Help me Sup Forums

Help me Sup Forums

I encountered a wild "gamer girl" tranny

Kill yourself OP


aika säälittävää jäbä

you first tumblr tranny

>I base my personality around the culture of an anonymous imageboard

Lol hey guys do i fit in yet!? I laugh at trannies just like u!
Check out my le epic screen shot!

More like I dont accept some insane piece of shit who "identifies" as a woman ruining the reputation of my entire gender when it comes to my favorite hobby?


but hey, obviously youll have to fit on on Sup Forums so youll ALWAYS have to act like everything OP does is in the wrong, so have fun being contrarian

user don't sweat it, we all knew women weren't worth anything other than to be cocksleeves long before that guy came along
our opinion of women couldn't possibly go any lower


No one cares. Kill yourself.

Hey op, I agree she is a dumb bitch, but you should know by now that you can't talk her out of it - she is a woman and doesn't even realize what she is doing is wrong, she just thinks you're being mean to her.

So save your breath and play some vidya. :)

>he thinks Sup Forums will applaud/praise him for this nonsense
wew lad you're a huge fag

>being so autistic you randomly message people to bitch at them
Nearly forgot why I don't visit Sup Forums.

You went out of your way to argue with someone you don't know, just so you could go post about it on Sup Forums and get validation. We get it, you hate the trannies and that makes you super cool. You got what you came for and can go now.

> youll ALWAYS have to act like everything OP does is in the wrong
That's more of a Sup Forums thing

Why even add that person? Seems like you just wanted to start an argument over nothing so you can show off to ur sekrit Sup Forums clubhouse

>Nearly forgot why I don't visit Sup Forums.
>is on Sup Forums right now

>hey Sup Forums watch me fling shit at random people because that's what you taught me, right?

fuck off

When did Sup Forums turn into such a leftist hugbox?

OP is faggot confirmed

why the fuck do you care so much what other people do?

yeah, thats exactly what I was after instead of maybe raiding a tumblr retard as a wake up call to reality

"randomly"? what the fuck, I added "her" from another place and discovered the retardation

why automatically assume stupid shit to be negative?

pic related

>we all knew
>our opinion
you are just as bad as op

After goobergate had an influx of newfags.

It's time to stop now, OP, you massive faggot.

Also, your steam name is even gayer than mine and it's hard to beat StjörnuSpámaður.

Why did you add him? If you added him from another place, you wanted to be his friend, no? Why the sudden change?

This, if you don't act like a cunt towards random people you've never met you're just an SJW cuckold beta fag loser. Remember to call out the degeneracy wherever you go guys, we all gotta fight it in our own way.

>sperging about it on Sup Forums
What's the point? What are we gonna gain?
We'll just circle jerk about for a few minutes before the inevitable 404.

it's general knowledge that the consensus from all men across the world is that women are not worth anymore, if not less, than a fleshlight

>go around picking fights with strangers on steam

Are you literally autistic?

go away Sup Forums
being an asshole is universal

You're all stupid and I hate you.

You need as much professional help as the tranny, OP. Maybe more.

This, after gamergate people came in and now you can't say shit about niggers, gays, trannies, etc without some retard coming and saying "Sure is Sup Forums in here" or getting pissed off not realizing that every board on here calls everyone fags and niggers

OP is a faggot

>Steam DRoMe
>whaa im a trans fag but i'm actually a girl (noticed i pointed that out so i can get attention?) and this other trans fag triggered me!
follow the other lgbt that killed themselves and do the same, kill yourself you literal faggot

Uh huh, and then after you read the profile you just had to add him and call him out so you could make an epic screencap and post about it on Sup Forums. Someone in this thread already said that you're a super cool guy for hating the trannies like them, you can go now.

Aika homoa

this is just embarrassing

No one cares faggot. Stop shitting up Sup Forums with these garbage threads,

>facebook filename

it can't get any worse

Does anyone want me to doxx OP? Just reply to my post and I'll do it unless they delete the thread like a faggot, doubt they even know how to.
This is why you never post your Steam IDs online kiddos.

its over Sup Forums a tranny won 60,000 buckerinos because people didnt wanna adress her with "they"


>You're fucking dead kiddo

I like how you got so mad, you couldn't even manage copy-paste his description properly.

>OP is scared as fuck


If you saw someone on the street wearing a t-shirt you didn't like, would you walk up and pick a fight with them about it? Because that's an equivalent level of autism to what you're displaying with your screencap in the OP.

>making fun of a trans, telling them cut that shit out because theyre making fun of a trans, telling them to cut that shit out
How many layers of irony are you on?

it was from /aco/, for fetish talk

are you literally retarded? where do you get the assumption I apparently found the person at random and then added them just to talk to them about that shit?

where the fuck did I say im a tranny? also I have nothing against trannies, I hate the gamur girl shit because I literally am never taken seriously no matter what when it relates to gaming, either its overly positive reception from casuals or overly negative dismissal from neckbeards

go kill yourself

youre such a hacker!

Holy fuck why are 99% of finns so autistic

Are girls threatened by trannies? Are they angry that they're stealing the only things that gives them any power??

God you're a faggot.

>Someone thinks you're a fucking idiot
>"They must be a leftist."

