I don't like this firekeeper.
I don't like this firekeeper
much better than bear seek seek least
She's prime fire keeper material, you pleb.
>Maiden in Black will never be matched
the fucks your problem?
But she responds to your gestures user. None of the others do.
She's okay. Not bad, not particularly good either. It's bullshit that you can't get her mask though, since there's fuck all for good-looking non-helmet head gear in this game.
Compared to silent treatment and bear seek seek lest, she's a fucking magnificent firekeeper on par with the Maiden in Black.
Maiden is shit. Always has been, always will be
I don't like cauliflower.
Maiden in Black > The Doll >>> Fire Keeper > BearerSeekSeekLest
Is it even possible to get summoned in DaS 1 anymore?
Specifically on PC.
Design is pretty good, but I just can't bring myself to care. Like so many other NPCs in Dark Souls 3, she just comes off like a cheap amalgamation of previous ones to me. She really has no peronality.
>silent treatment
>he didn't restore her voice
>he didn't keep Frampt around to hear more gossip from her
Don't think so, user. Steam also deleted all my cloud save characters, for some reason.
Monster. Please leave.
And I don't like you
I fucking hate level up waifus and despise that they're now a 'required' trend. Give me a cozy bonfire any goddamn day.
Yeah, she may as well not even have existed, and is obviously only in the game because it's a "tradition" (that Dark Souls 1 didn't even follow). Even Shanalotte had more of a character and story to her- hell, at least she had a NAME.
What's really weird to me is how DS3 seems to treat Fire Keepers as if they're some kind of weird race of homunculi with no free will of their own, instead of just being normal people that took on the unpleasant task of tending a bonfire and becoming host to the countless Humanity burned within it. It's like Miyazaki forgot that Fire Keepers even existed in Dark Souls 1 and just thought it would be neat to put the Maiden in Black/Plain Doll in the game for no reason.
this started in des retard, ds1 originally would have priscilla as level up waifu
That doesn't contradict anything that he said. Retard.
youre a faget
It's in the game files ain't it?
You're a fucking idiot. DeS had one, sure, but then DaS didn't have one. There was no trend at that point. Then DaS2 had Bearer Seek Seek Lest, BB had an old man's blowup doll, and DaS3 had a frankenstein of all of them.
she a QT
How about the Lorian set?
doesnt look right unless you do the collapse gesture
Just wait for the DLC, user.
I think the headpiece looks dumb. The Prayer Hood looks good with it, though. But be prepared to look like a full-on Edge Master.
>Put warmth next to her
>then did damage tests with different ring and weapons
> rest at bonefire before she aggros
She had her uses.