old thread Let's keep it up Sup Forums
old thread Let's keep it up Sup Forums
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Sailor moon is Sup Forums related
Post your favorite scout/senshi
ayy lmao
>He doesn't remember when Nick VHS tapes were orange
is that an old cassette or something
I do but that's not vidya
Im crashing this thread
Why were the Simpsons games all shit until Hit and Run?
Anyone else?
Arcade game was good desu
Its just simple cash grabs with shit quality
Hit and run is where there not fucking around and made a good game
Just wait till kids come into threads like these in a couple of years and post about Minecraft youtubers
Yo, my friend knows how to bring Aeris back to life. You just gotta get Knights of the Round, kill Emerald Weapon, max out Barret, Cid, and Yuffie, then turn the game off for two weeks.
Forgot about the arcade game
That one is good
>Japanese version has a nuke weapon
How the fuck did they get away with that?
Mfw in highschool being told there's a secret boss in shadow of Colossus
>watch pic related
>get hyped as fuck
>game actually delivered and has godlike soundtrack
Goodtimes man
From the last thread. I don't care what you faggots said. This pizza was fucking delicious.
>Use to trade my milk with this kid for his pizza every time
>Ate two of these pizzas
>Felt like a god
Forgot pic
My first issue of Nintendo Power. I eventually got my own copy of Power Blade years later thankfully before the price sky rocketed.
Why the fuck did it play so much on Nickelodeon?
the other kid didnt get fat and have stronger bones now.
Who was your first crush
>That one kid who turned the game off when you were about to beat him in a Pokemon match
Fuck you Matt you pussy. Couldn't take your loss like a big boy so you turned your game off and cried like the faggot you are.
School pizza literally made me throw up every time I ate it but I would always eat it anyway because it tasted great and I got to go home early
>games only you played
I remember that damn English dub's opening
>inb4 >not an anime character
yeah right user. Nobody would ever make waiting a week a gameplay mechanic.
Bro, you like dudes?
Watching old episodes of spongebob over here
well Roll is from a video game
thought it'd be this
>you get nudes for pirating the game
Absolutely better then shit denuvo
I fucking love blackdog doujinshi
I think you got that backwards hes talking about velma
Damn Kero and his adorable surferdude accent
>Be me in 1999
>Go to Grandparents house
>Went and played games on their PC because I wasn't into that adult talk
>Grandpa bought this game for me thinking I'd like it
>Opening was so atmospheric and the music put me off so much I could never really play it. Too scared
>Not to mention I couldn't into puzzle games because I was 6.
Anyone else play this?
I used to have that DKC exposed tape. My mother ended up tossing it in the trash years later. Goddammit that thing had to be worth a decent amount of money today.
>not classic 70's velma
Ranma always has and always will give me whyboners that I am not comfortable with.
Those tits are fucking unfair.
Velma overall, really. I just grabbed an image off of google.
still mai waifu too
It's like I'm really back in '09, the summer of mods not giving a fuck. Now all we need are redditors viraling reddit by telling people to back there for no reason and bugs making antiatheist threads for no reason.
He was talking about velma shit-for-brains.
Unless you're intentionally trying to stir the pot by acting retarded and driving the thread off-course.
But only one person would do that..
>be Brit
>Lucky Charms discontinued for some time
>mfw this suddenly appears in the breakfast scene
i've got a copy of good burger like that in my closet
its dank as fuck
The reddit/imgur influx is so disgusting lately. It's nothing but "hey bros, let's have another awesome thread about X!"
Fucking hate this shit. Where's my angst and hatred?
I don't know how my family ended up getting that (I wouldn't have bought it and my parents didn't play games), but I had it too. Shit was too complicated for me when I was younger.
I also remember the anti-piracy method they used where you had to punch in a door code that I think was found in the paper manual. I didn't have the manual, so I used trial and error to figure it out after 15 minutes of punching in random numbers.
