Tfw you beat a really good game (MGS3 in this case) and your life returns to being an empty meaningless pile of shit

>tfw you beat a really good game (MGS3 in this case) and your life returns to being an empty meaningless pile of shit

ah well, onto the search for the next game

Do Peace Walker now, you baldie.

Peace Walker is average

nah im happy having played 1-5, dont care about handheld shit

>MGS3 then Peace Walker
>Not MGS3 then MGS4

>Way to fall starts playing

>mfw I finished max payne and devil may cry 3
at least I replayed them but I will kill just to play them for my first time again

Peace Walker is maybe the worst in the series. POOPS is much better.

PW was the downfall of the series.

>Not recreating Big Bos's story first

you see me struggling over here eddy why the fuck won't you help

Holy shit I'm so happy someone else finally agrees.

Adding grinding to Metal Gear Solid was a mistake.

>mfw I found Peace Walker to be fucking fun

Did you play on PSP or PS3?

Worst case of samfagging in decades.

PS3. Put like 60 hours on it.

But I totally understand if people didn't like it at all.

fuck off kid, Piss Wanker was fucking garbage, even if it was your first game in the series, go play the actual mgs games.

>tfw MGSV could have had PW like co-op if Kojima wasn't an incompetent hack

Yeah, I heard it gets good after you finish the main game. But I couldn't be bothered to do all that grinding on a console, I would've done it if I could play it in bed or just do short bursts wherever

Shit walker killed mgs

fact: people who say PW is the worst in the series were forced to play it solo on PSP and never experienced the awesomeness it becomes with co-op

Kojima killed MGS once he ego went to his head post-MGS3.

The trick is to play games which take years to fully beat, if they even can be beaten at all.

Just play Peace Walker you dipshit, it's pretty much the same game.

Then play both parts of 5, then play Metal Gear 1 and 2 on the MGS3 bonus disk.

That's what I did because I know how to make a good experience for myself.

>Not emulating Peace Walker in HD with the super accurate PSP emulator

Looks and runs fucking sweet.

>Not recreating Big Boo's story first

Mario... I'm already a ghost

>your life returns to being an empty meaningless pile of shit

Mother fucker I've never HAD meaning. You're blessed.

It must feel good being so easily amused.

>emulating Peace Walker in HD
why not just play the ps3 version?

Is co-op play or online play still available on PSP nowadays?

Don't be a conceited cynic, it's that easy.

OT: The last instances where this occured to me were Life is Strange and Undertale

Maybe I don't have a PS3, or want to pay for an old game?

I just need some fucking rocks.

This country's full of them. Why does everyone have to be a standoffish chode about it?


I've played and strongly enjoyed

-Every Metal Gear
-Every Final Fantasy
-Every Kingdom Hearts
-Every Zelda
-Every Mario
-Every Pokemon
-Every Sanic
-Every classic Mega Man+X
-Every Prince of Persia
-Every Banjo-Kazooie
-DMC 1+3
-Bayonetta 1+2
-Shadow of the Colossus
-Xenoblade/Xenoblade X
-Kid Icarus Uprising
-Cave Story
-Civilization 3-5
-Heroes of M&M 3
-Age of Empires 2
-Starcraft 1+2
-Radiant Historia
-Every Red Alert
-Chrono Trigger
-Gunstar Heroes
-Last Remnant
-El Shaddai
-Star Fox 64
-Captain Fucking Comic
-Commander Keen
-Ok this is getting out of hand

Basically I've played a lot of games OK.

So for everyone else looking for something to play, pick some of these.

But now it feels like I'm actually running out of games to play.

Anyone have a decent suggestion based on this long ass list?

>-Cave Story
>-Starcraft 1+2
>-Radiant Historia
>-Chrono Trigger
Muh nigga. You can't go wrong with these games, OP.

lmao get a life virgin

