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Fuck this. Just cancelled my pre-order and bought a PS4 instead.


Damn those 10 people who actually have 4k monitors must be pissed.

It's called 1080 for a reason

Shitty b8

Because of this I am now a #cruzmissile

So you gotta wait until Rockstar releases a patch or nvidia updates its drivers?

for all I know you could have made this in paint

Welp. Just ordered a PS4 with my GTX 1080 money. Going to pick up Killzone: Shadowfall, Uncharted 4, and Bloodborne, alongside a 12-month subscription to PlayStation Plus.

that's funny

>95 fps at max settings at 4k in GTA V on a 970

That shit doesn't make any sense, I'm calling bs

source my ass.

Damn I guess those richfags who own a monitor that cost them 2000 bucks will have to pony up 1200 to buy two 1080s to game at 4k. It's almost as if 4k is a meme resolution that nobody besides richie rich cares about until it becomes not absurdly expensive.

970 renders GTAV at 95 FPS on max settings in 4k resolution? If you're going to spread misinformation, at least make it believable.

What the fuck is this shit?

There no way you hit those framerates at 4k max settings

Quite obvious. Somehow last gen gpus are amazing at handling 4k when they were performing like shit 2 months ago.

just noticed this aswell
a 970 cant max out gta 5 at 4k and get 95 fps

sick source

The human eye can't even see more than 720p anyway. Why do people bother with 4k?


Lol I can't even get 60fps at 1080p with max settings. Miss me with that gayh shit.

Hey goyim, don't forget about Persona 5™ available exclusively on the PlayStation 3™ & 4™


>mfw it's real

oh no

Incredibly true. The people that had saved up for high performance monitors have to be pissed.

>maxed out GTA V at 4k
>970 pulling 95 fps
At least make your bait believable, user.

>it's actually real

I'm with these guys


Why don't OP provide a source for his graph first

>95fps max settings 4k on a 970
What a load of bollocks, you'd be lucky to get 95fps in 1080p on a 970.

Nice try

>Linus or Like fucked up again
Yeah, I'm waiting for digital foundry

Burden of proof is on the one making the claim, can't expect people to believe what he's saying when he doesn't provide proof.

But a ps4 can't play 4k

It's almost like OP's a faggot or something...

shit you find me.

So here's proof that OP is wrong

which makes me wonder what vested interest this cuck has to lie about the 1070/1080.

It's clearly a shop user.

>implying the PS3 version will be localized

top beb

I know, but trusting Linus with GPUs is like trusting a random Sup Forums user.

OP is a sonygger.

Enjoy your 4k and 120 fps.

>vested interest

>which makes me wonder what vested interest this cuck has to lie about the 1070/1080.
Which cuck are you referring to? The cuck in the image? It's fake. Or the cuck who posted the image? A shitposter.

But Luke does all of that shit.
Linus just plays with the shiny new toys and cases companies send them.

>Things only a nygger would say

The majority of Atlus's fanbase is still on PS3, it'll be localized.

Even if it isn't, there will be a translation patch for those who have CFW.

Personally, it's a day one pirate for me.

>970 gets 95 fps at 4k
Top wheeze my fellow, but if you seriously have this magical 970 can I pls have it? Mine does like 50 fps at 1440p

the cuck who posted the image.

And yeah, I get that there are shitposters everywhere, but usually there's some kind of rhyme or reason why someone shitposts against something.


>they told me the 970 was a meme card
>it runs great for all my games

Never listen to Sup Forums

>Playing GTA V at 4k with 90 frames

Either an AMDfag, someone who's salty they bought a 980 instead of waiting or a Sonygger.

My money's on Sonygger.

next year 4k monitors are gonna be dirt cheap

Yeah I'm calling bullshit. I have a 970 and I usually get 55-65 fps in 1080p in gtav. Call me crazy, but somehow I doubt upping the resolution to 4k would give me a 30 fps bump

Considering the 970 doesn't even get 30 fps yes, this is bullshit.

fucking 4k, reading text in games must me a mess. it's already a minor hassle at 2k


Yeah, I'm a #cruzmissle now

I don't even get 60fps max settings on 1080i in GTA5 with my 970.

2/10 made me reply

Maybe not dirt cheap but certainly cheaper, 1440 monitors on the other hand, they are going to plummet in price.

>post your face when neither the PS4K or the Scorpio play 4K games
>console cucks still buy a 400 bucks 4K blueray player.

They might play some 4k games but they'll be Arcade/indie-tier stuff, no chance in fucking hell AAA titles will be running in 4k. Not unless the thing costs like $1500.

meant for