>Saturday morning
>Pour a big bowl of pic related
>Also eat two cookies n cream pop tarts
>Sugar high the entire fucking day
It's amazing I don't have diabetes. I did this shit every Saturday morning
>cute as a button
>big tits
>both jap and English voices are cute
I can see why
Fuck her flat chest redesign in X Chronicles
Does everyone hate this movie?
I think its alright
From the previous thread:
>Picking Charmander
You were the edgy try hard kid. You were annoying as fuck. Always thought you were hot shit but everybody hated you. You grew up to be a piece of shit
>Picking Squirtle
You were the normal kid. Nice kid with a bunch of friends. You lived a normal life and become a decent adult
>Pick Bulbasaur
You were the weird kid. Often was a loner. You barely had friends and you grew up socially awkward. Even to this day you are still socially awkward and barely even leave your house
You know this shit is true Sup Forums don't even deny it
picked it up for a buck at a thrift shop recently.
Can no one really stop him?
You can buy it on amazon for 5 dollars
>being this salty about based Charmander
>watching Street Sharks
>All the Sharks get cool ass new gear like roller blades and shit
>New yellow Shark debuts with mysterious hidden identity
>So hype I told the video rental store clerk what happened and she feigned interest
What happens if I pick all three
Does that make me special?
All Marias are lovely, but Rondo Maria is the best.
I miss 80s and 90s animu designs. I don't think that modern anime designs are bad per say, but it's missing something. I miss Japans bubble economy.
It's probably one of those things that's perfectly okay but nothing special that people shit on because it seems really dumb and they write it off as "stupid 90's cheese"
Squirtle would be you were very boring and grew up to be boring.
>being the edge lord kid
I bet you loved Naruto too once you became a teenager didn't you
I never saw street sharks but I recall owning a figure of the blue one and thinking it was simultaneously the dumbest and best figure I ever had.
I think he had like jean shorts and fingerless gloves and was on roller skates.
And the person who tried to profile people by their choice of starters was a gigantic flaming faggot and continued to be throughout adulthood.
Squirtle picker here.
I think Ranma gave me a fetish, really.
Oh its that stupid "lol this old movie is not my generation so ill call it cheesy" meme
And Pokemon the Movie 2000 was orange as well iirc.
yeah. i did that a few times if i remember correctly.
Sounds about right, they were dumb as fuck but damn jawesome
>you will never play slaps again
street fighter can eat shit this is the real mind games
Man I remember when Taco Bell had toys for this in their kid's meal. I still have one or two of them somewhere. Looking back I guess they wanted it to have the collecting aspect of Pokemon, but with a female hero for the girls
couldn't help it, he's so assertive
Hotter? Like Yesterday! Yesterday?
> Nujabes died six years ago
Did anyone watch Neo Ranga back then?
I'm watching it for the first time now and I have no fucking clue what's happening
>tfw you've sampled this commercial in a song
Light as a feather, rip.
who here extreme?
on one hand you have me curious but on the other i'm afraid it's memewave
Still gives me goosebumps
I still get hyped as fuck watching this an adult as I did when I was a kid
>Vegeta's "Shit just got real" theme kicks in
Why doyes old animes look so much more appealing
>Beige box computers
>Early internet
>Video games used to be good
>CS, Quake, Unreal
>Mods for days
>Flash games/videos
>Gangsta rap wasn't mainstream
>Porn was somewhat of a rarity
I want to go back.
I've actually posted it on Sup Forums before, most people found it curious from what I remember. If you were ever in one of the vaporwave threads a few months ago, I was the one that was working on an "ayywave" album
Watching The Little Rascals right now actually
true late 80s early 90s kid movie
>Beige box computers
yeah okay nerd
I think these things make me far more nostalgic for the old "clear plastic" craze than gameboy colors ever could.
I've wondered the same thing for a long time. I don't know what it is. Something about it not looking as "clean" maybe?