I deeply regret buying this piece of shit.
Same for SF5.
Buyers remorse thread
I just downloaded it when it was free. Haven't played it yet. Thought it looked alright.
And yeah, my arcade stick is dusty as fuck.
It's actually pretty good, the DLC was a piece of shit though.
$10 for 25 minutes of content, god bless.
I got it when it was free on GwG too. It's not bad, but not great either. That said, I'm not a fan of those types of games so I only played it for a few hours before giving up, so I'm not the best judge of it.
my ps4
My Xbox One. I wish I could just give up on Halo, but my autism forces me to follow this train wreck until the end. I should have gotten a WiiU or a PS4.
Got this PoS practically for free and I still regret it.
DOn't even bother mate the game is fucking terrible.
Imagine a Souls ripoff where everything is 10 times slower. Enemies have a shitload of health and most of them can't be damaged unless you attack them in a specific way
>Find bigass shield guy
>Parry or defending perfectly only lets you hit him once
>Runing and bashing him with your shiled also only lets you hit him once
>Runing directly at him and hitting him with a jumping attack also hits him once and it depends on the weapon or else he insta kills you
>took me at least 12 shield/ bashes to kill one for these guys
>Right after that they added 2 more in a narrow corridor
>Find new enemy
>it doesn't have a shield but no weapon staggers it if you attack it
>You have to defeat it the exact same way
every single area and enemy of this game is terrible and it feels like they added shit just for the sake of adding shit.
Also, my story with SF5
>Get the special edition on release day in japan.
>Nobody buys the game
>Serves in Japan are a mess, very few people playing the game + all the problems the game had at launch
>3 days later retailers start selling used copies for half of the price
>Goes back to Brazil
>Also no one plays the fucking game and my internet connection went to shit
>months later finally i finally get better connection(30 mb with an average of 3 to 5 mb upload)
>Takes 10 to 20 minutes to get a ranked match
>Apparently i'm the only one who bothers to have decent internet because even though i set the matches to be 4-5 connection quality i get teleports and drops often
>Every Brazilian player only pick Ryu/Ken and does the exact same shit
>They don't even combo, they just Grab, dp or sit back
>None of my friends who used to play fightans are interested in the game, i'm literally the only one who has it.
I guess i'll simply stop trying trying to have fun with this game.
is it that bad? they told me this was an easy version of souls game, so I got curious and bought in this last psn sale
Let's be friends, user. I bought it last week and I'm also from Brazil.
Bruh its better than binding of isaac. You must really suck if you think this is anythyng but a game touched by god.
Depends what you where thinking. They added a pvp dogfighting game but other than that its kinda a space chore sim. I liked it.
I thought it was alright.
This one on the other hand...
'Nuff said.
give me your psn
Heard that.
You got me good, Firaxis.
Never again.
It's not better than isaac.
Dropped it after the second boss. What a bore. Also that horrible camera.
That's your opinion, and your opinion fucking sucks.
Dark Souls 2
I want my $20 back
Op here.
I find it fucking awful that every weapon has a move set but you can only attack enemies once unless you want to give away more than half of your life bar.