Why do people pick Mercy over Lucio, Sup Forums? It's obvious that Lucio is by far the better support...

Why do people pick Mercy over Lucio, Sup Forums? It's obvious that Lucio is by far the better support. Seeing a Mercy put out more than 8-9k healing is very rare, whereas Lucios can typically put out 12k or more regularly.

Not to mention you don't have to baby sit a Lucio, he can speedboost his entire team to points, and he has amazing survivability. The only excuse you have to every pick Mercy is if the team already has a Lucio.

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Took me a while to wizen up, but now I take Lucio over Mei every time

>tfw no one on your team picks a healer and you're fed up playing one, so you just pick Roadhog or Mei and heal yourself

I agree but it depends who else is on the team, I find. Mercy's right click attack boost is mental on a Bastion. I've turned around so many games just as we're about to lose by doing that.

Lucio is better to play solo queue

Mercy is better with a group

>Pump up the fucking volume
I don't mind the character but the swearing is a pointless and ruins the mood. Tasteless part on Blizzard's end.

Mercy is good if you need focused healing on one person, mostly a tank. You can build up your ult quickly if your tank is smart enough to let himself eat bits of damage regularly so you have something to heal. A lot of lucio's healing is going to come from squishies that don't know where the health packs are. I do end up playing him a lot more than Mercy though.

He doesn't say fucking you god damn faggot

>tfw I sucked with Lucio everytime I tried him

Some people prefer Mercy's playstyle. At least a few of them want to sleep with her, and she also has a damage buff that can change the course of a game if done at the right time.

All cursing is mostly pointless, plus, he doesn't curse m80

How can you suck as Lucio? I love the nigga but he doesn't do jack shit

I just wish that the music stayed at a constant volume or that you could tweak it

I actually like the full songs

Cause mercy is a girl

>tfw I played Lucio for the third time today and we won an Attack without me dying once

I just kept wall-sliding around the buses

>Audio Medic Nigga

a bit on the nose wouldn't you say blizz?

>play Lucio
>healing boost
>literally run circles around the team and the payload without speedboost even on
>enemies can't keep up
>dropping the beat all day and LUCIO PUSHing the car solo.
>13k healing and get commendation for most objective time

I'm not gonna even get started on how good he is in the arcade brawl now either.

Lucio can Negate most ults, get out of shit with out needed someone else to be nearby, heal everyone to full real quick, defend himself better, move carts faster, get to KOTH points faster and can push people off points.

he Brazilian

oh great another Overwatch thread

>Seeing a Mercy put out more than 8-9k healing is very rare

youre right, because 15k+ is the standard.

>Mercy players
Mentally weak healsluts, are completely dependent on tank cock and commendations to survive

>Lucio players
Cool healniggas, carries their weight and don't care about glory though they'll still get POTG for hilarious environmental kills, are probably listening to the Jet Set Radio OST as we speak

>play lucio
>fart and team is healed
>zipping all over the play and running in circles
>during the betas and the launch, nobody can keep up with a good lucio

not even mei when she tries to freeze him

alt-fire and she isn't even a problem

That's what I mean, I felt like I sucked because I didn't get many kills for myself. Idk how much my passive abilities helped the team.

Niggers don't know how to revive the way my waifu does

His fart gun does decent damage and if you are good with movement you can kill a surpisring amount of people 1v1 that being said he isn't a solo player or killer. He is a objective based support charatcer who makes matches fucking fun or hell depending what team you are on.

It's funny because I'm watching that movie right now

I know right

how dare people want to talk about a popular game that just came out baka

He is going to get nerfed, so who cares.

>playing the most effortless healer

mercy paired with certain characters is amazing, everyone should have lucio/mercy on their team regardless.

>aww shit nigga this is my jam you feel me?
Christ Blizzard he's not even African American

What the fuck, Blizzard?
The game is rated-T

>mfw getting 13k healing and 20-something eliminations to 2 deaths, pushing niggas off the map on Ilios and keeping the team constantly on the point, racking up every gold medal
>mfw nobody commends the fuckin support

I forgot brazilian are white like argentinian

>most fun healer*
He might be effortless but that gives you freedom to do crazy shit while still being credit to team. I'll be flying all over point B of anubis bouncing from pillar to pillar while keeping everyone healed and having the time of my life while mercy sits in the back somewhere


>can push things
why is he so GOAT?

