hey Sup Forums r8 my games
Post collection
>Console games
I wish they would make a board to contain you fuckers in.
Not bad op I'd play vidya with you
>Sleeping dogs
You don't put dogs to sleep
I don't have a collection because I'm not an idiot who pays money for video games
No one asked.
Did you just start playing games in the sixth gen or something?
Is that it? You call that a collection? Three systems is a pretty pathetic collection. That Vita game doesn't count because who owns just a single game for a system?
>playing multiplats on PS3
Toy story three on ps2?
Well, it is just a vita. I own a monster hunter game and that's it.
PS2 was still getting games up until two or three years ago.
>That Vita game doesn't count because who owns just a single game for a system?
more like what console has no games for it
i got some PSX games on my PS3 and i'v had more but i sold them as soon as i beat them and i also rented too
i had more PS2 games back then. but as of now i only keep'd the ones i love
i rebought a PS2 years ago, it came in a bundle
so no one is going to say anything about OP's hand in the picture
All that Sony yet no PS1 games? You obviously can play them as you own a PS2 and a PS3. And no PSP games either? I know they are easy to pirate, but you should at least have a few seeing as you bothered to buy ONE Vita game.
>When you see it
Holy shit, didn't realize this was a nigger thread, well I'm out.
It's only there so people will react to it anyway. You might as well save it in the folder with the other nigger hand PS games pics.
Yours is a thousand times better than mines. I"ll give your a 7.5/10. Just arrange the horizontial and build up on the ps4 games.
aboot a dozen or so games not included due to pic not being updated.
One day, I'll have as many games as you.
Since the other thread 404'd, I repost my PS3 collection. My PS2 collection would put the others in this thread to shame.
prove it then
I'll keep it alive.
Goddammit. Give me a minute.
So many memories flooding back to me.
I remember those Sega thick cases and those cartridges.
Nice, user. 10/10, would bro and game with.
are those in alphabetical order?
if so link and zelda are reversed.
Yes, and they aren't reversed.
>Legend of Zelda, The
>Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Thanks user.
They did, You're on it right now :)
looked like you were basing them off the giant words
since the link one said "adventures" and the other one couldnt even make out.
i never played them on nes, while everyone had the games given/gifted from thier rich parents i was saving up years of bday and xmas money in order to buy the system(used) and a game i could like
Here's pic 1/2 because I am too lazy to crop and stitch right now. It helps to actually attach the pic.
2/2 with a bonus of an unreadable PS1 collection.
Cool Magical Chase display. That's real smart of you to make it stick out like a sore thumb so that if someone broke into your house they could easily see and steal it.
.hack//imoq but no G.U.
quantity doesnt beat quality tho, you have a shit ton of filler
no .hack:GU?
Quantity =/= Quality
Its fine if you like tons of different game series' but if you feel the ened to keep more then 50+ titles of one specific console library, you're nothing but a hoarder.
>But I replay them
Bullshit. You don't replay 50+ games often enough to justify the clutter. Nobody has that kind of time.
Small good collection > Bloated everything collection for the sake of
Its people like you who annoy me.
>The Golden Compass
You've played that once, maybe never even finished it, its a shitty mediocre movie tie in game that got horrible scores, why keep it?
Simple. Because you have an unhealthy attatchment to things and won't let anything go.
Its collections like these that make me want to puke. Those games could go to charity, get traded in, anything. But instead you feel the need to keep it on the shelf like some form of deranged trophy.
FUN FACT: I did get broken into about 8 months ago. All that got stolen was my PS3 and bunch of loose change. Dopeheads don't know shit about vidya collecting. Retards didn't even take the PS4 which was in close proximity to the PS3.
I haven't come across a copy of the games in the wild and I didn't buy it back in the day.
I got it for like $3 on Amazon. You want me to give it to Goodwill? So it can sit on their shelves next to Madden 2005 and NHL 07 for years until they finally just throw it out? Okay, sure.
