This game is fucking awful

This game is fucking awful

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it wasn't Agarest-tier, but I finished it since I played the other two.

Still way better than Tonelico 1 and 2, even ar no surge. that game was complete shit.

Combat was tedious, but I wanted to see where the story would go after the first two games.

>there will never be another Tonelico game

just play ar nosurge instead

I already did, user. Are they going to make another Surge game?

Too cute for you faggot? The game is mediocre at worst.

>there will never be another Tonelico game
Well yeah, I believe the "Ar Tonelico" brand partially belongs to Banpresto which in turn is Bandai Namco, not just Gust, that's why Ar Nosurge only barely touches on the setting of Tonelico, with using some terms of that setting for that cameo.

Good bait. Made me respond

>that giant sword

god that is so awful and impractical

At least soundtrack had some good tracks.
But yeah, what a shit show to end the series with after Ar Tonelico 2.

Saki was as dumb as dumb gets, but I'd definitely purge her over and over again.

I was expecting that based on the boxart to be honest

so ar no surge one man valkyrie profile battle and stupid break system that complete has no depth is good for you? oh and also spend two games just to say whoah this is so 4th of the wall breaking, so meta plot is good. you sir have extremely bad taste.

at least tonelico 3 combine the meshes the importance of bards completely into battle system, better than what tonelico 1 and 2 did

the only reason people like tonelico 1 and 2 is because of the autistic waifu and the slut whore waifu

It's a space-energy shovel for mining and highly pratical.

Ar Tonelico games have never been that good. The only good thing about them is the music, which in the first two was spectacular.

>slut whore waifu
In 2, that would be any girl not named Frelia or Cynthia.

Learn how to type you retard.

The only things they have going for themselves are OST

They could have been so much more if they weren't fanservice central though, which is pretty sad.

This reply is meta-within-meta.

>They could have been so much more
They already do well enough in Japan, their main userbase.

They even got Origa to do one of her last performances before passing away.

Is Ar Nosurge worth a playthrough?


I think you mean read-through, because reading is all you are going to be doing.

Well, is it a good read?

You have to press more than one button sometimes during battles, that's gameplay.

Meant to quote:

It's not bad, you must be going for it expecting an average Anime of Season plot though.

most people seems to like the game, personaly i found it extremely boring, the dialogue never seems to end to the point it feels more like a visual novel, than a JRPG, a lot of event reference the previous game which has never come out of japan so you spend most of your time confused as fuck about what the fuck the character are talking about and a lot of dialogue just feels like watching a really really really bad anime even for JRPG standard

like there is a part where you enter your childhood friend mind and she's waging an internal war about the part that wants to fuck the main character and the part that hate him and the parts are literaly called "tsun" and "dere", it's that level of anime stupid, there is another where you spend half an hour talking about cooking with this girl here who clearly doesn't know how pants are supposed to work and it just goes on and on and on and on... it's a fucking drag

>like there is a part where you enter your childhood friend mind and she's waging an internal war about the part that wants to fuck the main character and the part that hate him and the parts are literaly called "tsun" and "dere", it's that level of anime stupid, there is another where you spend half an hour talking about cooking with this girl here who clearly doesn't know how pants are supposed to work and it just goes on and on and on and on... it's a fucking drag
It's a deep psychological study in the mind of two girls, with great visual charicatures of their issues.

Obviously it was too deep for you.

I quit playing the first game like 20 hours in, the battle system and difficulty were a joke. The only thing that kept me going was the chink robot and the music

I couldn't tell you. I got bored after about 5 hours.

You should've have kept paying the first Tonelico just for the innuendo stravaganza.

Rule of thumb with jap games. If the title has three or more made up words that are non existant in english language the game is probably bad.
I don't know who decided to localize this shit while thousands of good games are sitting there without a translation by the way.

Are you me?

But seriously, most of the music in Qoga was balls-awful. That shouldn't happen in an Ar tonelico game. Game pandered cheesecake way harder than the first two, as well, to the point it just felt cheap and gross.

Oh shit, it's the quality control police!

How about learning Japanese to play the superior japanese games that aren't coming over, officer?

what the fuck are you talking about?

Exec=flip arphage, Exec=rebirthia protocol and Exec_Cosmoflips>>>>>>>>>>> all shit music from tonelico 1 and 2 and ciel and ar no surge

I hated it too OP but was able to sell it used for more than I paid from nisa usa.

>nya nya nya nya uguu~
>good music

hail to thee, faggot queen

What's the appeal of these games?

Is it worth playing the series? I hear they're long as fuck, but i'd like to play something with a sense of a classic JRPG adventure again

>What's the appeal of these games?
Half-naked articial chicks and Relationship stats.

