Trying to force another meme there phoneposter?
Sorry you're the worst tank and most useless character in the game, D.Va.
what is d.va's best skin?
I don't get this phineposter meme.
They are a symptom of the normalfag immigrant crisis of 2007.
I'm so sorry there are so many who can't fucking git gud, D.va
Stinger, duh. Although I'm not too found of the hair style but dat pelvic area
I still can't get good with D.Va. I main Zarya at the moment and Zarya + D.Va is great. I'll shield her, then she uses defense matrix. When her mech is destroyed and she ejects I toss a shield on her again because enemies literally cannot not unload on mech-less D.Va. Build my charge up fast, graviton surge, then she detonates
Anything that turns her hair black.
No. Worst tank
That is one ugly mech
why do you want to stand out to enemies like a school bus?
You'll stand out anyway, all enemies have a bright ass red outline.
>a bigass mech doesn't stand out
There's nothing in the game that doesn't stand out, that's the whole point, dumbfuck
How did this "apologize" meme start?
>retards on Sup Forums say a game will fail
>blatantly wrong
>someone makes a thread saying apologize
>retards on Sup Forums go into a rage being reminded they were wrong
>other people see how many replies it gets
>start using it themselves for easy (you)'s
That's a lot more straight forward than I was expecting. Fair enough.
That was a lot of faggotry in one post trying to pretend to be an epic oldfag user.
This. The only two I have complaints about is Bastion and Hanzo's Q. Otherwise, the game is pretty balanced for having so many characters and being as new as it is.
>enemy team camp spawn
>fly around and capture Anubis A
>fly to next point and drop robot
>everyone is either scared or busy with teammates
>meka up and sit on B until its yours
ez plays
Why is dva so bad?
because most people have no idea how to player her, and people think that shes a tank when shes really not.
>y-you just dont know how to her play
Your waifu is shit
How to play her good? I've yet to see a competent D.va player.
her shield / mobility / ult are really useful
ult in particular for area denial
I prefer any of the other tanks though
It's amazing how many retards think they have eliminated D.va just because they have eliminated the mech. They rarely give chase.
Her shield is very situational and mobility can be denied with any decent offensive player. All of her plays revolve around getting an ult. Other characters improve with ult, but she can only be played a walking ult generator.
Your survivability is stupidly high, so you can rack up really high K/Ds with her. Use the boost to move between chokepoints and cover, use the shield to not die and use her guns to fuck shit up at short range with headshots and you'll be fine. Even when you "die" ZSD.va is so fucking good at wrecking shit she only really dies when the player sucks.
no fucking way, 2012, then another one in 2014+
On her own she is good for picking off people alone. Her health and being able to fight while the mech is dead makes her difficult for a good amount of characters to kill.
With others she can take attention off or stand on someone with the projectile shield so they can't die during an ult or something. I saw this done best with a Reaper
>Survivability is stupidly high
Instantly disregarded this post. Her critbox is the largest in the game.
>He dies as D.VA
>Boost in
>Realize you die faster than any tank
>Defence matrix uselessly
>Boost out
Good hero
You haven't met me yet bro
why is it when im on my phone i see a bunch more mobile posters? is there some visibility rule?
I never said she was good.
So you posted an entirely useless retort to a simple fact, good job.
Your team must have been absolutely CRUSHED
You are playing her wrong or see only shitters play her
More like I'm playing at a level where people aren't such shitters that people that pick D.va are able to do well.
>and then there's this faggot.jpg
The match was close, because the other team tried counter with 4 D.Vas
>Playing as D.Va
>Meka gets destoyed because of course it does
>Jump out and run into hiding
>At least 3 of the opposing team ignore the rest of my team to chase after me who is literally more use to my team dying and respawning than letting off potshots with my pistol
It didn't take long to stop worrying about dying as D.Va and just be aggressive no matter what.
>useless retort
You said she doesn't have survivability, which she does, even with the large critbox. Doesn't mean she's good, but you're wrong.
her thighs in the bva skin are smaller than her regular thighs
If you count her jumping out of her useless mech to be even more useless for a while, I guess you could argue she has more survivability than Reaper.
nigg just move the fuck out the way of hanzo's q, like it aint hard, also bastion is countered by litteraly anything you can spam
but its true, no one knows how to play her.
She's good at denial in a few ways. Obviously her Ult can cleart an objective in seconds, but her Defence Matrix can counter a good few Ults if used right, especially High Noon.
I am arguing that. I know she's not good though.
