This was the last good generation and we will never see anything like it ever again.
How do you cope with knowing this?
This was the last good generation and we will never see anything like it ever again.
How do you cope with knowing this?
I just purchase retro games that are cheap/really enjoyable so I want a copy and emulate the rest. There's probably at least a good 1,000 games worth playing from third generation through sixth generation. Nobody will get through that in their life, unless they exclusively play 3 hour platformers I suppose. People gripe about modern day libraries, but they don't explore older games. I'm still learning about decade old games that fucking rock.
You sound young.
23. You sound jaded.
I replay the games and find ones I missed out on.
Xbox best console
>being a pleb
Can we all get along now?
My man, I've been building up my gamecube library a bit (both irl and dolphin) and I've found so many cool games I never got to try out when I was younger (Custom Robo and Wind Waker come to mind).
I've thought about getting a PS2 library going though I'm not really sure where to start (didn't even get my first playstation console until 2013).
Hey, It had flaws.
The game industry was going to shit during 6 gen too, even If it was some details, they were pretty noticable.
but If you are trying to say that there was a huge quality degradation between gen 6th and 7th, I'm with you.
Is that a challenge?
I still enjoy indie games
It was the last generation of consoles with a distinct identity instead of being gimped PCs.
>How do you cope with knowing this?
By continuing to own my old consoles and having a computer to play new games. Newest console I own is a PS3 (barely used desu, used more to play psx games than anything else) and I couldn't be happier.
Get some Jak and daxter and Ratchet and clank popping up, you'll enjoy It.
Also If you're first platation was In 2013, I'm gonna go ahead and assume It's a fat ps3, which are easily hackable to play pretty much all the playstation library If you're up to It.
Custom Robo is great as fuck. The DS game is pretty solid too, but don't play them back to back.
PS2 is more of the mainstream and RPG system, it has some good open world games as well, whereas GC and XBox to an extent were more of the unique niche title collectors. Don't get me wrong, PS2 had shit like Katamari and Mr. Mosquito, but the Gamecube had some pretty inventive titles that are sadly forgotten, or have since had remakes and sequels that overshadow them.
PS2 has the best collection of Horror games of any system by a wide margin, that's a good place to start.
>xcux being higher than playstation and gamecube
What this guy said, and to add PSX/2 suggestions
-Katamari Damacy
-If you like racing games Gran Tourismo 3 is great and a dime a dozen, 4 might also be cheap, can't remember.
-Metal Arms if you don't have it on GC yet. Would recommend the GC version if only because it has 4 way MP
-Siurent Hirru (Would recommend emulating unless you wanna blow ~$70 on SH 1-3)
-Resident Evil (More copies sold than Silent Hill so they're a bit more common/cheap)
-Spyro (The first is good but Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon are the best, stay away from literally anything else)
>best multiplayer console
I'm sorry you had no friends, user.
I play vidya gaem
>"This is the last console generation before I found Sup Forums"
Stop being a faggot who gets wrapped up in ignorance and bandwagon opinions and just fucking enjoy video games.
PS2 was shovelware station. GC and Xbox had the good exclusives.
fuck your bad vibes bro
I agree but all the signs of the shit that was to come is in there.
>PS2 focused on DVD capabilities and Sony media before games
>Xbox was Microsoft's attempt to bring computers into normie living rooms
>GameCube poor sells lead to wii and casual gaming and it's original titles' poor sells lead to lack of new diverse games and more remakes
>Dreamcast, the last pure console, died because of lawsuits and horrible management.
Now normies control the AAA market so the major companies only make movie games that require little effort and utilize the same shitty engine with no major game play changes.
The current trend that didn't show up back then we're indie games and kikestarter shit
2004 was the greatest year for games, it's a shame the dreamcast didnt live to see it