140+ damage at close range

>140+ damage at close range
>250 health
>Best escape in the game
>Q that turns everything to glass within a certain radius
Well, it lasted almost a week. I guess balance and Overwatch just aren't things that go well together.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Best escape in the game
>slowly flies away while the enemy gets to reload and chase you
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no.

>tfw zenyatta
>150 health and slowest hero in the game, can't even keep up with reinhardt

still my favorite hero to play, those potg's are glorious

who /shittier/ here

I'm pretty sure it makes you go faster as well, just most reapers are retarded and instead of backing away they move toward the enemies

>genji, hanzo

weeb confirmed


I have tried out both McCree and Reaper and I had a consistently easier time fucking shit up with Reaper. It's true that McCree kills people faster, but Reaper has the means to both get to them faster to start attacking and to dodge shit, plus his ultimate is better because it requires no wind up or waiting time.

So yeah, it's always funny to me how people say McCree is overpowered but no one seems to care about Reaper.

He flies faster than his normal run speed and he can pick up medkits while he's in wraith form, not to mention he can just go behind your lines where people would be foolish to follow.


>teleport iis slow as shit and telegraphs hard
>best escape is floating away at running speed while the other guy just follows you and stomps your shit when you stopped
He's nothing special.

>At least 3 McCrees in every match at any given time
>Lucio ALWAYS picked
>Reinhardt ALWAYS picked


Teleport is complete shit.

Wraith is great. Somewhat useless in 1 v 1 situations but if you're playing him properly he should be in the thick of the action and be able to drift off out of danger whilst opponents are too busy to chase.

He's a great close range fighter. Causes complete mayhem. Noobs shit their pants when he starts his finisher, gracefully dancing around his opponents whilst lighting them up like christmas trees.

man fuck McCree
>pushing payload
>3 guys are shooting, 1 guy is flanking, and 2 are pushing the cart
>suddenly IT'S HIGH NOON
>whip around looking for mccree, find him just as he pulls the trigger
>the only people alive are the flanker and the guy on the other side of the cart
>going after him means he kills you in one combo, sending 2 means one of you is dead, and the cart isn't moving
This is every fucking payload match, when will it stop

Rein is good for carrying rdm peeps (snipers, bastions, etc.). They just chill behind his shield while Rein pushes slowly pushes forward, and pick off kills while everyone focuses on Rein.

Lucio is the easiest character to play and actually be a benefit to your team. He is the easiest person to survive as because of his speed, and he out-heals every-other support in the game simply by being close to people.

>tfw slave to the cart

Dying to Mr.Bones ult? You need to get GOOD my nigga if you wanna make it in the Overwatch scene homie *takes a vape*

>Invincible during the start up of teleport
Wew, it just keeps getting better.

>and he out-heals every-other support in the game simply by being close to people.
Not true. He only out heals Mercy if the enemy team has no clue how to focus fire. There's a reason why all pro teams have to run a Mercy.

It's a minimal speed increase, maybe 10% over most heros run speeds. It's not going to let you zip away.

True, but most games with randoms aren't that smart, and lucio heals everybody at the same time, while not as much singularly as zen or mercy.

>be genji
>hear that it's high noon
>reflect all shots back at him

it's okay guys, i'll get to screen cap some Cloud 9 vs Liquid team comps shortly. Get to see them dank as fuck Winston, Rein, Lucio, Mercy, Widow McCree setups

you sound like just the guy to play reaper


You mean one shot?

McCree and Lucio will be perma picked. Reinhardt and Mercy will picked on anything that isn't KOTH.

Calling it now.

I like fighting reinhardt with McCree. Roll past his shield and hit him with a flash.

What would you guys do to change the balance of OW?

I'd make Zen faster, the dude is a healing assassin, he shouldn't be as slow or slower than a fucking moving turret.

I'd make Genji faster, and decrease the cooldown of his deflect, while at the same time making it not last as long, so deflecting flashbangs can actually be a counter to things like Mcree's flashbang, rather than simply a buffer.

You can just throw the flash above his head moron

where are my pharah colleagues? she'll be recognized as OP soon tbhfam

Well... I'm going to throw my flash above YOUR head.

His name is not important.

Learning how to play each character one at a time. Not too shabby.

