Do people who play healer really think they are some godsend to the earth making some huge sacrifice?

Do people who play healer really think they are some godsend to the earth making some huge sacrifice?

Why do you all have to be such arrogant pricks?

Do people who play the most obvious damage dealing characters think they carry the team?

Because without us you lose. End of story.
If you don't have a Mercy or Lucio on your team you will lose, hands down.

Same reason ADCs are giant faggots

because they're the only thing standing between you and certain death?

Go play a team with just healers, see how that will work out.

The ones who are making games winnable are tanks. Wow, you can hold a button and heal someone as Mercy. Wow, you got auto heal as Lucio.

No wonder no one plays Zenyatta. Too hard for you 'support' freaks. Waaah I die so easy ;((


>Go play a team with just healers, see how that will work out.
Oh man this bait.

Because when I'm trying to heal you I'm getting hunted down by a fucking McCree and everyone on the team is oblivious to their flanks

Self-praise is the only joy to be found when you don't get to kill anything.

Just had yhe game of my life with torb with no healers. Was so ez. Healers are for teams who cant help but get shot.

Most braindead shit, you don't even have to aim
Best thing to do in overwatch is 6 Soldier 76
Everyone's a healer, so it doesn't matter if one person dies because they are shit
Everyone being able to aim carries the team to victory, no flashy shit aside from the ults earned

>Go play a team with just healers, see how that will work out.
Pretty good.

I play Healer because I can't shoot for shit and I have horrible luck on the battlefield.

So I may as well do something that will actually help the team.

>we're all soldiers now


That motherfucker... Just had to ruin it

Remember to thank your healer!

with a rough dicking

At least you are honest.

>implying healers matter when half the cast can instagib people

Your heals don't do dick, shields are better(hence why lucio is better than mercy), end of story.

Because we start out wanting to help, user, or to support the party. There are only so many times you can watch retards stand in the fire before losing patience with the DDs.

Designated interrupters/backup cleansers are cool though, tanks are bae

We can't afford to be arrogant, but many of us aren't the submissive fucktoys that we're painted to be.

Part of team cohesion is making sure we're all on the same page. If people start developing superiority complexes (like I see mostly DPS dealers doing), then they're likely going to drag the team down.

Find out who's good at what in your team, and capitalise on it. By all means, branch out a little, but it's pointless to be smug over your teammates.

>you will lose, hands down.
Thats not true and you know it. Nice exaggeration tho


Dunno about Overwatch but in TF2 unless the gap between your team and the enemy team's skill is huge you absolutely needed medics. Not just for the healing and sustainability, but for the breakthrough capability.

Nobody wants to be the support, though. People want to be the big smashfucker that pulverizes the enemy team, not the faggot making sure people don't die or the fucker whose job it is is to keep sentry nests and teleporters up so your lines don't immediately collapse with more than a couple deaths. Shit's taken for granted until it's not there and dumbshits are running around looking for health packs instead of killing the enemy.

It's too hot for something so lewd.

>passive role attracts passive or passive-aggressive people
>passive-aggressive people are in a position where they usually don't directly contribute to the fighting
Who would have thought?

Medics in tf2 heal significantly faster and provide kritz or uber.

There is no uber in this, only shittier versions of it, and any push can be broken by a good damage dealing ultimate. Plus the mobility in this game is MUCH higher than in tf2 with many of the characters, so it's easier to get around chokepoints and into the support lines.

Reminder that tanks are the real heroes

No, but it sounds like you've a complex for having that sort of bias against healers.

Having a heal in any sort of tank/healer/dps scenario is always necessary, as while a tank can make up for the gap between strength of players, sustaining their party through themselves, a healer is necessary to improve on the positive aspects of good players by sustaining them.


The sad part is that, if he would have activated his shield, he would have lived.

Better to die a hero

Than live long enough to take off the mask, would you die?

And this is why you always launch it from downtown like Kobe

I think he charged before realizing a self-destruct was coming, and couldn't cancel it in time.

Meanwhile, the only tank I play by which I mean the only tank I'm not shit at is Zarya, and I do shit like that all the time. My favorite is when Junkrat sends a tire in, I try and get nice and close and bait him into detonating it on my particle barrier.

Fuck I love playing Zarya. Why is she so goddamn perfect?
>6-man Graviton the other day that leads to my friend getting a quintuple kill on Pharah

Because being a healer by itself isn't a very rewarding job, you get blamed for failures, you're a primary target for the enemy so you tend to die a lot, and you don't even get the satisfaction of getting a bunch of kills, and it's extremely rare that you will ever get a PotG or anything like that.

So being thanked at least is nice.

Fellow Zarya bro here. Agreed she is so perfect. You rockin the Siberian skin too?

Because it is a sacrifice since it's usually boring as shit

I really wish the mongoloids would pick Lucio more than mercy though. Nothing worse than having some fucking troglodyte that can't even play mercy on your team.

>I think he charged before realizing a self-destruct was coming, and couldn't cancel it in time.

He knew it was coming, that's why he charged. I mean after the charge, he had at least a second and a half to activate it. He accomplished his mission though, so it was still quite a valiant death. ;_;

>I think he charged before realizing a self-destruct was coming, and couldn't cancel it in time.
Pretty sure that user meant right at the end; Reinhardt's shield can take D.Va's self destruct which means he had at least a good three seconds to get ready to pull his shield up when the charge was done rather than dance around for a second before taking the explosion in the face.
We all get caught with our pants down sometimes but even a decent Reinhardt wouldn't have died there.


