>pick her every game >everyone says she's shit >dominate games because 90% of overwatch players don't know how to play against her or underestimate her damage
nothing is funnier when you see roadhogs and genjis desperately aiming and trying to hit you before they die
Camden Lopez
She is just lucky none of the overwatch characters is a toilet.
Christian Ramirez
Nathaniel Jackson
i will admit i didn't understand her during the beta and thought she was filler.
now shes my second most used character after lucio. the only thing i wish for is a tad longer range on the main gun
Hunter Williams
D.VA's mech is a giant walking toilet, user.
And D.VA is the turd.
Logan Torres
So what's the secret? How do you play Symmetra?
Ayden Taylor
that picture doesn't look like symmetra at all that looks like a 12 year old white girl put on blackface and symmetra's outfit
Zachary Hill
Most of her fucking IN GAME sprays look nothing like her.
Its like blizzard know her face is fucked up but wont fix it.
Jonathan Reed
She's excellent at defending, but is not an actual support. It's dumb that she's categorized as one.
Matthew Campbell
Choke points with photon turrets?
Daniel Ross
Who the fuck you been playing against? I constantly fuck that bitch up. So fucking easy to counter.
Dylan Butler
>sheboon WE
Landon Rodriguez
>If it's not healing it's not support Wew
Levi Brooks
>>sheboon >WE
Yes we get it. You're an insecure white kid. Sup Forums is waiting
John Long
Uninstall wizard
Tyler White
I feel bad for Symmetra and the designer who made her. She is obviously supposed to be pretty sex appealing but absolutely no one likes her. Such a shame.
Hudson Hall
Agreed. I love watching Reinhardts run away from her. The fact that those orbs go through shields is awesome
Dylan Parker
use the alt fire for area denial and for slowmo counter sniping.
set the turrets in at least pairs, on the back side of walls, above doorways, etc. use them to cut an optional path off.
know where a health pickup is and stay near it.
put your teleporter close to the objective while still being out of sight
Landon Allen
Nothing is funnier than shitting on the poo loo with Tracer. Especially spawncamping.
Dylan Hernandez
Robot arm is too much.
Jacob Mitchell
she got nerfed into the ground, her shield ability used to be worth it. Out of all the overwatch girls she is the one I find most attractive.
Christian Gutierrez
If you play her from start to finish, then you are a bloody idiot.
Ryder Gutierrez
>switch to roadhog >hook >kill >switch back to symmetra
Thanks for playing.
Ian Jones
oh and her main fire is for CQC obviously. make sure to strafe and try to stay at the enemy's back side
Kayden Murphy
>dying to roadhog as Tracer when you know where he is already and are evading Trench tales.
Nathaniel Flores
if you think you need to change just because the first objective got capped, you're just an idiot.
Jayden Johnson
because her shield used to give 50 shielding, This made stacking torb and symmetra OP as balls when you can essentially turn characters like genji and tracer into tanks, also 50 regenerating hp on genji and tracer alone was busted.
Now they nerfed it and it's useless
Meanwhile Lucio just needs to sit there and spam left click with heal aura up
Asher White
>Sup Forums boogeyman again You fags get funnier and funnier everytime. WEWUZ is 100% certified Sup Forums meme. AoEII is a video game, not politics.
Carter Flores
>playing autistic characters Why do you support this, next they'll add a character with asburgers
Jaxson Wood
your mmr must be negative for that to be the case.
Charles Richardson
Roadhog is best used sparingly, when the enemy team doesn't expect him. I do best as him when I switch to him in the middle of games, and switch off to another character when the enemy team wisens up.
Ayden King
>nothing like shitting on [low tier character] with [high tier character] We got a badass over here
Jose Peterson
Its those legs. So sexy
Ryan Long
Symmetra is godly. The rush distance on maps is generally garbage and a teleporter can be game winning. The only thing that's low tier is her mobility.
Jaxson Carter
>no proof Good shit man, good shit.
Joseph Roberts
Luis Young
her original concept art had her pretty, but they realized they had too many pretty girls and needed an ugly indian.
they just kept the art, but adjusted her model.
Justin Campbell
Symmetra can be very good but it kind of feels like you need a team that's already winning to use her well. If you're frequently getting pushed back she has no time to set up enough turrets for them to be more than just an annoyance, and she can't adequately decent a teleporter by herself
I enjoy playing her but I wonder if she's ever actually the most useful hero to use
Eli Baker
>mfw shitter tracers trying to 1v1 me and my death ray >mfw luring shitter tracers into my lairs I mean yeah Tracer is an extremely pushed character so congrats for picking her, but unlike some characters Symmetra isn't useless against her
Parker Ortiz
>playing against shit players A good Roadhog absolutely decimates her
Noah Green
>No Builder >No Support Heroes
>Some faggot picks Symmetra to fill them both
Joseph Gonzalez
A good Roadhog annihilates everybody.
