Why aren't you playing the best hero fps out there right now?
>Pic related
Why aren't you playing the best hero fps out there right now?
>Pic related
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Afterbirth Plus when?
Cain all day erryday.
At this point it's Soon™, plus Edmund has shown he's also busy with Bumbo.
Fuck Bumbo. I want more Isaac. Also Mew-Genics.
putting a damage cap on bosses was the stupidest idea someone has ever had
>playing isaac post-afterbirth
I hope you choke on that steak user
She's not dead. Just on hiatus. Its just a hiatus. It'll be back. No loving god would keep it from us.
still best roguelike to this date
>just a hiatus.
hahaha yeah... a hiatus.
Hail Isaac! Our Dark Lord n Master
Please, Azazel all the way.
>able to liquify bosses with the right items
>flight right off the bat
Its like playing on easy mode
first person shooter? wtf
>tfw afterbirth made the game much worse
I can't believe I actually bought that shit at full price.
OP here.
Since making this thread I went and beat greed mode with ??? for the first time. At about 350 greed machine coins. Been slowly working through the afterbirth dlc.
afterbirth makes the game terrible fyi
>Greed mode
Muh D100 n shiet
>I can't believe I actually bought that shit at full price
pic related
>Actually difficult bosses
u wot m8.
>Actually difficult bosses
i hope you arent refering to ultra greed and hush
greed mode is so easily broken its depressing and becuase of this ultra greed can easily be taken down as fast as every other boss
and hush isnt really hard much as it is time consuming
>Let's make everything new a fucking bullet sponge, and on top of that, why don't we give them easy as hell patterns to dodge!
Not that user, but Afterbirth at the very least makes the game a lot less fun due to shitty game design. At least we got bullet synergies, even though there's still a fair bit missing.
>Flash Player Shooter
Afterbirth would be perfect if the multiplayer baby unlocks became new baby pickup items instead, and if there were no scaling HP on Hush and Ultra Greed.
There, I fixed it. Hopefully Afterbirth+ will allow that to actually happen, because god damn otherwise Afterbirth was a disappointing expansion.
i finally beat hard mode boss rush and hush as lost. in the same playthru even
now i just have to do megasatan with lost and keeper and hush with keeper
Afterbirth+ PC will allow for modding far beyond what people are capable of now, we just have to hope some good coders can take advantage of it.
why the fuck would you play normal?
It's been 5 years since that even needs to be said.
Cause I'm a filthy casual.
relax, i was just asking since you're not making any progress with unlocks while in normal mode.
I've been meaning to do all hardmode unlocks, currently I want to get the Keeper so I'll have all characters + Holy Mantle on The Lost. Then I can finish getting all regular unlocks and go for hardmode unlocks.
Also about 60% done with challenges. Accidentally beat Cat Got Your Tongue in under 15 minutes. Thought it would be harder.
i recommend doing the challenges first, for maximum fun in the runs.