Serious Sam and Duke Nukem get drunk at a bar and decide to destroy everything in their path

Serious Sam and Duke Nukem get drunk at a bar and decide to destroy everything in their path.

Who do you send to stop them?


This motherfucker.

Hitscan weapons.

how does it feel having autism?

What use is running when you can fly?

He can stop Sam if they fight indoors, but outdoors doom guy loses it.


Sam wins instantly. serious bomb serious damage.

I have only just noticed the file name of the image I downloaded for this and now I ask myself the type of punishment I deserve



Halo. He could kill them both easy

Calm yourself, Maven.

Gearbox Software

>Not Doomguy that can hold tons of ammo and run like a train

Jean Grey

>t. piratefag

What about Sam?


>No spellcard rules

>Is same guy

An alien army.

>t. Marty Stratton


the only man who could


He must have gotten nerfed hard after sleeping in hell

If you hand SS to Gearbox I'm sure they could easily kill his career.
But otherwise, Croteam circa 2005.

t.buttmad piratecuck

t. bethesda shareholder

He went for a nap but got awoke early chained.
He isnt nerfed, he is sleepy.

Jean Grey

He lost all his ammo pockets and his ability to run faster

New suit and as i said he is sleepy.


That ammo must have been weighing him down. He lost it so he could jump.
Also the ability to do squats.


you fucking monster


ammo packing badass > jumping and squats

Hell thought they could outsmart him by making little gaps and floating platforms.
He needed to adapt.


Hey I liked SS2, the enemy types were great. Sure it was cheesy and the story was fucking stupid. But it was still enjoyable.

Why, I'd send you, OP.

Why is dukes left trap so much smaller than his right?

the war machine
Can't tell if you're shitposting or if you're actually that much of a faggot

Duke died in the Serious Sam universe, just like Doomguy and Halo died in the Duke Nukem Universe.
Now we just need a reference to Serious Sam dying in D44m and the circle will be complete.

That's one doomed space marine

I believe the answer is obvious.

Stop this
*unzips dick*

>tons of ammo
When was the last time you played Doom 1 & 2? By endgame 2016 has way more ammo.


Why would I want to?


Gordan Freeman


Shut up you woman.

A really bad development team so their game sales tank and they're forced out of pop culture.

The one who beat out both there games so bad they had to parody him in the failure franchises that followed.

mi negro

The REAL question is who would win in a death battle between the two and maybe including Doomguy? Serious Sam has my vote

This guy.

this guy
fuck off d44mbabby


Kill yourself nintenbabby