Gabriel Russell
And I bet it was you that let the team down too
Eli White
>he thinks KANGS started with AoE
Brandon Scott
I just pick Winston and instakill all turrets. She's a really common pick at lvl 40 at least. I don't think she's shit, but her turrets might need a hp-buff to Winston's blaster, as it's too much of a counter atm.
Evan Miller
Jack Wilson
>team has a healer >pick symmetra >healer switches because you picked a support class
Chase Baker
Literally only good at defending A because teleporter.
Now fuck off and stop defending this imbalanced trash game with a cancer community threating to report you all 2 minutes.
Thomas Phillips
Not really, any good player with range can murder him
Aiden Watson
Liam Gomez
Fucking this. She shouldn't be classified as support.
Evan King
>Make fannart >Doesn't even look like the character besides equipments
Gabriel Walker
but +25 shield!
Austin Phillips
Brody Nelson
How exactly does Symmetra's gun work? Yesterday I killed a Winston with it and when I ran to the nearby Reaper, it was still at maximum DPS. How long does it stay at max after reaching it?
William Flores
Why posting a picture of "her" that dosen't look like her at all?
Let alone drawing one.
Weird retard fanbase.
Jackson Williams
Austin Cruz
unequivocally the worst hero in the game
Michael Brooks
And torbjorn gives out armor and also has a turret. Looks like they just wanted to fill out the support roster because there aren't that many. Blizzard is dumb.
Aaron Parker
>pelvic curtains >probably has the least porn out there other than zarya
Fuck the internet.
Eli Sullivan
>I hate this game but I understand it better than the players who got gud with her, now allow me to bump this cancerous thread
Juan Clark
>he changes his character mid-game
Brayden Roberts
To be fair: those 25 shield can regenerate
Mason Turner
>Shit my teams going to make fun of me cuz I suck >Switch hero >Shit I still suck >Switch hero >YOU GUYS ARE SO BAD
Seriously fuck off you queer
Levi Adams
Her main gun is her secret weapon. It gets stronger the longer it's latched on, turning it from a piece of shit to a tank-melter.
During fights on control points, just run around in the chaos holding LMB and you WILL get kills, especially if you have turret clusters too.
Landon Edwards
to be fair: 75 armor is equivalent to 150 health against a tracer or solder 76
Alexander Nelson
Why? Her sentries and teleporter can save a wipe from turning into a defeat on the last point. Sentries also completely negates solo caps and deal the cheap damage necessary to finish off squishy heroes.
And I'm not even talking about her gun which wrecks the final push since everyone will ignore you to focus on the "more important" targets.
Levi Hall
Dude, she's fucking hot as fuck. And her face is really pretty, too. Best looking girl after Mercy and Widow imo.
Jordan Lopez
Her death ray deals increased damage over time, to the point where you're disintegrating people after a couple seconds. I didn't realize it before but I melted a Roadhog surprisingly fast the other day, took her to the training room and sure enough the dummy's health dropped at an accelerated rate.
Even aside from melting tanks, her death ray makes her a good duellist so long as you know how to dance. This is made easier by her thin hitbox.
I also get at least a couple kills each round by sending orbs down hallways and chokepoints. They're a huge annoyance for Reinhardts as they ignore his sheild entirely. Also use them as suppression fire for Widowmakers.
My preference for turrets varies. If you have a really good "lair" that's not too far out of the way (for example the bottom side hallway in the last room in King's Row), then I'll have all six in the same place, maybe three per doorway. Otherwise I might have four nearby and two for "scouting" purposes, to give warning that people are approaching from side passages when they destroy them.
Asher Fisher
I used to stack them by 3 but now I'm just spreading them all over the control points or spread around doors. It takes a lot of effort for someone to destroy all of them one by one under the sentries ray and enemy fire.
Jaxson Powell
Her turrets are indeed flimsy but this isn't as relevant as often as you might think. You should always be aware of your surroundings, and there to fight people alongside your turrets at a moment's notice. Two or three turrets combined with Symmetra's death ray drops people quickly, and shitters will often panic and play poorly in this situation. Turrets that were destroyed can be immediately replaced once the threat has been chased off or killed.
One common complaint is that she becomes less good if your team is shit. Well, for one, no shit, this is a team game and all "cooperative" classes (everyone but the lone wolves) will do their job less effectively if the team isn't synergizing. But the second reply is that you still need to compensate accordingly. If you're getting pushed back quickly, then for fuck's sake don't put up a half-assed lair too far up. Go back far enough that you can establish a good one, then venture forward and use your orbs and/or ambush + death ray to harrass the enemy team and help your buds.
Isaiah Brown
>Join game >See this
What do?
Joseph Bailey
That feel when 80+% win
Brayden Thompson
Do you really think we wuz kangs started with fucking age of empires? You're a retard.
Christopher Kelly
Never thought of this but do symmetras orbs go thru zaryas shield or does she absorbs it
Owen Adams
>How to get one-pushed At least you're playing at retard level so you might still win.
Where do you see this?
