What does Sup Forums think of etrian odyssey

what does Sup Forums think of etrian odyssey

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great games but drpgfags are cancer

I think that I want ET5

it's a shit game with shit mechanics, a shitty grind-heavy gameplay system, deliberately exploitable bosses who are nigh impossible without said exploits.

It rewards a very specific playstyle, and as such, is not a very good dungeon crawler. It's okay, but not great.

Pretty old school but Untold drew in the body pillow faggot crowd.




what does that mean?

Quickly turned in to my favorite series this last gen

It stands for dungeon role playing game

Used by fags that don't accept EO as a jrpg series nor a dungeon crawler

I still don't like the map.
Also, more dungeon dungeons and less outdoors activities would be preferred

I like them. The newer games added a bunch of quality of life shit that makes it easier to play but at the same time it made it easier to play.

I want to play one but no idea where to start.

Some people say to start with the Untold games.
Others say 4 but then other people say to start with one of the first 3.

Then 5 is out at some point and I feel like maybe just waiting for that.

Which game is the best on 3DS? IV?

Now that I think about it, I don't even like exploration as the premise in the first place.
Guess the series is just not for me

decent games when you don't draw the map, shit games when your forced to draw the map.

I always wanted to get into the series, but I just found the battle system and map extremely boring. I just end up dropping Untold everytime I get up to the point of the story where you first encounter a foe.

Start with Untold story where you have a premade party

Like it? Play Untold classic where you build your own party to fight enemies you're familiar with

Like it? Play EOIV blind

>I want to play but no idea where to start
This. I know 4 and Untold have just had permanent price drops, which is nice. Also I don't think the plot continuity between games is major, so it's fine to start with 4, right?
Or should I play Untold and then emulate the others first?

3 or 4 are not very hard and simple to get into

1 & 2 if you are into it and want a challenge

Untold if you are so bad at games you need a skill/money cheat system and nude DLC outfits.

Love it.

Probably not for you

Start with IV or Untold 2. Unlike the second one, Untold 1 Classic Mode is hindered by some content being locked behind Story Mode (which, by the way, you should avoid).
You can start with 3 too.
You can also go down all the way to the very first one if tediousness is your favourite flavour of challenge.
Don't bother ranking them.
Just play them all and be glad there's so much of it.

>original EO1

Geez it's sure hard to spam immunize.

i like the game, it gets the basic right, but it's so frustating and some choices are clearly made just to make the game more frustating for no more reason than giving the game a "hard just like ye olde drpg" reputation like...

why do you need a team for farming money? enemy drops shit for money so no you got to take farming money trip,
why are return wire a consumable items?, sure it makes for a great "this happened to me!" moment but there is no reason otherwise
why are some of the skill tree description so vague? immunize is a broken skill that make you invincible and it's explained so badly you would never know about it
heck why is the skill tree so terrible to begin with? picked the wrong skills? too bad, you are fucked, time to lose a bunch of level so that you can respec your character, should have took a trip too gamefaqs
why some bosses have attack so powerfull that they can literaly OHKO the whole party even when using classes specificaly designed to avoid getting OHKO?

honestly strange journey take all the good from the game and remove all the bad, but no the cancerous etrian odyssey fanbase will tell you that everything with the game is ok and you just need to git gud

>video games have to be perfect to have fans
Okay son

EO2U improved skill tree descriptions a lot. Hopefully, by 5 or Untold 3 we will finally be given proper values for better reference without having to resort to datamining.

>girls get a dozen portraits and swimsuits
>guys get 2 variants
fucking atlus

strange journey has some horribly tedious stuff in its own right

He's not saying that at all. user is just pointing out the major problems he had with the game. No game doesn't has flaws, but some games have bigger flaws than others.

>mfw the remake of EO2 came out before I had even finished the original EO2
>mfw moving through EO3 at a snail's pace
>still have 4, Untold 1, and Untold 2 to play
>5 is coming out soon

I'm going to be playing these games on my fucking deathbed.