Holy shit THIS, we just have to let everyone know how much we hate degens in our videogame board! WTF is this libcuck shite that's taken over MY website now?? Dude, I moved to infinitychan long ago, you should join me. It's still super cool + underground there, the normies haven't taken over yet

why whould you post this op?

I feel sorry for you

This thread was until all the beta, orbiter white knights came in defending the autistic tranny

>answering to every single post
Autism confirmed.

>/aco/, for fetish talk
jesus christ kill yourself you pathetic waste of space

>bickering with someone 1-on-1 over the internet
Jesus fuck

>doesnt like tumblr
>posts a tumblr meme

>the guy who was so retarded that he got called out by over 30 people is now telling me to kill myself

>I hate the gamur girl shit because I literally am never taken seriously no matter what when it relates to gaming, either its overly positive reception from casuals or overly negative dismissal from neckbeards

Are you saying to us that this some sort of self-image repair for you? What is wrong with you?

your thread sucked

Who wants some (You)s

So what I have surmised from doing a few seconds of research on OP is that she is some crazy attention-whoring girl who is probably mad that a tranny is stealing her spotlight in some video game, added him and started this shit.

You're both fucking crazy.

Enjoy the OC.

Do it, I don't believe you can but it'd be hilarious if you did.

>not even e-celeb drama just literally some faggot whining about some other faggot

>also I have nothing against trannies, I hate the gamur girl shit because I literally am never taken seriously no matter what when it relates to gaming
Dude, all you have to do to get us to like you is go shit on some more trannies! That's how we'll know that you're one of the cool girls! If you go beat up 5 more trannies I'll be your friend + respect you, I promise

It's not hard.

you are both total and complete retards

You especially op

>friend ends up being someone you dont like
>delete them

apparently this is too hard

OP fucked up.

>spergs out on a tranny for being an attention whore
>every post by this "girl" is attention-whorish

wew lad


>OP is so thirsty that he chats with random people on Steam who have the "girl" thing in their description
90% are just trolling your autistic ass because they aren't real girls

Look at this fake fucking gamer, show your steam game list, you beta cuckold

Jesus Christ OP, you both need to kill yourselves

>finland fights the gays

>tfw no qt Sup Forums gf

> I literally am never taken seriously no matter what when it relates to gaming,
No fucking shit, when you act autistically people will call you an autist.

this is the worst thread i have ever had the displeasure of reading through

I hope youre genuinely retarded. Idiot was acting like I posted OP for acceptance instead of just to fuck the tranny up with a bunch of people from here (didnt realize tumblr had permeated the place so badly though)

yeah im sure your cod is awesome too since 20 million other 12 year olds bought it

Im saying that im very angry and the thread acting like im acting wrong is laughable. You literally will never know whats it like to be a woman when it comes to wanting to engage in genuine conversation about videogames, because you will never be treated equally, whether or not its a good or a bad way

could have just asked for that stuff, are you the hacker Sup Forums?

But I did delete him?


you might be onto something, because obviously the only things youll find with searching for my steamID are fucking threads where I posted it into

I dont play on gabens kike platform. Most of my pc games are pirated

>op gets fucking destroyed
>abandons the thread immediately

dumb psychopathic cunt

>dat facebook filename
wew lad i hope you're 14 cause if you're older you might be retarded

OP the shit you post is pretty great.

just leave this thread
you've been outed as a complete and utter fool and any further posting is just embarassing yourself

Theyre both in the wrong here. Bad op and silly tranny

Seriously, just stop. You're embarrassing.

>Most of my pc games are pirated
Fucking fake gamer faggot.
Go eat shit and die, cuckold nigger.

ahhahaha that's fucking embarrassing

>ugh i hate gamer gurls
>hey everyone, im a gamergurl by the way, but man i hate how this one is acting!
fucking retarded attentionseeking dense dad fucker that dropped put of school and plays nothing but mobas cancer.
Kill yourself

Jesus fuck, OP has a serious case of trying too hard to fit in.

>but you like cod!!
>thread isn't even about videogames
'The CoD argument' just got taken to the next level, holy shit

>can't wait to finish my autismal rage, capture it and post it on Sup Forums! imagine the lulz! lmao epic win

>repsonds to every post
Carry on you autisitc hero

how can I worship you my goddess?

I'm sure there are people who are sad enough to actually do this

Good riddance

Just give it up, OP, you're not going to make any friends by doubling down on your retardation. You're not going to get anyone to accept you by fucking with a tranny on steam. Idiot.

>you don't need to specify your gender when it comes to your hobbies

then what the fuck is this entire thread OP jesus christ

In fact, OP craves attention so much, they're willing to send nudes!

>muh gamergate and leftist Sup Forums
I laugh every time I think of autistic idiots like you who actually thought that the majority of people on Sup Forums supported your cringeworthy shit. GG shit became as bad as feminist tumblr tier shit, it was a good day when the mods finally took out the trash.

Lemme guess, you and the one or two other autists in the thread probably ragequit Sup Forums for all of three days, went to cripplechan expecting Sup Forums to die, then crawled back when it turned out your holy land was a cesspit of some of the most revolting people imaginable?