Henry Gray
Dylan Baker
>he """mains""" a hero at the expense of his teams composition
face it, certain characters are just not good at certain stages of certain maps.
Bentley Cooper
face it, you're just bad
Jaxson James
Never fucking forget to give people their shields. I've literally played with Symmetras that didn't bother. I don't have a any hard numbers to back this up but I'd bet the 25 shields do make a difference in duels, or giving teammates an extra second to escape a failed situation. The shield regenerates so this will add up to a LOT more than 25 extra HP across the game.
Teleporters are your main use. Have them in your lair guarded by both you and your turrets. Don't have them too close to the action; an extra half second of uptime isn't worth the risk of it getting destroyed. Put it back a ways.
I'm still on the fence about whether to switch once the offence gets a ways in. King's Row is an example where Symmetra is extremely aggravating in the final room to lock down the med kit passageway, and even having the teleporter near the end goal shaves valuable seconds off their push. Don't be afraid to experiment playing her the whole way through.
Above all, don't panic. Just get used to going through your checklist in your head, cover your bases and spend any downtime shooting orbs.
Evan Ramirez
Parker Garcia
Switch to reaper and flank any pushes. That's a solid defense it just needs someone who can pick off healers and counter snipers
James Myers
She's the living embodiment of "I haven't tried it, but it sucks"
Julian Garcia
I knew this would come in handy some day.
Dominic Sullivan
Im calling your bullshit, name 3 amazing counters
Nolan Rodriguez
Time to try all an Widow team
Christopher Hall
Not that guy but Winston is an obvious one, he fucks your sentries up in a half second
Jayden Watson
Only reason I tried her was because everyone was saying how shit she was during the open beta and I wanted to prove that wrong, like zenyatta, and she turned out to be the my favorite hero and the most fun to fuck with people.
Mason Phillips
I love to play Symettra
Aside from Pharah rockets apparently going through walls, Winston is her only big problem
The Teleporter is amazing on defense part 1, and can be useful in part 2 if you want to sneak behind enemies trying to rush the point or hold them off at a choke point further from the Rez spot
If she really needs a buff give her another turret and increase the maximum charges of the ability to place a turret, so you can get set up faster.
Brain dead Reinhardts that eat my RMB make my dick hard.
Christian Parker
Gavin Walker
>6 Symmetras on defense >Swarm of turrets on every doorway and corner >6 Teleporters that can never be cleared all at once >Tanks melted in seconds by the power of W+M1 >Genji in despair trying to reflect anything >McCree swarmed by 5 W+M1s if he stuns anyone >No one switched to Pharah or Junkrat
Samuel James
Symmetra can be incredibly powerful. King's Row, right after they took the point, I sneak around and drop a teleporter behind the payload, near their spawn in that building complex and cover the plaza with turrets. You can cover the spawn exits with turrets and most people won't even realize they're getting zapped to half health because they're on death-run autopilot.
Ayden Bailey
Winston + Halfway competent pharah would completely shut that down. Winston just has to m1+w and he'll clear rooms of turrets.
Henry Phillips
Pharah - Impossible to kill in air and splash kills turrets
Tracer - Good luck killing her between 3 blinks and recall
Winston - W+M1 instantly kills turrets and he gets to choose when to fight you
Owen Wilson
One of them switched to Winston late in the game but the team didn't coordinate with his dives so we'd just W+M1 him down in a second and put up 10 more turrets in a couple more.
The reset of their team was like McCree, Genji, Mei, D.Va, and Mercy
Xavier Turner
It must annoyed that Torb's turret is 10x better than Symettra's. He pretty much does everything she does but better minus the teleported
Easton Wood
Just played multiple games as Symmetra. She's pretty fun.
>Route 66, last point, on the defending team >Our team is 5 Symmetras and Torbjörn >Turrets everywhere >Jumping around the map, come across Lucio, Genji and McCree trying to flank us >Itsfuckingon.jpg >Jump amidst them, take out the healer first with concentrated fire, jumping up and down >Lucio falls, then focus on McCree, weaving and bobbing as he panics and fires his revolver all over >Genji, seeing his doom approach, tries to reflect my beam. Futile and foolish. >Then tries to dash away, gets rekt >Bunnyhop back to a medkit >PotG
Adrian Watson
>main gun causes exponential damage over time (Read: 1k damage after a few seconds)
>turrets not only collectively melt enemies, but they slow them down into an eventual full stop
>alt-fire shoots a slow moving orb of deathfuck that ignores reinhardt's shield
>teleporter ult is a very minor addition considering how much she wrecks face
There was a Symmetra on my team last night who ended the match with 49 eliminations. She was outdoing every Reaper, Genji, and Tracer in the match.
Which isn't hard considering those characters attract shit players anyway.
Jaxon Wood
Why do I get a boner every time I see her in game, but I'm unable to fap to her? Is there any good fanarts or similar of her I can use?
Ayden Price
>Genji in despair trying to reflect anything Kek. This is why hero stacking should only be on arcade. Reaper is my biggest weakness when playing as her.