>but no the cancerous etrian odyssey fanbase will tell you that everything with the game is ok

It's pretty damn fun. I remember pirating the first game on the DS ages ago, and I've loved the series since. EO1's 6th stratum puts hair on your chest, I'll tell you what. Couldn't even cheat if I wanted to since I didn't have internet at the time, and mapping it was hell.

Personally, I suggest either starting with EO3 or EO2 Untold (Classic). 3's my favorite game in the series, though by now it's missing a fair bit of the quality of life improvements that the next 3 games get. EO2 Untold is probably the most polished and balanced of the series, though starting with it means going backwards is more painful.

>Strange Journey take all the good from the game
Like navigating Eridanus without being able to leave marks/notes on the map? Boy, that game of Simon Says sure was fun.

Dumb SJfags.

Have you tried not being a faggot?

You know all those issues are present in SJ mate

Dont get me started on the shit you have to go through to create this cheese master.


I just can't get into jrpgs where not only do I not see my party during battle, I don't even see pretty attack animations from either side. I'm also not a fan of games where your party are just personality-less bodies.

I couldn't stick with the game (IV I think) long enough to see if there was even a story here, or just a series of grindy dungeons.

Not for me, I guess.

sorry user, atlus fan annoy me since they started that whole thing about "Fight & Heal" to mock a gaming journalist...

...which was being retarded but we all know he could have been 100% right about the game and that wouldn't have stopped them



Lolifags are a huge part of the fanbase. At least that's what Sup Forums and /vg/ suggests.

I want heat Etrian Odyssey 2. I gotto the 9th floor but the lack of free healing springs makes it much slower progressing than in the first game.

>thinking a girl could master alchemy. be a swordsman or Indiana Jones
my suspension of disbelief only goes so far

get rid of the weeb shit portraits and replace them with ones that actually fit the art style and it would be perfect

No reason to play it after DT2 was released

into the trash it goes

>get rid of the weeb shit portraits

kys senpai

It's culturally fixed, you pedo imbecile.

Stay mad

What's there to not fit when it's literally THE artstyle of the series?
Go back to your progressive western shit for numales.

>No story
>No characters
>No good animations
>No party animations
>You get punished hard for making a wrong build, which will happen unless you see faqs

The first two are the worst. I like dungeoning and exploring around in general, but I like to have an excuse to do it and other small stuff to distract me after I'm done with a big dungeon or exploration. Usually in RPG you get character insight or plot development as a reward for advancing, in EO you get nothing. Turns out that I really need that to keep me going, even if it's some weak stupid shit like FE chats.

And then again if I just want dungeoning, I have the dark spire right there which is IMO superior in every way.

Advise me some good grindfest rpg that has fancy skill trees and such.

ToS is a grindfest.


>g-g-guys please talk about Etrian Odyssey
>one guy just dumps images
>eventually people start samefagging and baiting just to bump the thread
what a shit fanbase

Untold and IV are 10 bucks on E-Shop
which one do I buy? I only played the first one of DS long ago.

Terms of Service?

That looks like a mystery dungeon game. I fucking hate 'em!

Does not really matter too much. I'd go with 4.

Play the third on the DS first.
If you MUSt get a 3ds one get IV I guess

I'm wondering the same

I'm playing Untold right now but the story is really dumb and I don't like the characters other than the alcoholic tank girl

Yes we know nintendo shills! It's on sale on EU eshop!

And the NA shop

>I need a pretentious story with shitloads of exposition
>I need characters who never shut up
>I need a lot of eye candy to keep me entertained during gameplay
>I want the game to hold my hand all the time so I'm 100% sure I never mess up
Was FF XIII your favorite game or something?

nobody buy 3DS game anymore

You are missing the point of the EO series. A lot of that stuff you mentioned is part of the appeal except for the last part which is actually bullshit because resting is a thing allowing you to experiment builds as you please. Honestly I don't see why JRPG fans or whatever come to this series and expecting a deep story or some shit. Untold would be more your strong suit anyhow.

