Is this the best Mario game ever?

Is this the best Mario game ever?

Other urls found in this thread:

>lots of backtracking
>shitty partners


Never played the N64 one but it's far better from the other ones and one of the best games of the NGC.
Also wtf is that box art ?

no, PM64 is though.

But it has best girl Goombella

"Mario Games" is not a genre; he's in many different kinds of titles.

It may be the best JRPG he's been in, and surely the best Paper Mario game.

It's not even the best paper Mario game

PM64 >>> TYD
SPM = ttyd > 64 > SS

>Backtracking is the worst

>Despite the chapters having different variety, it causes some to be absolutely garbage, nobody wants a battle fuck fest, and nobody wants a chapter where you do fucking nothing but talk to people for 30 years

>Bowser is treated like a bitch

>Kammy became a fucking moron after being intelligent and ahead of everything


But don't worry, the Mario and Luigi series isnt perfect either

TTYD is the only good game in the series along with PM64 in a series about to have 5 games

Whereas the entire Mario and Luigi series is fucking perfection with each game having their own flaws that don't distract from the overall game being good

Super Paper Mario is good but i don't consider it part of the series

It cant when it had the worst Bowser Fight

The best RPG Bowser fight is currently Shiny RoboBowser


>nobody wants a chapter where you do fucking nothing but talk to people for 30 years
the train level was boss you're a child

Holy shit are we out of the era of TTYD wanking?

This. There is a reason Nintendo went with PM for constant changes in the gameplay formula while M and L stays the same.
They know which series is superior

I'm still going to play Color Splash

I'll still be angry

But I enjoyed Sticker Stat so I'll enjoy this to some extent

Those fucking graphics man

Super Mario RPG is miles better

Nah chill

Riding a train with rich people was great


Yes and we'll never get anything like it again

>Tfw you just couldn't enjoy Sticker Star no matter how hard you tried
I'm sure Color Splash will be better than Sticker Star but it's not gonna make it fun for me, it's a real shame that gameplay wasn't it's own IP or something so a lot of us could play a traditional Paper Mario RPG game.



PM64>TTYD>>>SPM>>>>>>>Literal feces>>>>>>>>>Sticker Star

>Sup Forums being contrarian
>this surprises you

>Bowser is treated like a bitch

Go away Miyamoto we know that's you