Want a casual fun game to play, buy this piece of shit

>Want a casual fun game to play, buy this piece of shit
>Get invested because of bullshit skilless mechanics getting me killed repeatedly and I have to get revenge or else I'll be mad
>Seriously nearly throw a glass of ice water over my PC when shitty netcode or tick rate or whatever means I rocketboost away from Genji and get killed in midair
>His killcam shows me never even leaving the ground


Git gud faggot

>playing a PvP only game made for kids

Found your mistake

>want a casual fun shooter like TF2 was
>splatoon fails to deliver
>Overwatch comes along
>It's as fun as old days TF2
For once, I was not disappointed.

>getting mad while playing games
I never got this.

You're a nu-male. It's not really your fault.

skill doesn't impact the bad netcode or the pathetic ultimates, though

>getting mad at vidya
>not the very definition of nu beta fag

Nu-male sounds like some generic newfag word for just going "BETA", which was in itself is just a rebranding of "NEEEEEERD:

Neck yaself

Are you fucking kidding me? the game is retardly easy keep practicing scrub

There's nothing wrong with the net code just get better internet or stop downloading porn that would help.

>I never got this.

>Run for the Point
>"Hiiigh noon" from behind before you get there
>You're forced to watch it again on camera while you wait longer than you actually lived
>Run for the point
>Widowmaker headshots you from some rooftop on the way there
>You're forced to watch it again on camera while you wait longer than you actually lived
>Run for the point
>S76 kills you by accident with his aimbot
>You're forced to watch it again on camera while you wait longer than you actually lived
>Run for the point
>Walk around a corner
>Streetpig hooks and one-shots you
>You're forced to watch it again on camera while you wait longer than you actually lived
>Run for the point
>Tracer puts a bomb on you and blinks away
>You're forced to watch it again on camera while you wait longer than you actually lived
>Run for the point
>Go through buildings, alleys for cover
>Actually make it to the point
>Riptire follows you and kills 3/4 of your team
>You're forced to watch it again on camera while you wait longer than you actually lived
>They win the game
>You're forced to watch it AGAIN on camera in the Play of the Game reel

You guys are really bad at this game.

its ok jose, brazil will get better internet eventually

Stop being bad

It's because they are retards that want to play it like it was an average shooter, completely ignoring the MOBA elements. Players like that are better sticking to CoD, TF2 or whatever generic camping spamfest suits you best.

Why do people suck so bad in this Game?

>Temple of Anubis attack phase
>Enemy team has a Bastion and a Reindhardt installed on the choke point
>Everyone runs towards them and get mowed down

Do they not know that theres a backdoor that leads right behind the Bastion and Reindhardt? Always have to shut them down myself

git gud

>fun casual shooter
>splatoon fails
Figures, Splatoon has a high skill ceiling. Higher than overwatch for sure.

You are casual scum user.

turn off kill cams if they piss you off so much
i did

Splatoon, for some weird reason, got full of massive tryhard neckbeards who want to treat it like Quake INK ARENA or something. The retarded stat boosting clothes also ruined it.

Put a refund ticket in like I did

>stupid RNG gameplay that causes me to lose nearly every game due to my horrible luck
>ugly characters
>paid full price for it and my friend dropped it right after I picked it up
What a world

>having this little situational awareness

>shitty netcode or tick rate or whatever means I rocketboost away from Genji and get killed in midair
>>His killcam shows me never even leaving the ground

i tried for weeks to get Sup Forums and blizzard to understand how the subpar tickrate really fucks up the games integrity a lot more often than thought. no one listened

beta test my ass. beta test is just marketing

But the game is 60 tick on the server side, it's only 20 tick on the client side

Is there something wrong with doing well in a game? "tryhard"? you can't beat someone because you aren't good enough to go around them or through them so they're a sweaty neckbeard?

Nu-male means a pathetic and balding literal cuck that wears glasses. Anthony Burch is a good example of a nu-male.

I find it weird the number of Japanese players who play the shit out of it and main chargers or Luna blasters.

How is that a nu-male? Biological actions you cannot control make you a nu-male?

>There's a Widowmaker standing near your spawn, doing nothing but tagging targets of opportunity
>Nobody switches to Junkrat to counter the double Bastion
>People don't stay near Lucio for heals
>Tracers not prioritizing enemy turrets, Bastions or Widowmakers

I need to find at least four friends to play with, pubs are horrible.

Not him, but you know how hard it is to try to beat a "tryhard" player when your random team is shit?

Just need ranked user, but yeah, the 20 tick is ass.

Tryhard isn't someone who is good/wins necessarily. A try hard in splatoon would be the type of guy who only uses one specific weapon because "IT'S THE BEST", only plays ranked because he has some hard on for a letter on his screen, and min/max's his gear to the last .01%

>bad netcode or the pathetic ultimates
>Things bad players say

Thanks for the laugh user

Nah, being balding or needing glasses is fine. Unfortunate perhaps, for you, but fine.

Being a pathetic balding literal cuck with glasses? That's something else.

>Blizzdrones actually defend 20 tick

That sounds like a generic title you can place on anyone

Sounds more like a schoolyard insult for 10 year olds.

I just find myself getting rekt by turrets as tracer

>Implying anyone on Sup Forums knew about or gave shit about tick rate before this game

>clear a point with Reaper's ult and get the opponent off overtime
>on the second point the rest of the team is fucking up, healer isn't giving many heals or anything
>faggot Junkrat that's just been spamming the entire game starts giving me shit
>"has the reaper used his ult once?"
>get blamed for lost at the end because of this faggot

The people who play this game should be nuked.

Just use Blink and rewind to flank them, they get confused very easily.

The only players that actually annoy me on Splatoon are the jumping Japs that always have seconds of delay. Even using an ethernet adapter only helps so much.

>Trying to downplay the fact that 20 tick is garbage
Far more often than not the kill cams in this game show the server is super far behind what you saw on your screen.

Be careful what you wish for
>have good friends I always have to play with
>one only picks Roadhog, Soldier 76 or Pharah but can't hook or land direct hits for shit and only uses soldier's heal for himself
>one only takes widowmaker but he's good so I can't complain
>one doesn't understand that some heroes counter others; gets mad and flames the enemy team
>we can't work as a team for shit
>if I play alone I'm afraid my level will get too high and we'll get destroyed harder when we're together

>go on /ink/ everyone blaming japs for bad lag
>never had a jap lag badly on me
>Splatfest rolls around
>Spics and Frogs lagging everywhere

All im thinking while i play overwatch is how much fun tf2 was. It's more casual that what i spected


Old TF2 > Overwatch > New TF2

I played comp it was night and day. I started wondering why I did so much better with it, found out the comp servers run at a much nicer 60.

It absolutely matters, you cannot defend 20 tick in this day and age. Hopefully once blizz recoups their titan losses they'll splurge and make the game fair.