better over time, but I bought a founder's pack and regret it so I'll probably go back to it when it's out of beta. If it isn't to my liking then I'll just give up on the $60 I spent.
I can't really be fucked with another client. It's bad enough using three so far.
I played the closed beta. It was really quite terribly boring.