Untold 3 will probably announced soon though, so they may as well just wait for that.

Doujins are great

tree of savior and unmet expectations

Tree of Savior. It's that new-hot korean mmo. I don't play it myself but my friend has clocked 450 hours in it already and he's nowhere near done so I guess there's a lot of time to be wasted there.

>Used by fags that don't accept EO as a jrpg series nor a dungeon crawler
So just you faggot

I'll play the 3rd on DS emulator too, but right now I want something to be able to play when im on the train coming home

>I need a pretentious story
What's your definition of pretentious?

No, it's actually a breeding grounds for self inserts and an action game.
I'll che

Playing Untold 2. Should I go with classic or story?

>A lot of that stuff you mentioned is part of the appeal
So you like having no story, characters and animation? Why?
I just can't understand what you enjoy exactly of this series. Combat and dungeoning I guess, but I just cannnot imagine anyone enjying random encounters and the typical bland JRPG combat.

If you're only playing through once, Classic. I'd recommend running two saves with each mode instead though.

People would suggest you to pick Story first and then Classic but you are unlikely to want to replay it so I'd say Classic all the way.


>Ctrl + F Ricky

>So you like having no story, characters and animation? Why?
Because I like using my imagination? That's a part of the appeal to dungeon crawlers user, to make up your own characters.

>used to avoid pure healers like a plague because their hps was shit
>if I wanted to full heal my party in 3, I had to do a very specific three step combo and also take damage on my offtank
>at the same time it involved a debuff and several attacks
>4 lets me just mash the heal everybody button
This series has made me rethink a lot of things about how I feel games should be.

>They don't shove a long ass cutscene down your throat every ten minutes.
>So there's no story

Guess I just imagined all that stuff like Artelinde keeping people from killing Scylla or Baldur planning to genocide the Vessels and Sentinels, then.

Also as for animations, I'd rather have none than shitty ones or excessively long ones.

Immunize is a bugged skill since devs forgot Strike/Stab/Slash are considered elements too.

>People would suggest you to pick Story first and then Classic but you are unlikely to want to replay it so I'd say Classic all the way.
That's only relevant in the first Untold, because it has a lot of content locked behind Story.
They fixed it in U2

I know Classic is fixed in 2, but you'll still see people recommending Story because 'm-muh Fafnir'.

This, I used to fill the empty times in games with imagination. EO is one of the only series that has consistently allowed me to scratch that itch that modern gaming has widely ignored.
Sub par party in EO? It's not a minmax planning issue, it's a bunch of rookie adventurers with big hearts out to try their odds in the face of almost certain death, forging deeper bonds through their inherently flawed party makeup.

Anyone know where I can get one of this?

It's a garage kit
Even if you found one you'd still have to sand, paint and glue it together

Dungeon Crawlers are pretty much a videogame form of Dungeon & Dragons.
It's the genre more similar to play actual rol.

Now you might understand why some people like them as minimalistic as possible

Been trying to get into it but I'm having a hard time.

Played 3 for 2 hours. Untold for 4 and EOIV for around 9 hours. Progress just feels waaaay too slow. Getting tired of playing.

D&D is the videogame form of D&D.


How do you guys feel about EO mystery dungeon? Personally I like it but it has a lot of frustrations involved that aren't present in the more traditional games, like having to keep track of 4 sort of independent characters that will sometimes just run off in 3 different directions like fucking idiots

Not a bad game, but I'd play it much more often if it wasn't for the glaring flaws it had.

Stupid sexy shota.

Just go play the Dark Spire, fag.




Prince/princesses get a lot more supporting skills than just a medic in 4 where all they're good for is healing, so it should stand that they are better at just healing.

Don't be such a retard, Arcanists still exist/