If your team knows how to run back to the healer before they die, play Mercy.

If they don't, play Lucio.

It's really that simple.


Literally just the ult
Lucio's shields are awesome and probably essential for pushing but Mercy can turn a 6v6 into a 6v10 with a good ult

Right now my current mind set is:
Lucio: Attack and KOTH
Mercy: Defense

you run both on attack and defense and you run 2 lucio 2 winston 2 tracer on koth

>Playing arcade mode
>Tell everyone to pick Mei
Well that was absolute aids and no fun at all for the other team. One of them switched to pharah and we boxed her and gangfroze her from the hole at the top and corners

>not playing with Jap voices


>Seeing a Mercy put out more than 8-9k healing is very rare

What? They can break 10k easily as long as they aren't baby sitting a dps with their damage buff.

>tfw too scared to play support classes
I feel bad when I pick an offense/defense class and someone else has to switch to even it out

every team should have a Lucio and a Mercy, SOMETIMES 2 Lucios

Lucio is easy. Swap to healing music, press E occasionally to boost the healing power. Then stay with the group. Then you get all the commendations.

>My team
>I'm Pharah
>Roadhog, Mei, Bastion, Solider 76
>Ask him to change to Mercy
Why are Lucio players such niggers

Nah, she a 37 year old hag

I dont understand this nigga do the balls damage enemies and heal your team

the healing is passive
the balls do fuck-all

Also, his heal work in AoE, the numbers in you crosshair shows how many people are affected by your buff
Knockbacking is also really strong and can allow you to save yourself from Reaper's ult, Genji's and other threats

why didn't you change to mercy then?
quit telling people to play differently on for your benefit?

Because mercy's gun is OP as fuck and I find her Ult far more useful than Lucio's

have you played LoL? Literally think Sona except he has no tits

>Why do people pick Mercy over Lucio, Sup Forums?
Because Lucio by himself will not heal through a coordinated team bursting down one of your members. Mercy's burst heal will counteract and focus fire from the enemy team.

Realistically, most teams will run Mercy + Lucio unless they're meming.

Basically, stop playing with scrubs

>Have trouble with mei
>Pick Zarya
>Mei catches me
>Pop shield
>Mei goes into full panic mode, dies or puts herself in ice and I get away

This happens way too often It's kinda funny.

Absolutely mind boggling that Lucio never got nerfed, he's by far the most dominant support hero.

During the closed beta we begged and begged for Blizzard to nerf him, but they never listened.

>Why do people pick Mercy over Lucio, Sup Forums?
Because his design is hideous and I only begrudgingly pick him on KOTH when nobody else does. People with dredds should be shot on sight.

He's second worst right next to Zarya in terms of looks.

'cause he's a manlet

back the fuck off?
I was doing great with Pharah and we could use the buffs?
Everyone can heal themselves + 76 could be a healer when Mercy is with me?
Me waiting 10 seconds to get fully healed and dancing around with Lucio isnt helping the team out?

>pointless over healing is the same as situation burst healing

Zarya's default look is disgusting, but what kills her appearance for me is that her hair color. Never. Fucking. Changes. In any of the alts. Blizzard knew exactly what they were doing with that shit, and they can fuck themselves with a rake. The thing is, she wouldn't even look terrible with black, brown, or blonde hair. The only thing worse is that the costumes that DO change her hair makes it even fucking worse.

But Lucio is far from the worst looking heros, especially when you remember that D.Va and Poo in Loo also exist.

Lucio is cute, CUTE!

>People with dredds should be shot on sight.

*cloaks behind you and blasts you with my plasma-caster"

Psh. nothing personel kid

>D.va and Symmetra
>bad looking
How does it feel to be a literal flaming homo

I don't like niggers.