The soundtrack is also pretty good, some songs don't even sound like it was made for an average fanservice pandering game.

What if I don't like anime music

It uses the "science is based on magic" trope.
Setting is a post-post-apocalyptic wherein everything is pretty much fine, as long as you don't actually try to set foot on the planet.
Each game takes place on a separate floating tower. Each has it's own political/societal issues and general looming threat.
Ignoring the fanservice, the world-building/story/atmosphere is pretty neato.

That's the thing though, some songs don't sound like "anime music".

Does it feel like an adventure?

Like Tales/Grandia tier grand adventure, that's what i'm craving right now.

I only played Ar Tonelico 1, and it was shit. I picked it up because the "solving the girls pyschological problems by delving into their minds/souls" interested me, but it ended up being retarded shit like dreaming they were late for school.

It's not really traditional anime music.

Yes. Second game more so than first one, but I'd say that both are enjoyable. The setting is very well realized, and you get feeling of it being proper fantasy world.

>It's a deep psychological study in the mind of two girls, with great visual charicatures of their issues.
This is what draw me to the series. What the 3rd game didn't really accomplish is to flash out Saki. We've seen the emotional/psychological struggle of finnel and tyria but Saki remained 1-Dimensional throughout the game. How do they expect me to like the main heroine when they made her a cardboard cut-out caricature?

Wait until you see the drill inside it.

Yeah but watching finnel's flat chest jiggle was fun

It erks me to this day how awful the 3-D model looks. Thank god for the character portraits. I wonder why did Nagi stop doing them for Ar nosurge.

>chest jiggle
dad walks in.
Thanks Havok engine.

>dad walks in.
Just press the panic button.

He will think you are playing some Cooking game instead.

>New Atelier series announced and no new EXA_PICO game in sight.

Now Atelier is Gust cashcow, gets nearly annual release and EXA_PICO series sits in the backburner. What went wrong?

>What went wrong?
Banpresto no longer a partner.

Gust went under Koei Tecmo's wings, Banpresto was Bandai Namco's bitch for longer.


That guy had me busting a gut

ar tonelico 1+2 vita port W H E N.

>Origa to do one of her last performances before passing away.
>passing away
what the fuck

There might be some legal barriers for those.

They were made by Gust, Banpresto (Bandai Namco).

Now that Gust rides with KT, things might not be so simple.

>what the fuck
You have internet conection in the cave you are living in?


>Thanks Havok engine.
It's amazing because the jiggle physics are the sole implementation of that engine in the game. There's a jump button that works on the prerendered overworld but they're floaty as shit and they clearly don't utilise advanced physics. Meanwhile, the purge scenes are dynamic live renders.


People have been saying alot of the story of Ar nosurge is convoluted and the game references terminology borrowed from AT. So what do i have to do to make my experience less painful when i play through AnS?

I got the jist of it from reading the glossary section. Only detail that was lost to me was the fact that the universe Earthes is from isn't the same one Ion is from because some event caused the universe the game takes place in to be knocked a bit to the side in its position on the graph before Earthes was called.

Learn Japanese and play through Ciel.
The next best alternative is to read a summary but you'll miss a ton of detail.

My thoughts exactly. No surprise why the game bombed.

Aoto feels like he's filled with Helium. I remember jumping off the slope in Heaven's Peak and he descents like a hotair balloon. The only smooth aspect in the stiff combat is the dynamic live rendered chest jiggles.

I would be happy if they stuck with sprites like in the first two games but PRIORITIES.

>thanks Havok engine
You're welcome, user.

>Panic button only works in the Mind travel thing.
That's not very effective.

Sometimes you just go all in knowing what might happen.

most weeb games are awful save for VNs

>Panic button
You mean the PS home button?

>Why did you press the Home button son? I wanna see whacha ya playin'


>What's all these racket going up here, son?

>Yer playing those chinese games again?

>It's called Ar Tonlico, Dad

>It is a deep game filled with intricate world building and has a DEEP lore. Not to mention the language in the game is made up of Japanese,English and other languages. A baka gaijin like you will never understand.

>Watch for a second

cues purge scene.


>"Well, at least you ain't gay."

Desite it's flaws, you got to admit ATIII has the best hymmos songs.

It had some cool boss fight tunes.

you can see how far the genre evolved since the songs in AT1.

Shikata a best when she's not doing the cutesy shit like the nyamo song, pippen song in 2, or CHUMPI in Surge.

It's Pepen to you faggot.

If you knew your pepen from your pippen, then you would know how to reply properly, effendi.