Game has no bad language

>Game has no bad language
>takes no skill to play, literally "Press Q to win".
>marketed it for younger audience, trailers proved that.
>bans the SFM Porn
>Zero Gore



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Here's you're (you), friend! Keep on fighting the good fight! Bait those bois!

>be over 18
>playing Stillwatch

It's a Twitch game for kids to watch.

>LUL Kappa

Video games are toys. You think your toy is hardcore.


Well, the truth lies a bit deeper

so do you post these threads while you wait for a battleborn round? what are the waiting times now? 10 minutes?

I'll respond seriously so i can tell myself that i tried.

>Game has no bad language
You can toggle off swearing filter in the Social setting menu

>Takes no skill to play, literally "Press Q to win".
Not true, many ultimates require the opposing player to be reckless or aggressive in playstyle and not have taken proper precautions, many ults can be dodged even after paused realization of an ultimate being used against them.

>marketed it for younger audience, trailers proved that.
This might be true in a sense but so was Team fortress 2 and don't use the argument that TF2 has mature humor because overwatch has aswell.

>bans the SFM Porn
It's not in Blizzards best interest for there to be pornographic images floating around the internet in alot of ways. This is their PR management decision to make and also marketing projections.

>Zero gore
This is simply a matter of art direction and style. It would also look out of place combined with the rest of the designs.
Post limit.

im just wondering what rank I need to reach in order to avoid having complete retards on my team who still dont understand the basic gamplay mechanics or character strengths/weaknesses

>bans the SFM Porn

How the fuck can the ban the porn?

All games are on twitch now days. That's what kids do.
Both Battleborn and Overwatch are more fun then Call of Duty.

It was literally designed, created and marketed as the "Smash Bros" of FPS and you're complaining that its casual? That was the intent

>>Zero Gore
No one wants to see those qts get gibbed

>Mature humor

The Meet the Spy video has a reference to Spy having had sex with the mother of Scout, also there is a suggestive picture.

>Trailers had gore and nudity

literally retarded

>team fortress 2
>marketed for a young audience

you can GIB people in to bloody pieces in that game you retard

Doesn't change the fact it was the most succesful in the younger audience even relative to the video game industry that has a very young audience in general already.

everyone who isn't a complete and total waste and still posts on Sup Forums is playing overwatch.

>I need swearing and gore to reassure myself of my masculinity

This board is for 18 and up

>the fact it was the most succesful in the younger audience

[citation needed]

I applaud them for standing up to SFM. That type of shit is the plague. Had to send a kid to the office after a girl told on him for showing her and other kids a D.VAxWinston webm on his brand new phone. 5th graders.

i think we can all agree that reaper is the most mature character

I actually watched for a bit on twitch since all the constant shilling here had me curious.

Is every encounter basically a 1 hit kill? People were dropping like flies to whoever I was watching

Its one of those things that everyone knows is true but I can't provide proper reference like old people never eating a twix.

so? porn is for kids that can't get laid, and yet adults still enjoy porn. what's the matter?

you get any SchoolgirlxSensei action like in my chinese cartoons yet?

say no more op, I got you fammi

>every character with different + multiple loadouts
>mfw i am not even a shill but just hyped

*different stats

Its so much fun

Those things are called bullshit

Even TF2 had gore ... and Overwatch doesn't.


I've literally never played such a bland and uninteresting game in my entire life.

>Even TF2
Wow even an M rated game has gore? How did they let that through??

Well said, this proves how superior TF2 is.

>This is mature humor

If you played it in its prime the vast majority of players were 12 year olds.

Also the thousands of stupid Garry's Mod/SFM videos that were obviously made by younger people.


Sup Forums is full of manchilds. The game was catered toward them. It's on the same marketing target audience as Pokemon at this point.

>people legit complaining about lack of gore

The game's style wouldn't work being gory. It's too happy and positive.

>kids games are bad


This is what bothers me, the game feels like it has no identity at all.
All the characters in the game look like they were taken from completely different games, and being too positive just makes the characters feel utterly uninteresting

>mature gamers like myself need gore and cursing in our video gaming

holy fucking fedora

It was designed to be safe because it's trying to market itself to the entire world.
By banning porn they mean porn videos? Because tracking down porn drawings is practically impossible.

Also family games like Nintendo one have unlimited amount of porn. Have you seen Nintendo trying to banning them? No. They just announced once that they intended to but they did nothing in the end.

Gore and gibs make gunplay more satisfying
And sure as heck don't enjoy it when the gosh flabbit writers make every character feel character feel like fuzzly wuzzly pillow in an FPS when they have backgrounds like being an assassin of darkness

Darn I guess fell for the fun trap; I'll be over here enjoying myself.

>"I only play mature games, for mature people like myself"

OP confirmed for huge faggot.

>Play Overwatch
>Realize quick that this is the only shooter you need 5 other friends with like MOBA garbage to succeed regularly

>Fuck right off back to TF2 Classic

Wew. Didn't cost me a dime either.

Banning porn is just another marketing scheme.

They've never cared before, they know they can't do anything about it, they just want more news about their game.

This should be obvious.

do people actually give a fuck if theres no "bad language" or gore? i can only imagine edgy teenagers actually care about this...

Why does Zen have such low HP? He dies so quickly.

He's a support. Why the fuck would you charge in as him? Unless you know how to use Orb of Discord effectively.

He used to have more and was really good, as in he was the best hero.
So they shaved off 50 shields because it's a nice, round number that everyone else has, and he is now just about at the bottom, but can still completely evaporate enemies if played well.
Just don't let him take more than 2 bullets.

More news? But it's already overhyped and it's advertised everyone. How much viral marketing they need?

Lack of gore and profanity is literally a non-argument. It plays the same as it would with it and still manages to be interesting.

Even TF2 would be roughly the same without it, it's just a way to make it have broader appeal.

We all knew this. They've never marketed it differently, so what is there to fall for?