Well Sup Forums? I certainly hope you didn't side with team P4

Well Sup Forums? I certainly hope you didn't side with team P4.

Bangs are the female mullet


The team that has actual scanners AKA Fuuka and Mitsuru

I miss these comics.

Only the best for me.

>There are people here who would actually choose P4

Chie has the best feet
Aigis let me touch her chest pussy

Wtf is this? Another movie? And why only females?

Reminder that Yukari is best girl
If you don't think Yukari is best girl, then you don't know SHIT about video games.


Best at being a whore

Best at having the second-largest chest maybe. And that's a huge maybe.

In a few years, she will be.

p4 girls >>>>> p3 girls

p3 story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p4 story

just fanart of captain america civil war movie poster with persona characters

Team P4 all the way.

>Best girls in front
>worst girls in back

Good poster.

This. Persona 3 is the Evangelion of video games.

FF7 is the Evangelion of video games


VII is an unfinished mess.

And Eva isn't?
Face it the parallels are everywhere

P3 all of the day baby

Eva isn't. The ending of Eva anime was cut off but there is every episode has deliberate meaning and quality.

VII are sick story can be summed up to space parasite.

I'm pretty sure that Aeigis wins this fight all on her own desu.

Even without her, the P3 ladies are likely in far better shape thanks to the effects of training in Tartarus.

Also they're the better girls in every way.

There are some individual characters I prefer in P3's cast, but I prefer the P4 cast overall. Junpei, Akihiko, and Mitsuru are great, but there are a lot of characters that I either dislike or just plain don't give a shit about, like Ken, Yukari, Koromaru, and Fuuka.


>Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis, Rise
P3 wins.

P3FES may have the better S.Links and story overall but tbqh I had more fun with P4G due to the much better dungeon-to-VN structure and huge decrease in empty or boring weeks.

I just wish it had boss fights as hard as 3, or that the tactics system hadn't been gutted so I could play it like FES for the added challenge

daily reminder that fuuka is for bullying and is a shit-tier support

The original ending was inconclusive and needed a movie made years later with a high budget that looked much better than the original production to clear up a bunch of plot points that were left hanging
The movie feature many characters from the original production, the tough girl fighting against impossible odds and losing badly, the MC being depressed, looking with disgust at his left hand, and having to shoulder the entire fate of humanity which he does also thanks to the support of the main dead girl and the main dead guy both of whom are not exactly human
And much later the original production is getting a multi-part remake heralded by the same people who made the original even though it looks like a very different thing because it is a different thing
The original fanbase this production from the 90s has is fractured about these remakes and while some like the new approach and higher overall visual quality some consider this to just be a cash grab and a rape of the original

Rise's job could have been done with a note pad, but she was pretty damn godly in Persona Q. If I remember right, she could give you free turns and 0 SP cost.

>really want to play golden
>it's forever stuck on the vita

why did atlus have to put the definitive version of p4 on a dead platform?

Fuuka is a 10/10 support and a 100/10 gf

I'd bully Fuuka sexually

Agree, P4 cast was better than P3 Cast in almost every way but PS3 Story was miles better.

You obviously enjoy weeb vidya.

It's a great platform for people who enjoy weeb vidya.

Just get a Vita TV or something, they are cheap as fuck.

>P4 cast was better than P3 Cast in almost every way
Thanks for the laugh user, but really I can't see this is anyway, so please explain to me how they.

Mitsuru alone can pretty much solo all of the persona 4 cast in any field, be it sexyness, power or personality

Of course I did, why would I side with the inferior Persona 3 team? That game is the low point of the franchise.

Damn right she is.

>Marie no where
All is right in the world

>gathers info in no time
>trains constantly to improve her abillities
>finds shadows and other people across the city without even having to summon her persona

Fuuka is THE best support

>Persona 3 is the Evangelion of video games.
Definitely. Overrated, pretentious garbage liked by insufferable and unintelligent faggots.

It's quite hilarious how pathetic Persona 3 fans are. It takes a special kind of retard to like a game worse than Persona 1.

>P3 vs. P4 alone.

P3 cast wins so hard it's not even a competition.

>All the spin-off shit included.

P3 cast got nerfed and P4 cast got buffed so hard that their goddamn navigator can fight, so P4 cast wins.

Elizabeth > *

There's already a P3 vs P4 thread up. Why did we need another one?

If you want an actual woman you go #teammitsuru either way you can pick any of the carbon copy teenager sluts from P4

Insecure P3 fans trying to force their shit opinions through.

but is she a good waifu?
of course she is

They are at least not as annoying.
P4 over P3
Yusuke >>> Junpei
Rise >> Fuuka
Teddie > Ken
Chie >> Yukari

P3 over P4 (some barely)
Akihiko >= Kanji
Titsuru >>> Larry
Aegis > Naoto

Not listed
Shinji (lol dead)

Of course we are only talking about main characters.

>Yosuke >>> Junpei

Lmao, enjoy your homosexual bootlicker

He is a best bro Junpei will ever be.

>Yusuke >>> Junpei
>Rise >> Fuuka
>Teddie > Ken

Top bait

As much as I love Chie, I'm going to have to go with Team P3

>Just females
But there's a guy on the right side

Yosuke is shit.

Junpei literally stabs you in the back at the first whiff of pussy

Magicians are all SHIT

>P3 shitposters are so far gone they actually pretend Fuuka is a character and Ken wasn't worse than Marie

I want to kiss Yukiko's tummy!

You have poor taste my man

>Junpei literally stabs you in the back
That's literally wrong yiu literal retard

Meanwhile, Yosuke literaly wants you to kill someone and to get a bad ending.

P4 story is miles better then P3 on account of not being anime weeaboo garbage. So there we go.

0/8 b8 m8

>not anime weeaboo garbage
m8, WHAT?

>Fuuka is not a character

Bait harder

Looks like someone didn't play the answer

Nobody should play P3, let alone the Answer.

It's True

Oh it's anime weeb garbage, just less so.

At least it keeps it stupid faux-philosophy to the end sequences

Junpei never stabs you in the back though
He's an idiot sometimes, sure, and he gets kidnapped once, but he never stabs you in the back

The games work as a pair. I feel like 3 has more weaknesses, but is more engaging.

The best part of 4 is November and December because of the changes to the tone and overall world. If gives up a heightened sense of urgency. 3 does this, but it does it every month which is awesome. Unfortunately a few of these months lack the build and are kind of boring.

I dunno. 4 is much more fun, but 3 is much more engaging overall to me. But they complement each other well.

Crazy to see these games start to catch fire almost a decade after release. 5 might be a breakout game for the series. I just read about Persona on the AV Club the other day, which kind of surprised me. But it's a good series, 1 & both 2s included.

Reminder that Yukari is a horrible person that never makes up for her mistakes

>le kawaii anime teenagers!
>vs characters that actually go through hardship and develop
top jej

I'm on team Mitsuru no matter what. I don't have vidya waifus, but if there was an exception, it would be for Mitsuru-sempai.

>tfw Persona 3 came out 10 years ago in japan

Doesn't really matter, they're all bitches.

Any team with Fuuka in it automatically wins

I liked the P3 story, characters and S-links more, but all subjective I guess.
Plus I love Aigis.

They're all shit.

Bitchposting isn't tolerated 'round these parts.

Good thing he was bestgirlposting instead.

>VII is unfinished

This user speaks the truth