Hey guys what do you think about the logo for my new video game?

Hey guys what do you think about the logo for my new video game?
The main character is a hero who gets a cute girlfriend when the unthinkable happens.

2013 called, they want your joke back


you realise loss edits are reddit shit right

Fuck off

Eternal Darkness?

I frequent Reddit too!

Yoi shouldn't copy pokemon!

>I can't enjoy a joke if everyone else is doing it to

I am at the loss of words mate

Jokes are usually funny. This has never been funny.

ebik maymay

I have never understood the appeal of this joke
Maybe I'm getting old

Do you fuck bees OP?

>\v\ suddenly hates loss

im at a LOSS xDDD


I don't know what the super secret hilarious meme is but your logo sucks butt.

Loss reference!!!
hahaha us channers.

Post you're face when no Anthony Burch!

How new are you
