ITT:Games you wish you owned when you had the chance

ITT:Games you wish you owned when you had the chance

Good choice.

Sometimes I think I would have liked to get Metal Slug 3 AES when it was new, but then again, I haven't even had my system hooked up in years so I guess it doesn't matter.

What game?

Dodonpachi Daiojou.

I think there's a fair chance it'll limp over to Steam eventually. Just a hunch.

Though having said that I'm quite surprised that Feveron will be on PS4. I'm looking forward to getting that, but I wonder if that's going to be a one-shot deal or what implications sales could hold.

Steam release when?
DaiOuJou is the best shmup ever made


Are CAVE fans the most elitist and annoying fanbase there is?
I honestly can't think of any fanbase more cancerous. No wonder they all come from Touhou games...


CAVE ruined everything there is left of shmups.
Back then shmups were a genre for everybody, but CAVE made shmups only pander to otakus and ultra competitive score fags.

They are supposedly releasing daifukkatsu on steam, which i don't really like but at least its something.

Yeah daifukkatsu is easily the worst in the series but I'm still happy to get some DDP representation on steam

Cave broke the shmup genre down the its most fundamental core and perfected it, so much so that every competitor has failed to compete. Don't worry, kiddo, your pleb ass can still play their games on easy.

Cave games are simple as fuck. The only thing which makes them difficult is just that they throw as many enemies and bullets at you as possible, without any kind of game balance behind it. The games are shallow as fuck and Battle Garegga was already ten times better back then.

i saw this at a store once for 20 dollars and i didnt get it at the time cause i was looking for something else

chances are that you're just salty toward popular franchises

Has nothing to do with popularity at all. R-Type, Gradius, Darius or Ikaruga are pretty much my favorite games.
Because in contrary to Cave games, they actually make fun.

>Battle Garegga was already ten times better back then.


>The only thing which makes them difficult is just that they throw as many enemies and bullets at you as possible, without any kind of game balance behind it.
Sounds like you need to you know
I would love to give Battle Garegga a solid shot, but it emulates with even more input lag than Psikyo shmups and I just really can't play it properly.

Really the only reason I ever got as into Cave games as I have is because they tend to emulate a lot more responsively than most other shmups


Calling Ikaruga fun is kind of stretching it

Suikoden 1 and 2

>hurr durr git gud
Typical Cave fag. Elitist as fuck, although I'm pretty sure you actually suck dicks at the genre, and probably didn't 2-ALL any Cave game.

When companies only pander to otakus and superplayers, it is no wonder the genre is dead as fuck.

It's way more fun than Cave shit, because the devs actually have an idea about proper game balancing, and don't just simply throw a shitton of enemies and bullets at the player.

I was able to play Garegga at Galloping Ghost arcade. First time I've ever played it.

It's rather good, yes. I'm not quite sure what exactly makes it Best Shooter Ever though.

Anyway, I don't get why there's this assblasting of Cave fans out of nowhere here? Nobody was shit talking about any non-Cave stuff or really anything and shots already get fired. Why?

Try actually reading the rest of the post, there was really no hostility intended there
My point is that if you say the games just throw as much shit at you as possible with no design or balance, you clearly haven't played them enough to actually understand how it works

Especially in DDP the stage design has to be extremely deliberate and thought out so it works with the chain system

If you'd get to know the genre, you'd know that Cave fans tend to be elitist as fuck.

pish posh, it's a tedious memory game just like the rest of the genre.
Also, DOJ is a great game and you should acknowledge it

What makes the PS2 version of Dai Ou Jou the best?

Or for that matter, why pick the 360 versions of Cave shmups? Are they special? Can you emulate the arcade machines? Is PS3 Ketsui identical to 360 Ketsui?

>I'm bad at this video game and haven't played it enough to actually understand how it works so it must be the developer's fault
Every time

>tells someone who took the time to play Garegga in an arcade that he needs to "get to know the genre"

Come on, man.

>there was really no hostility intended there
Yea sure, that's also why pulled the "git gud" card. Not that this would surprise me coming from a Cave fag though.

It's what they always do when you critice their games. They are basically the Dark Souls fan base of shmups.

Just because you have an arcade in your near, doesn't mean you know the genre.

I was going to get it but then Sega took it down a week earlier.

>bullet hell shmups

Post your 2-alls if you think you have so much more knowledge about Cave games.

Know-nothing casuals don't take the time to voluntarily play a game like Battle Garegga.

He most likely didn't even play it, except for 30 minutes perhaps.
In contrary to you fags here, I actually already 1cced games like Battle Garegga, and he game much better than any Cave game.

Never had the chance but in hindsight I wish I had gotten a PS3. I would've played this plus every game I played on the 360 since I never played any exclusives on it.

If your stance comes purely from lack of experience on the game, then "git gud" is completely 100% valid

If you had a valid criticism against the game that shows actual understanding of the game mechanics and stage design, I wouldn't tell you to git gud because that would show you've actually played the game enough to fully understand it and form a valid opinion

>you don't know the genre
>you actually didn't play a game which you've taken the time to post on Sup Forums to say you did
>in contrary to you fags here

Come on, man.

What do you mean? You can get copies on ebay for pretty cheap. The price has gone down over the last decade.

But Cave games are just about throwing as much shit as possible at the player. There isn't any thought at all put into these games, and devs don't even have a problem with if the games are not being able to play through.

Just because you once played an STG at an arcade for 30 minutes doesn't mean you know the genre...

What conveys "knowing the genre" to you?

>But Cave games are just about throwing as much shit as possible at the player. There isn't any thought at all put into these games, and devs don't even have a problem with if the games are not being able to play through.
All you're doing is reinforcing my point.

Having decent scores and 1ccs in games.

Again, games like Ikaruga or Gradius are ten times better than Cave, because they don't just pander to otakus and superplayers, but actually are games anyone can have fun with.

Go and jerk it to your Deathsmiles hentai, Cavedrone.

Thanks for the show user, this has been fun

Was I supposed to mention which 1CCs I have while making a single sentence mention of me playing Garegga for the first time?

That seems unnecessary.

No, since you post on Sup Forums it's pretty obvious that you are shit at shmups anyway, and probably only have some Touhou 1ccs or a single doodoopeepee 1-all.

You seem a little opinionated regarding Touhou and CAVE, you know?
Are you sure you aren't a newfag lying about 1ccs to gain leverage in an internet argument?

>I got backed into a corner

Either post your Cave 2-alls or shut the fuck up.
You have no idea about this genre and can't understand why Cave games are shit only otakus and hardcore superplayers can enjoy.

Wrong on both latter counts, but as you said, it's not necessary anyway.

This was fun.