That's not the most practical way to have dealt with that but it looks cool

>play healer
>team sucks
>can do nothing about it
>become a passive-aggressive bitch

>play dmg
>team sucks
>enjoy getting kill streaks and potg even if the game is lost

>play tank
>team sucks
>carry those fuckers to victory

While we're on the subject...

As someone who has played variations on the theme of medic in various games over some time, I tried out Overwatch at a friend's today, and having played them both, I'm wondering... who would choose Mercy over Lucio, when the latter seems to be superior in most respects?

Why don't games make healers interesting like just make it like any other asshole except instead of damage they heal. Shoot heal. Bomb heal. Melee heal. DO IT.

Mercy is better for the end game, can just res all of the team and win the game. Lucio is better when the distance is shorter.

Mercy and Lucio can work well, having both. But generally you do want a Lucio, if I'm not mistaken mercy can sometimes edge out Lucio on some payload maps where los is difficult but for koth especially Lucio is superior.

i like being Mercy. however I get confused with R1. should I just hold the button as the person Im focused on shoots their shit? Or is their some meter I should be watching, like with health?

I play healer because it's usually the one we need

If your team's bad you use Mercy and rez them when they inevitably get murdered en masse

If your team's any good at all Lucio's speed boost is a game changer


Just played a game with me being symmetra as the only support
Naturally some guy said we need a healer and yet we one

This happened both times I've played symmetra

Symmetra is basically a defense character, you still really do want a healer but against random groups yeah you can win without one.

>end game
Don't try and hide it behind different words. This game is not competitive and never will be

It already is. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it so.

>You all

Nice generalizations, did some healer call you shit? I imagine more healers start acting like assholes because idiots treat them like garbage.

>oh what did you do all game?! fucking cuck lelelelellelelel
>oh, you know, just kept your ass alive

I mean it's competitive in the way any game can be but you're fooling yourself if you think it will ever be close to other esports.

There has already been big teams playing it and tourneys. Who's delusional here?

I honestly don't give two fucks either way but you're already wrong about it not being competitive.

>it already is
Why because blizzard are brow beating people into playing in a tournament. Bungie held a competetive tournament for destiny does that mean its competitive?

I'm not against playing a healer but I have no confidence in randoms to be able to actually kill anybody, so I play the healer who can murder people. Even I'm not stupid enough to play him on KOTH though.

No,no,no. The Sniper players, the people who pick Widowmaker and Hanzo are the arrogant picks. 99% of the time they care more about getting kills than securing the objective.

Already this game has had more competitive attention than destiny by far, not a remotely fair comparison.

>play tank
>team sucks
>win anyway because the other team was a pack of retards
wow so impressive

>Implying roadhog needs a pocket mercy

A tank without a healer is only as effective as the other team is bad. Victories against skilled opponents happen in the presence of effective, targeted heal management

that's just call of duty

Even retards join in when they see a tank causing shit at the objective.

You tend to want one of each, so mercy can heal the person the enemy is focusing with her crazy single target healing while Lucio keeps everyone else topped up.

He's pretty much Widow bait though. I love playing Zenyatta but if the team isn't already doing decently or has a decent composition, he seems useless as fuck. If you can't hide behind a tank while healing people and shooting your balls at the enemy odds are you're going to get repeatedly rekt by snipers and flankers.

>Play as Zenyatta
>Entire team backs away from your ult
>Play as Mercy
>Team runs away and lets you die
>Play as Lucio
>Can actually do your job

Lucio is the best healer just because your teammates don't act as obstacles for him

Today I tried out these weekend pugs since my friends werent on yet. I started out using Reinhardt but notice no one picked a healer. I changed to Mercy since having a healer will give us a better chance then me facetanking. Soon after, I'm getting "wish this healer would heal me." Seriously feels like babysitting a bunch of fucking kids in a candy store

I have to agree, Lucio is the best healer for pugs

"people who are being productive get heals"

It depends on the team. Mercy is much, much more effective when healing a single target, this matters a lot when the target is a tank. Her damage boost is also pretty decent, especially since it can make some oneshots happen that don't otherwise. Her ult is also incredibly powerful if you get it off on 3+ dead teammates. Her long-range mobility is also great, you can get to injured teammates very quickly and also escape from danger.

Lucio is harder to kill and obviously has a much easier time healing the entire team, his ult is also very good. In terms of total, overall healing from what I've seen they can both hit around the same numbers (and Zenyatta is usually significantly lower than both), so they're basically situational. It depends on your team, the enemy team, the map and the game mode. Also having both can be a legit option.

There's not much reason to have Zenyatta, other than the fact that he's a cool as fuck robot monk and kills people by shooting his robot balls at their faces.

I enjoy playing healer because it feels pretty good to be the person keeping the team alive

Lucio is best healer period.


With random idiots, yeah, you're more likely to be able to do your job rather than getting rekt immediately because everyone is focusing you and your teammates are retarded.

Faggot shitter


Did Destiny's tournament have actual sponsored teams? Was it played on PC where tournaments are actually relevant?

>play Mercy for the first time last night
>get PotG

>Plying just one role
it's almost like you're all inflexible retards...
Oh wait that's right. You are.

>look at this shitty statistic i made in excel guys

no one cares you tard

They're all healsluts.

You're actually retarded aren't you?

Its from planet overwatch

Tbh? So if I get bitched at, I can switch my heals, and watch the fucker complaining drag his ass back at 5hp.