UMvC3 thread
Recently picked this up again after a few years and holy crap is it still as fun as ever
Maining Captain America, Hawkeye and Dante
UMvC3 thread
Recently picked this up again after a few years and holy crap is it still as fun as ever
Maining Captain America, Hawkeye and Dante
Other urls found in this thread:
>not zero/dante/vergil
tsch... nothing personnel, kid
it is a fun game, isn't it? As long as you don't go full tourneyfag like .
though maybe that's just sour grapes talking, I could never master the timing to use assists to OTG properly, so my combos only went so far.
Mad props for a Cap player. I use him with Frank and Deadpool.
Yeah, me and my friends often have tournies but they're for fun
I'm slowly getting better but I often forget about assists while the other player spams it
Still the best game
Yeah, Cap is really fun to use. I've tried using Frank but I just can't get the hang of it. Deadpool is someone I'll use on occasion
Where's my Civil War inspired sequel dammit.
It's a mystery why more people don't do tag assist fighters. There's SG, but I'm not a fan (still bought it to support it) and Japan only really does assists (aside from Capcom, of course).
I zone with Deadpool, try to get Frank to level 4, and I try to clutch with Cap.
Now that Disney no longer produces in-house games and will lend out licenses, we might have a chance of a sequel soon
>run Zero and Vergil on my team
>people see me on the character select screen and call me a tier whore
>I'm actually really terrible and don't make proper use of their tools at all
>we might have a chance of a sequel soon
Not unless they get someone else to fund it, which I doubt.
That shit looks pretty old school-ish. I like it.
pc port when....
I just realized that that's who I would run when I played before I quit. They were competitive?
>you guys don't main Phoenix Wright
best team in the game bra
look at
no, I don't like gimmick characters. I want to play the actual game, not MvC3: Slot Machine Edition
Zero is hands down the best point character in the game.
Dante has all the tools in the world.
Anchor Vergil is basically a more usable Phoenix.
Takes a lot of work.
I love this game, man. I don't care how bad I am or much silly people claim it's dead.
I used to main him when I first started out because Ace Attorney. Then I stopped using him as much because I learned how to use other characters
post teams
wolverine/dante/sentinel here
cum at me senpai
Frank West/Nemesis/Firebrand
Best character
who has the funnest combos in the game? Not "best", just the most fun to execute?
I like Iron Fist, rekkas are great.
dante is the only answer
I loved this game. Dante/Vergil and Nemesis was my go team. Fungame/10
anyone where you do multiple air-dashes in a row, like Magneto or Doom.
Doom swag combos were always the shit.
Cap/Spencer/Iron Man
This is about the only game where the high level meta works because if done right, everybody is broken.
Also, Dorm/Hawkeye or Ammy is bestest.
Best theme
Team DMC
>gotta keep the pimp hand strong
I had fun with them
I can't disagree, but here's the second-best.
TACs were a mistake. I mean, I understand why they included them but they were still shit. Hell, they even had the superior system programmed into the game with the TvC system still being in but deactivated.
Doom > Taskmaster > all
I will never not be salty about my girl being complete shit. They even had a chance to fix her between the original and Ultimate and buffed fucking Zero instead.
9/10 in Sup Forums "mains" phoenix wright
Do you guys think Marvel will ever be at Evo again?
Marvel stops the game from ever being updated
It's actually the Capcom characters that need to be balanced.
...and Doom
Swap Wesker for any other slot if in need of a sub.
And Magneto.
what do people think about Ratio tournaments? Where you get 10 points to spend on your team.
Magneto is a high execution character that rewards the player for being good
I see nothing wrong with him
I really enjoyed the game. I'm so mad it never made it to steam or something. I just have no space where i'm living right now for an extra console to be out (just moved) but this game alone is a reason that I keep my 360 with me.
UMVC3, VF5, Soul Calibur 5, SSX. Love these games.
>a high execution character that rewards the player for being good
same for Zero, Morrigan, Dante.
