When does this piece of trash get fun?

When does this piece of trash get fun?

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Well, basically the story is about a horny kid trying to escape from prison with a curvy white chick while beating up black guys with a stick

It's supposed to be art or something. Play some shit that's actually a game I guess.

When you go back to 9gag

Skip this shit and play SoC

it doesn't

the puzzles are simple and the combat is up there with the worst and especially most tedious ever put in a game

>inb4 "it's not about combat"
then don't have it take up so much of the game

But ICO is better.

It's meant to be an artistic experience, not "fun". Don't treat it like a normal game.


Or do, and realize that you're playing a game from 2000. When it came out it was the fucking coolest shit ever, but now the market's oversaturated with "art games" so shitters just count it as one in the crowd, not the father of "modern art games." It's got way more traditional gameplay than any game trying to mimic it nowadays.

Zelda Trying Too Hard to Be Artsy: The Game

SotC was the real stuff

This game hasn't aged well

If it didnt already it never will. Its not a game for all people and its okay user.

GOAT Soundtrack, though.


>When does this piece of trash get fun?
when you grow an appreciation for games that don't cater to the least common denominator

It doesn't, you fell for the neofag shilling.

SOTC is decent though, just pirated the HD collection on PS3, it was great.

it's best to avoid any game that is cinematic or Artsy, i.e. Any modern Naughty Dog game, David Cage shovelware, Flower, Journey, etc.

The architecture and design is cool as hell, focus on that.

Never. It's all about the environment. It never gets fun and there's nothing and more nothing and then--

10 / 10 STARS

Never play again

>Never play again
>He never got to eat watermelon on the beach

ICO is the ocarina of time of sonybronies. The platforming is average, the puzzles are repetitive and boring, the world is empty, the girl AI is balls, the story is nothing special either.

ICO is the game you played after you beat SOTC and after 30 minutes you throw it away and re-play SOTC again.

Remember the truth can be harsh, but its the truth.

Legitimately my least favorite game of all time. The amount of fucking hype people gave this game as the greatest gaming experience of all time versus the grim reality of playing a 5 hour long escort mission with shit "gameplay" made it a worse experience than an objectively worse game would have delivered.

Still love SotC, though.



Are people here really that young that they never played this when it was new?

>My mommy taught me a new big boy word today
Don't be so pretentious all of your life.

This is how you spot the millennial kid, no you moron nobody knew Ico or Team Ico before SOTC.

>mashing X while wandering aimlessly in a world emptier than daggerfall
>solving puzzles while beating baddies and bonding with qt slave girl
SOC a shit

>he buys consoles at launch

I thought the OoT of sonyggers was FFVII?

>ICO is the game you played after you beat SOTC and after 30 minutes you throw it away and re-play SOTC again.
>mfw i did exactly this

I never heard about it on the release, for me it was always the "same game by the people of SotC"

>Buying consoles at all

so easy to spot the underage

Fuck off, ICO was fucking revolutionary when it released. I can understand if you're American but it was a huge release in Europe, everyone knew about the cool ass box.

If you don't enjoy it now you're probably never going to enjoy it.

I really liked it desu.

>ICO was fucking revolutionary when it released
>it was a huge release in Europe

Europoors, europoors never change.

Not for you. Just drop it and return/delete depending on how you got it.

The Queen did nothing wrong

Speak for yourself you retarded American, pic related is what you deserve.

Memes aside I'm not sure "fun" is the word I'd use for ICO.

Remember, art games are pretentious and shitty, but its ok when Japan does it.

When you escape from the casket.

if you genuinely think ICO is worse than SotC then you must be a huge pleb and/or a 16 year old dipshit who just played the remasters and doesn't remember that SotC was fucking unplayable dogshit on ps2, like fucking 15fps frame rate

>dont treat it like a normal game
Wtf kind of logic is that where is the limit?
fucking retard

>ITT: underage

Zelda is actually really good at being artsy though, it just doesn't use this as an excuse for mediocre gameplay.

>I thought the OoT of sonyggers was FFVII?

That was definitely true at some point though Tomba is the actual closest PS1 equivalent of OoT

Then what's Zelda's excuse for mediocre gameplay?

no need to try as nintendrones will just eat shit up in any form. Remember 8.8?