>pc is starting to restart itself randomly because of the heat
>pc is starting to restart itself randomly because of the heat
sent ;)
some ice cubes are in the mail
Turn on the air conditioner.
I wish my dad wasnt a cheapo so we could turn on the AC
I hate heat and sweat.
But the girls are finally wearing cleavage-heavy shirts and short shorts... what a conundrum.
Do you think I'm some kind of Rockefeller that has a refridgeafied air machine?
Sucks to suck.
>tfw thought her knees were breasts at first because of the thumbnail
>mfw its 100 degrees outside and my computer still runs fine
Fino a cute
>hard drive constantly makes the click of death
Sucks for you bud, hope the temperature over there cools down soon :)
Hey let's talk about lava levels :)
>shoulda got a PS4
nigga buy an air conditioner
they're really not that expensive
Make sure the fans are working. You might want to re apply some thermal paste to the heat sink. If its that el cheapo stuff it doesn't last very long. Get arctic silver or another good one.
But they use a lot of e-lectricity, which is expensive.
>AC is running, but room is still hot due to being a converted attic
>Comp still whirrs like a jet engine when I run anything modern
>just got top of the line inverter ACs installed in each floor and every bedroom
>Cools like a fucking dream, is dead silent, and keeps a steady exact temperature
>Is so cheap on power that it's actually more efficient to just let them run all the time
Sucks to suck
Forgot to mention using some canned duster on the insides of your pc if you haven't done this in a while. dust buildup on fans and stuff can make them less efficient.
>have psudeo-gaymin laptop
>keep ff14on all day and night with intensive settings
>never overheats at all even with this heat
Laptop coolers are great.
>mfw Florida and it's sunny with a cool breeze going on all day
It's comfy.
>tfw my ps4 overheats like nothing when it's hot
>sent it in thinking maybe sony could fix it
>it still overheats after I got it back
>he doesn't have a hand crank
Enjoy the hellish humidity that's coming for you, you cunt.
Thermal paste lasts a very long time if applied correctly, which hopefully it is. It might not just be OP's CPU either.
But yeah checking the fans is a good idea, need to make sure there's sufficient airflow in and out. 2 fans in, 1 fan out or more. Although if it's really hot outside, maybe it'll just blow hot air through.
watercooling your PC should help
go to lowes and buy a bucket
>keep laptop cooler on PLUS internal laptop turbo mode for the fans
>still overheating
post the laptop cooler you got user, I dont think mine i doing jack shit
I'm more afraid of that viral thing going on with the mosquitoes. But yeah, the heat and humidity is absolute hell.
it's 85 degrees outside and my 4670k + hyper 212 with dota 2 and youtube open is whizzing along at 52c
get a better cpu cooler or reapply thermal paste and reseat your current one, open up your case and clean up your cable management so there's nothing obstructing airflow and creating air pockets, install more case fans - you generally want to have more intake than exhaust so your case has positive air pressure, clean the dust out of your case and fans so everything is able to operate optimally
I've NEVER had my PC restart because of heat since I'm pretty scrupulous about ensuring my case's airflow is good, it'd help if you told us what exactly your specs and case setup were
You gonna get anything from Bonnie?
>not having a finished basement
I move my desktop to the basement every summer. A/C isn't even on and it's chilly down here.
What the fuck kind of ACs are you talking about? I'm using a shitty box one sitting in my window. I'd love something like that.
>Living in old ass apartment
>Cheep rent but no AC
>Computer is overheating
>To humid outside to open window
>Have two desk fans blowing on it
I hate summer.
Is this a desktop or a laptop?
I'll PM you the fix
I have no idea what the general system is called but there are compressor pumps outside that run cooled refrigerant into big units on the walls inside the house, it's sorta like central air
It was some cheap $13 cooling pad from Wal-Mart I got back in December.
I believe this is it, but it says it's no longer available on the site. walmart.com
If you have windows that open you can get a portable AC unit senpai. Might make those humid as fuck nights a bit more tolerable.
That's under load, r-right?
I have the real fix that can easily overcome all of this, and you don't have to spend a dime. Works 100%
But I am a cunt who doesn't want to help the community as a whole.
If you want the fix, PM me.
>mfw haven't turned on PS4 since this heatwave started
It's gaming hardware, it'll still sound like a jet engine m8.
>router is upstairs
>wireless signal is shit
it's either play single player shit here where it's cool or play Overwatch upstairs where my laptop whirrs like its begging me to kill it
get yourself a fucklong internet cable, shit isn't that expensive
My windows slide from right to left...