>being a shitposting faggot
>implying you're not the one needing containment
i think we hit a nerve
>tfw got my .hack//imoq and G.U. on launch day.
fuck off all of the best games are console exclusives
>tfw i'll never hold another vintage nintendo game cartridge in my life
Not really. I just don't see the point in giving away stuff that nobody wants. It's like when someone is handing out fliers. To me, it's like they are asking me to throw their trash away for them.
>You want me to give it to Goodwill? So it can sit on their shelves next to Madden 2005
For one thing it would show you have some form of tact and charity and not a self absorbed asshole.
But no, if you're so scared fo charity, toss the dang thing. You don't need it, nobody will want it, even the company and publishers don't want it. Do the world a favor and trash it along with half the shovelware in your arsenal
FYI you only have about 30 good games in that shitshow, so pick em out and chuck the rest.
I love my Vita.
>all that trash
that doesnt even make sense
flyers are advertising, its not like they gonna shove it into your hand.
dont take one if your not interested
if you take one and dont like what its offering of course its now technically garbage....but what if the thing made you want what was advertised...the flyer itself is still garbage
everything is garbage....ive just blown your minds
Yep you are right!
i think you ment dust
>Sorcery saga collectors edition
Wheres the bib faggot?
Daganronpa and graivty rush are the only good things here
All the others are ports of PS4 or PS3 games, multiplats, or jsut plain unappealing bottom of the barrel neckbeard weaboo garbage like Ar no, Sorcery saga, and those dreadful senran titty games
>Minecraft vita version
Both the Dogoanronpa games are also out on Steam now.
>red black red black blue black
Fucking organize that shit
Yep you are right.
>throws stars at me with perfect accuracy
>dashes through me
>turns around and is aimed at my head again
yeeeeeea right
>blink and are already aimed at me
man you should couldnt make it more obvious that you cheat.
I'm not a weeb, but I am interested in the Senran Kaguya games.
I think I could appreciate the titty-ness and weirdness of it in some way. Though one worry I have is that it might be a boring masher on easier difficulties, or repetitive on higher difficulties.
Someone sell or unsell me on the Senran games. For either the 3DS or Vita.
Can you guys seriously shut the fuck up about your superiority complex.
>inb4 console pleb
I own both a ps4 and a PC
Don't be. its really, really mediocre series.
Tits are all it has, its combat is not good in the slightest, its story is dumb highschool ninja naruto style tripe
Its the biggest lie Sup Forums has ever told. "Senran is good"
The combat is fun for 5 minutes then it's repetitive. The cannon fodder is really basic as well as the end level fights. It's slightly more shallow then Dynasty Warriors.
Oh jeez. I played the demo of some gundamn dynasty warrior engine game, and it drove me crazy very quickly.
I do not understand how anyone could stand those games for more than a few minutes. and if there's something *worse* than that, then I dunno what to say.
but fuck, I still kinda wanna try at least one senran game anyway.
its got all the complexity of an LJN Genesis Beat em up.
if you don't know what that means, look it up.
I am more than familiar with the works of a certain Vexed Digital Entertainment Enthusiast.
It gets worse.
It runs decently on the VITA, but when there is lag, it can be costly.
My sony and sega collection are pretty meh, so have part of my Ninty.
>My sony and sega collection are pretty meh, so have part of my Ninty.
That one isn't all that great either.
Thats because I don't keep/buy every game I play. Only ones that leave a good impression or are replayable to me.
That's actually really good. I used to buy from Amazon when they started selling games online, and what little I have is nowhere near that.
>Bought Fallout 4
Opinion Discarded
Into the trash it goes
Shit tier bunch mate.
user, Sup Forumsiral marketing for that game was going nonstop when it was released. The only reason I didn't buy it was because there was absolutely no sales for it at the time.
Imminent ban in 5...4...3..2...
Got a nigger hand album on imgur?
what!? i needed to hold my cases from falling
After Moot left, the Sup Forumslution seeped in to ruin gaming threads.
Only because he's a spic?
This is the only thing of value I have
the 2 of them was signed by Michiru Yamane, that counts?