So a tornado just touched down near my neighborhood about 2 hours ago and it was far away enough to look at and just watch
This got me thinking, what are some video games that have tornados in them?
So a tornado just touched down near my neighborhood about 2 hours ago and it was far away enough to look at and just watch
This got me thinking, what are some video games that have tornados in them?
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Why are tornados so horrifying?
Wind Waker has cyclones out in the sea
Because they'll fucking kill you.
Even the weak ones can kill you.
Wasn't there some racing game that had tornados in it?
Superman Retuns final boss was a tornado for some goddamn reason.
Nascar rumble had a tornado power up.
Nascar Rumble had a tornado weapon
In Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, you fight the aztec god of Tornadoes.
Tornados don't kill people
Gravity kills people
There was a spy game in the 90's with a trailer park level. You were fighting female ninja IIRC.
Then a tornado hits and the trailer your in gets pulled up into the air while you fight waves after wave off inside it.
I don't remember the name.
A strong tornado turns a house into a cloud of shrapnel flying with bullet speeds.
Try Wind Waker, they're referred to as "Cyclones" but they're actually Tornados
There's mini ones all over the sea, but theres also a huge one that appears in set places
It's cool to watch, but dont get too close to it without arrows
I've seen twister, you just need a good belt attached to the ground
The giant tornado scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it
Gmod had the absolute best stormchasers mod where it was a country map and tornadoes of random magnitude would spawn anywhere in the map, move in a direction, and slow down and fade away after a bit. And the map had a bunch of physical pieces that would get torn up.
Everyone would build little weather stations to record the "weather" of the map and we would build armored jeeps and stuff to get close to the tornadoes. I remember I built an awesome van with recording equipment that would anchor itself to the ground with wire grabbers.
Then a giant magnitude 5 or something tornado hits the center area where everyone builds and everybody flips out.
Good times. So yeah GMod storm watchers or storm chasers addon. I doubt anyone plays it anymore though, it's just a million boring TTT or dark RP servers that are just mafia killing everyone now...
tornadoes have enough pressure to cause internal bleeding and hemorrhage of eyes, ears, and other outer vessels...
know your nature user...
This. Movie don't lie. Especially ones where Helen Hunt is the main love interest.
>No Tornado outbreak
Its like you guys don't even rampant destruction.
Picture Katamari but with tornadoes.
MGS4 after 1 million drebbin dollars
California here
My friends always ask me why I live in an area known for earthquakes, Likewise i ask the same with Tornadoes, so lets settle this Sup Forums.
Earthquakes, or Tornadoes?
In my defense, Earthquakes cause much less property damage and more internal damage, IE: Knocking items of shelves, knocking down furniture, etc. The danger of an earthquake depends on the situation of your home.
In a Tornado, damage is always 100%. Even if its not you, a tornado will always cause damage if it touches down. The argument is you can run from an Tornado, but you can't run from an earthquake. This much is true, but if a Tornado hits your house, its almost guanteed to tear it apart, where an earthquake will give you a 1-1 1/2 minute foot massage.
So debate, which is worse?
California is guaranteed to have earthquakes. Tornadoes are far, far from guaranteed.
California as well, as long as the building you're in was built after the 60's they all have strict building codes to minimize earthquake damage. Even pre-60s had to go through earthquake reinforcement.
If you're really scared of both you can always move to northern-central america where there's pockets of no earthquake and tornado zones.
NOLF 2 had a boss fight while in a tornado.
simon's quest
One of the only open world car combat games out there. There is a cheat to spawn a tornado. The physics are fun to watch after that and if you drive into the tornado it will send your car flying through the sky.
Tornadoes are worse.
Most of the builders in California are built to withstand earthquakes. However, houses can't withstand a fucking tornado.
Sacrifice has some pretty good tornados. Like huge actually scary ones that pick up enemies and toss them around.
You should play Tornado Jockey, it's a game practically made for you.
>Amerifat """""""houses""""""" can't even withstand some fucking wind
top lol
I think you sorely underestimate the power of natural disasters.
I think amerishits don't understand brick houses. Tornadoes happen here in Europe and literally no one cares because we don't make houses out of cardboard.
European tornados are baby tier compared to the ones Americans get.
>""""""brick"""""" home
>1 layer of brick facade over your cardboard house
American construction, everyone.
Brick can get fucked up by a real tornado easily...
And you can't build with brick in regions that are also at risk of earthquakes because they'll crumble. I wouldn't expect the poor privileged euros to understand basic construction though so it's okay.
sonic adventure 1
European tornadoes are only very rarely on par with midwest NA tornadoes. The chance of Oklahoma getting hit by a tornado as small as the Euro average is vastly less than the chance of a European tornado being even two classes below the Oklahoma average.
Look this shit up.
Good post, amerishit
One flimsy layer of bricks is not really considered a 'brick house'.
This race was pretty fun