Nope that's idle
>Get wire
>Take it downstairs
>Unreal heat outside
>Living in basement apartment, while chinks have their fucking heat cabled bathroom right above my room
>TV is an oven
>First gen PS3
>PC on it's last legs
>Fan with heat function exploded in the middle of the night 2 weeks ago and I have literally zero cash
>Have to use drapes to make my screen visible
>Mfw they are black
>gonna be 91 on Wednesday
>apartment has no A/C
Who is this prostsate apostate?
>Not getting yourself a cooling pad
Lel bruh, you dense?
Cover your windows with aluminium foil, just tape em right up.
It looks retarded as fuck from the outside, but the results are delightful.
Not him but from my experience even the best cooling pads don't really make all that much difference since most of the heat that gives you problems is in the core of the laptop and not the surface
>That feel when it's 54°F right now
>That feel when it was 40°F last night
Sup Forumsutists leave
>tfw it was 93F today
>tfw I was wearing winter coats to work not even two weeks ago
Buy a new fan
This sounds really stupid. So much that I'm actually going to try out one day.
>tfw I actually miss shoveling snow
You live in New England? Few weeks ago I was chilly in my jacket, now I'm holed up in 95 degree humid heat
I'm serious dude it works
Sunlight bounces right off instead of heating up your room
First get this
Figure out of if your cpu or gpu is overheating it's one of those two
Second watch this
Honest tip, positive airflow is much better
No dust, and I personally get lower temperatures
If your gpu is overheating:
make sure you have at least 1 intake fan on the side blowing directly AT the graphics card
if your cpu is overheating
Same as with gpu just try and position it so it blows at the cpu (at the cpu's cooling metal that is, from the cooler)
Also 99% of cpu heat problems are solved by buying a new thermal paste and applying it
Here's a good guide
Just kidding, watch the video linked at the end of that video
>starting to get pretty hot in my computer room
>remember i modded my 1-hose monoblock ac to use 4 hoses so it can cool my computer room from another room with the doors closed and very little noise
>look forward to the summer
Yep, MA here
>Can afford a $900 rig
>Can't afford an air conditioner
Man children
I've had this pop up a few times over the span of a year.
What does it mean? Is it something bad?
Don't fucking listen to anyone here. They don't know the supreme method.
Buy a vacuum with a reverse blow option.
The air pressure coming out is phenomenal and will outclass canned air 100 fold. Once you start blowing the fuck out of your GPU heatsink, you'll see a shit ton of dust fly out.
Best fucking method to clean your computer.
Everyone else's tips are for cuckolds.
>mfw tri-x
Based sapphire
When is AMD just gonna sell the production rights to them?
They are the only company that makes them right
I believe you, I'll try it when it gets hot over here.
At least it'll keep ayylmaos and psyops out as well.
Mine was $2,000 back in 09
>Desk next to my window
>Got a window AC installed
>Have to wear hoodies and sweats when gaming
>reverse blow
I'm sure it will be hard to find a vacuum with the suck functionality
So I started playing and....
We waited 2 and a half years for this?
I mean Its alright but.
>mfw the sun rises and you start a fire outside your window
>tfw UK
>never too hot, never too cold
UK is the sweetspot.
>pc is shutting down randomly becayse kittens keep stepping on power button
Doesn't that generate a shitload of static and blow up your internals?
What chinese cartoon is this?
> still living with parents
Why won't you cucks get a job at McDonalds and just move out?
>tfw I am the Canada stereotype
>can't deal with heat over 15C
>it hit 30C today
Now the days are so long I'm not going to sleep until october.
post snow levels
>finally starting to get 80 degree days
>start checking speccy
Who /texas/ here?
>everything is >40c right now
Thank you Noctua™
the one where the demon lords' daughter works part time at a magic item shop after her father kicks the bucket.
>canned air
>not using a big compressor that decimates the dust from the heatsink with great force
Its a new "feature" in windows 10 that you can actually alter in the registry.
Basically if your graphics card starts to fall behind on the work its given (essentially freeze) for more than 2 seconds W10 automatically cuts it off and restarts the driver.
Bumped that shit up to 8 seconds because it was getting irritating on some of the early access games I play that simply need optimization.
Divert your cooling system from your Walmart demon to your PC.
How you guys staying cool enough to vidya this summer? Been eating foods that have refreshing kind of spicyness to them, making you feel cooler than it really is.
not him, but really? that explains why it randomly does it from time to time
>reverse blow
I just open a window
Pop the heatsink off the CPU and make sure there's still thermal paste. I left actual scorch marks on a previous motherboard because the thermal paste had...I don't know, melted away or something?
Considering how hot it is in my room I think I'm all right
>he doesn't suck his friend's dick with his ass
Right. Kinda makes sense.
I'm on windows 8 though. Is it a feature for 8 too?
I got a big old fashioned glass beer stein and filled it with ice, then poured water in after between the cubes.
I've also been playing SSX3, so maybe that helps.