I'm fine with it because my whole team is a perfect 10
Cool in idea, but it forces people to pick low tiers to actually have a team, and not many people might have practise with these low tiers.
Would be good for a little mess around casual thing.
My pure Capcom team was Arthur, Joe and Tron Bonne
My mix team is Wright, MODOK and Rocket Racoon
Other than that I fuck around
If we ever do get a vs Capcom game again, I want Apollo in it
Justin Wong would win absolutely everything, his team fits.
and i still can't do this she-hulk combo ;_;
My team is already 10, so this is acceptable.
There wouldn't be too many entrants. But if there were, we'd get to see some unique teams, combos and synergy.
There was one tourney that sold themes auction style, but didn't say who'd be on them. For example, team SF
who PhoenixWright/Akuma/Morrigan here?
alternatively, who complete shitter here
themed teams*
Can't Sent/Doom to make my Nemesis less shit. Would have to grind Shuma.
Shit, looks like it's one of those games where the player who hits first wins the match. Is it unbalanced?
Boy I sure do love the same 3 characters doing the same endless combo strings
But the difference between them is that Zero has the loops and godlike incoming mixups
Morrigan has astral vision and she still gets bar while doing it
Magneto has nothing extremely overwhelming. he is just a good character
Dante is high execution but he is not as good as Morrigan or Zero because of his slow normals and prop shredder scaling his damage to shit. I don't think he deserves to be nerfed
>yfw you hear
Phoenix, Arthur, Felicia, Haggar, and Chun are pro-reg.
Ryu, Dante, Spencer, Joe and Frank are anti-reg.
Not sure about the others. Would Amaterasu even care? The villains certainly wouldn't
>is it unbalanced
does the pope shit in the woods?
It is a good feel
i thought frank would be more pro reg
Wesker is pro-reg. He would infiltrate in the government and have a list of superhuman to experiment.
Thor wasn't part of Civil War
Tony cloned him though
It didn't end up well
I thought he was the type to distrust big government, but on the other hand he is a journalist, so maybe he'd want transparency from the superhero community more?
>He doesn't get gud with MODOK
>He doesnt do the tentacle grab super on shitters
>He doesn't ANALYZE CUBE Trap
>He doesn't use the Elvis Or Howard the Duck skin
>He doesn't put his Theme on Blast
Why aren't you having fun?
Everyone is weak to the double cross up
his combos are tricky
but his barrier assist does work wonders
>You'll never time travel back to 2012
>Where the leaked concept pictures revealed the rest of UMVC3
>>>>>>>>>Phoenix Fucking Wright and Rocket Racoon
Why is there a Gwen for everything now?
>yfw you trade with a Vergil using spiral swords during x-factor and devil trigger.
Phew, I'm safe for another 2.3 seconds.
A man can dream...
>Hmm, a little creature with a surprisingly big head
>I've had Experiments like you, I called them failures
>Laws? MODOK is above the law!
>Objection Overruled whelp
Modok's Capcom quotes were fucking kek
What a coincidence. I never had a chance to play it back in the day, but I bought it off amazon and now I just gotta wait for it to arrive.
By the way, if my mains in MVC2 are Jill Valentine, Guile and Dr Doom; which characters here would be similar to this team (besides Doom of course)?
His ending is even better
Phoenix Wright/ Amy/ Ryu
I got raped every match.
Even if Zero didn't have loops, he'd still be the best character in the game. Every Zero player will tell you that Zero is not maximized or figured out. He just doesn't NEED to be. That's how overwhelming he is.
there are 3 types of teams, pick one:
point/ support/ assist
Frank west is like Jill. he throws zombies as well
For Guile I have no idea
This game spoiled me. I only like fast, intense fighters and it makes getting into a slower fighter like SFV near impossible.
Never realized MODOK was a /sci/ shitposter.
Ryu hates Spiders
Jill's dash, zombie summons and normals were some of my favorite parts about her. I'm not sure if I'll like Frank's leveling up system, but otherwise he kinda catches my attention.