>letting off potshots with my pistol
Headshots, nigga. Headshots.
she's a huge ass target already, standing out is better for you to just absorb attack damage with your shield
>silver white ninja genji
>korea's best soldier
Fucking git gud
Just because her mech is dead doesn't mean you died. Dive in do damage, pop out of mech firing instant headshots with the headshot gun. Run your tiny Korean girl hitbox out. Headshots across the map. Get back in Meka and repeat.
I have to be honest that I thought D.Va was dog shit before but after playing with her a while, learning to use her mobility, melee and matrix better, I think she's at least Low Tier now instead of Non-viable
Or just play Winston and be less useless while playing pretty much the same role.
>Jump out of mech
>Instantly stunned and right-clicked by balanced cowboy man
>Headshots across the map
>While the enemy Widow conveniently ignores you and your shitty pistol
>Play winston
no thanks.
>People can get headshots on a mech
Who thought that made any sense?
How can the worst hero have the sexiest body?
>I don't know how to pick my fights and I want you to right up a guide for facing each of the 21 characters and how to launch the game.
Replace McCree and Widow with any other character in the game, D.Va without mech doesn't beat any character in the game in a fight assuming both players play at the same skill level.
I main D.va but her critbox is the main problem. You are the most effective up close but nearly all the champs can outdamage you if you mess up your matrix timing.
Sounds like you just described Mei.
That's the only incentive to use her. If she's a fat landwhale, no one pick her.
I will not apologize
Not surprised
I'm sorry your Ult sucks. At least Winston's is worse.
Do you think she has a vibrator in her cockpit to stimulate her clit while she fights
What the fuck is with the depth of this image. The left two look especially retarded.
>At least Winston's is worse.
Why is everything but the tongue so detailed
it's like she's holding a gag tongue in her mouth or some shit
imagine flying over the enemy team who are doing payload while you have your shield up. now, what are they going to do, focus on your team or start looking back trying to kill you so you arent an issue? if your team is smart they will capitalize on this and push the pressure on while d.va takes pop shots and disrupt.
Literally what the fuck do you do with it.
Alright jump in. Pop Ult. Now I attack and deal like no fucking damage. I also push people away so it's harder for me to keep my attacks up. Try to push them off a ledge I guess?
I can't even move targets like Bastion or Torbs turret to put them in a more vulnerable area. It seems like it's supposed to be an ult to help my teammates do something, but it just feels like I'm swinging around like a jackass most of the time. How is my team going to hit targets that I keep pushing away every other second?
>Level 30
>Didn't get the D.Va achievement when I had low MMR
>Will never get it now
It heals you to full while also being disruption for the enemy team while your team pops their ults to clean up.
>my ult doesnt high noon, theres something wrong with it
Welcome to a TEAM game friendo
>'70s Wolverine cosplay
Fun tank but still a shitty, annoying character
>Hanzo's Q
>he doesn't remember project chanology
Your post and your pic remind me of the "WHAT THA FUCK MAN XDDDD" pic with a LoGH character.
>yo this sjw characters ult only does 22 damage
Yeah but it's like the only ult in the game like that.
Every other tanks Ultimate does so much more with way less effort. Zarya has the same "supporting" ultimate, but it actually makes it easier for your team instead of harder most of the time.
I dont know how people think this unless they've never seen her skills.
The flying ability should be a big indicator that she's a flanker. The suicide ability should also make you think that she's meant to be played aggressively.
>I don't know how people think she's a tank when she's piloting a giant robot and she's in the TANK section
The game's lying to people.
I laughed heartily.
>he dies with D.Va
you literally have to be retarded to die as D.Va, her pistol is also pretty powerful and a lot of the time she can hold her own in a fight with offensive characters.
>when you see it.jpg
Play D.va as Distraction/Flanker
>Enemy team is too close together to keep at least one other person from firing shots at me while I chase a Widowmaker or Junkrat
>Nobody on team is taking advantage of distraction
>Usually have to fly out with little advantage gained
Play D.va as frontline team support
>Can push enemies back into the team and insure low health heroes can't get away
>Block enemy ult's with shield
>End game at 20/2 or something similar
>Nearly all are 1-30 point eliminations
>Don't feel like I contributed much
Is the latter the proper way of playing D.va? I had better luck flanking earlier on because low ranked people weren't as mobile and weren't as capable of defending themselves but now it seems like others immediately fall back to take care of me or stayed bunch together at all times. I can usually get a handful of kills off by flying around the back, but heroes are now so prone to spazzing out and flying around the map that I can never stay close enough for my peashooters to finish them. The charge is also useless unless close quarters or knocking them away from health because all it does is increase the range making my weapons more worthless.
TL;DR: Which D.va playstyle is best playstyle?
Only Winston and Reindhardt should be considered Tanks, Roadhogg is more of an attacker with a massive health pool.
D.va is useless since everyone else can do her job better.