My son erupts very much


My god.

I better start grinding for these, what date do they get changed out?





Just finished grinding for 27 of these damn suits. and i'll probably have to do it again in a few weeks. Has there been any info on the next set?





These are very nice screenshots and all but.. please respond ;_;





What the fuck is the point of this "game"?


To trigger people like you.



Is that a rhetorical question? It's softcore pornography.

Nobody actually plays it for the volleyball. People would if wardrobe malfunctions were possible but nope apparently that's over the line.



But... I like the Vollyball

"I play it for its deep gameplay and engaging story"

Is there a list of girl-specific swimsuits you can gift to other girls? I keep gifting swimsuits, but the girls often send them back. Usually their preferred color is a good indicator whether or not they will be accepted, but it's not always that easy.

June 9, I think.

This board is really comfy thanks for redirecting me


Marie has the best swimsuits, hands down.

>that feel when the other girls keep sending them back

that's not marie you IDIOT!! -_-

I know, faggot. Honkers is wearing her swimsuit.

you're so DUMB!! marie is THIS girl

Don't make me hit you again.


marie is the BEST you fucking SHITFACE!!

Yeah it looks really good on her.

Don't worry user, keep trying and one day you'll get lucky.

What's this game about? I feel urged to buy it from all these jpgs

Honoka looks really good with black.

marie looks even better you fuckwit shitstain


Just look at the pictures and webms and let other people do the hard work.


Spending time with your sexy DOA of choice (as long as she's one of the chosen 9), and buying her sweet gifts she's likely to reject. Also a casino and vollyball.

Is it ok to use USB saves? I used it once (a couple times) just to gift Marie Rose the V bikini

I want to honk honker's honkers.

It's completely safe, dude. Have been grinding my way up to Owner Level 60 and never had any issues.

is this pasta?

Is there any progress on a save editor? I tried looking at the code in notepad++, and even in hex it's all gibberish

hitomi worst girl

I will cut you.

you wanna start something you punk ass bitch?

you wanna start something you punk ass bitch?

He's right though, even Marie is less annoying.

Ayane a best.

Hitomi with tan lines is alright.

To be honest, all the girls are gorgeous. except Elena

And Hitomi tops the list.


I mean Helena. Wrong game, lol.

What the hell is she doing on a bed wearing virtually nothing?

>except helena
Dude no, she's great, and I'm someone who generally doesn't like blonde hair.

You sleep in long johns with a backpack? Less clothes are more comfortable for sleeping.

>earn easy dosh in poker by just raising bit by bit until everyone folds
>fun stops when Nyotengu enters
Not sure if the girls play a certain way but I seriously started losing a lot whenever Nyotengu would play, she would never fold.

It's a thing. Nyo plays crazy and keeps raising even when she has no hand.

>earn easy dosh in poker by just raising bit by bit until everyone folds
>fun stops when Nyotengu enters
Not sure if the girls play a certain way but I seriously started losing a lot whenever Nyotengu would play, she would never fold.

>double posts
>file size increases in following post
Alright, what the fuck is going on?

It's a thing. Nyo plays crazy and keeps raising even when she has no hand.

Oh good, it wasn't just me. And it only shows the red dashes on the initial post I made

The hell is going on here?

Yeah, and I can't delete the second post. Must be someone trying to ruse us.

Why did you stop posting DOA girls?

I don't know user.

I'm scared ;_;

I don't know user.

I'm scared ;_;

This was once a fighting game series.

People bought it for the tits since day 1, though.

وقف تأليهه أنبياء كذبة أو سوف تحترق في الجحيم

Who is doing this. Stop it.


More tanned Helena.


[Worried laughter]

My favourite

>liking literal mangirls

I thought this was going to be a Marie Rose thread. Disappointing

I've been neglecting taking screenshots because of overwatch so sorry guys. Glad to see the constant threads, though. We could probably maintain a general if we actually tried.


I'll try to do this with the new sling suits in OP actually, I think i'll like it even more.

The PS4 version of Overwatch is superior

People can't waste time talking shit in text chat

I know that feel

>not spewing shit like "god bless" and "if you put god first you're never last" in chat when you win
its the only way to play


why would I put God first when my goddess Nyo exists

Nyotengu a shit.

Just no fucking ass

you've got some pretty shit taste, user

Can't we just have a nice thread with some Miji and Ayane, maybe throw some Kasumi in too?

Mariefags shit up every single thread already.

I want to impregnate Kasumi while Ayane holds her down

where are the nipples?


60 Dollars DLC.

That sounds hot.

future dlc