Don't tell people to do things you won't do nigger

I wish that Lucio's different legendary skins would play different songs.

Generally, I play Lucio on payload and Mercy on other game types. I just like micromanaging everybody's health as her and then latching on to someone like a Pharah to boost damage.
>tfw randoms never say when their Ult is ready
>still latch on just in time to give them a the damage boost because I'm already flying between characters and keeping tabs on everyone

>Lucio players like losing
Ha, who would have thought

chipmunk cheek gook with the most obnoxious eye-cancer color scheme in the entire roster on both her and her mech, and her mech's design is absolutely horrendous. Junker alt makes her look okay, but then you still have to deal with her grating voice and obnoxious schtick.

Looks fantastic until you get to her face which retroactively ruins any other positive point she had. When I look at her face I can almost smell curry mixed with shit.

>Toronto skin plays the Coach's Corner theme
Make it happen

In my experience, people will typically upvote the support unless someone gets a ridiculous amount of kills/time on fire/an awesome potg.

I hate those stupid dresses that don't cover the sides of your legs.

These niggas get it.
Lucio is fun as fuck, my favorite character by far. His voice and music get you pumped up, riding on walls is cool, and he can dish out pretty good damage, even as suppressing fire. Also he's distracting as hell for your enemies.
The healing is pretty good, but the speed boost is insane.
Playing him with friends and choosing when to switch passives and to activate your boost feels rewarding.

Mercy feels more like a babysitter - I mained medic in TF2 and thought I would love her, but I found her gameplay dull.

Can I change Lucio's music to my own somehow? I know he just has two songs, but I'm pretty sure they are both only 10s long at most.

>90% of the game on fire as Zenyatta of all fucking people
>Only 3 upvotes


Thanks, but I meant more if it was possible to swap the files to the full versions or something else by renaming the file.

>some people just vote for whoever got potg
>even if it's just some dude getting 2 kills in a 10 second span

It's the opposite for me. I found Mercy infinitely more fun than Medic.

>Zipping around the battlefield healing people
>Saving a guy in critical health and watch as the enemy gets frustrated they couldn't finish him off
>Cockblock the enemy team with a 5 man rez just when they blew all their ults on us

Greatest feeling in the world.

Maybe but I wouldn't try. Either it would trigger some anti-cheat system or the client would detect the files as missing and replace them.

also learn to wall run, i've seen some fuckin mobile Lucio's that make you aim upwards making you lose your shots most of the time

I really wish we could, having constant music would be even more insane.

If that's what it sounds to you then you are extremely racist and Blizzard has nothing to do with that

Are you a gnome for the joke to pass hundred miles over your head?

Don't bully Torbjorn

Lucio's great for the speed boost, especially on control maps, but his healing sucks ass if you're a tank.

He's my go-to support if I'm getting harassed too much as Zenyatta or Mercy though.

If Roadhog is your tank Lucio is fine. Roadhog can just huff paint to heal himself.

I feel like mercy is missing an ability, like an "e" ability.

>Obviously both Mercy and Lucio heal and both have an ult

>Lucio can knock people back, Mercy can fly to people.

>Lucio gives speed boost, Mercy gives damage boost.

>Lucio can boost the power of his healing and speed, Mercy can...

>flying around with Pharah
There's no better feeling

>Mercy can...
Slowly descend if she's in the air That's it, just a slower decent if she just happens to be up in the air

I feel like the only reason you have the glide is so you can can keep healing or boosting a Pharah.

Nope. They both have movement abilities. Lucio has wall ride.

If you happen to end up in the air anyway, buffering your descent is a decent way to avoid taking some damage. If she could just dash up into the air without having to look at someone like Pharah then it'd be more useful but right now it only matters if you're leaping off ledges.

I'm just here to remind all of you shitters that Lucio can speed up payload objectives.

This is false, or if it's true it's so minuscule it's not even noticeable.

I was at the Payload as Lucio earlier and I tried switching between my two songs to see if it'd move differently and there was nothing.

It's high noon

That's what it seems like. As fun as it is to follow Pharah, if there isn't one on my team I hardly use the skill.