Post your Master Overwatch ratings faggots


Ratings don't mean shit and are only compared to the people that go to that site. That site is shit in general.

there are only 2 blatantly overpowered characters in the game: McCree and Lucio. Mercy's ult is kinda dumb too

It rates all players that have played the game. It pulls the data through blizzard's API, same way WoW does.

this desu. reinhardt is always a safe choice because your high damage dealers can hide behind his shield while you push forward. reinhardt isn't even hard to play to be at least sorta useful to your team; literally walk forward with your team and hold M2. then you can eventually learn how to beat niggas down.

Competitive players think that the only two heroes that need to be nerfed are McCree and Widowmaker.

mercy as a character outside of her ultimate is fine. i'd probably hate her less if her ultimate didnt charge so damn fast.

Mine's not great.

Nope, it only pulls ratings from people that have been searched in the site before. Also, the ratings are based on how many medals you have, which means you get a better rating for playing more, not for playing better.

They really should've removed hero stacking.

This isn't TF2 where it's 32 players. This is only 12 players.


Her ult charges so quickly that it almost encourages you to be pretty liberal with it at times, especially if you're defending and your team is doing really well.

>One person is dead and my ult is up, I guess I'll use it so I can recharge it in 30 seconds

Pharah's kinda not doing it for me. Everytime I play her, I just want to switch to Junkrat instead.

You're just a floating target.

i can't find myself

game already has those options, for 1 repick, 2 repicks, 2 of the same only, 1 of the same only, etc...

Comp scene will probably turn to one of those.

whats the format for battletag says it cant find name


Fuck off

Yes, sven if they don't change characters games can be more than Lucio and McCree


It's case sensitive and you have to have your full battletag (yourName#9999)



You also have to the put in the number next to your name.

I generally use it ona nyone who'd take forever to get back or someone important like a rein.

But yeah. its stupid when mercy is vs. mercy it just stalemates forever or whoever uses resurrect 2nd, unless one of the mercies dies. they should make mercy stand still longe rthe more people she rezzes so its more likely she'll be out of the fight for a bit.

>Play Zen in beta
>Harmony orb hardly heals
>Play Zen on release
>Harmony orb does good healing
Feels good.

Yes, even if they don't change characters games can be more than Lucio and McCree

>a floating target

This is only the case if you randomly fly up in the air. She's all about fast paced constant movement

good shitpost m80; I got a good laugh.

What does a Lucio even do in comp?
They gave this guy the most amazing mobility since UT2K4 but then completely fucked him by turning him into the aura bot that needs los with his team to be useful.
I mean fuck, you can literally never touch the ground on most maps but what's the point apart from contesting points forever on koth maps?

heal aura
speed aura
decent damage gun
fantastic knockback
really hard to kill


RANK 154 bitch

does that even mean anything

>people think fucking Reaper is OP

so many shitters my god

the only OP characters are McCree and Widowmaker


No, it doesn't.

Am... Am I-I helping?



Sadly, that doesn't have much to do with his mobility. Dude could have been so much more fun as a Tracer like harasser.

>Unironically trying to make this shit competitive
I sincerely hope this shit flops like HotS or SC2 for competitiveness. There is a reason that nobody took competitive TF2 seriously.

The worst part about this stupid fucking game is that you actually get penalized for leaving early. Why the hell would I want to stick with a team that sucks shit?

Beta Cuck

Necessary changes to balance Overwatch

>Reduce the effectiveness of Lucio's Amp It Up
>Increase the charge time for Widow's sniper rifle
>Increase the charge time for Mercy's ultimate
>Reduce the damage on McCree's FTH
>Reduce the size of D.Va's headbox to her actual head versus the entire cockpit
>Give D.Va an alt fire for a medium range attack
>Boost Zen and Sym's health to 200 HP
>Increase the duration of Zen's healing orbs
>Move Symmetra from Support to Defense
>Give an additional 100 Armor to Pharah when activating her ultimate
>Decrease the charge time for Molten Core

cuz leaving will definitely hurt their chances even more leading to the one-sided stomp games

Except that a fairly sizable community DID take competitive TF2 seriously. Overwatch is also in a better place to become a competitive game.

Umm...how the hell does Loo Witch have the highest win rate in the game?

I play her a lot just cause she's fun but I usually only win if I'm lucky.

website is watcher.gg


>why do I get penalized for being a faggot

Never change Sup Forums

Her teleport is extremely beneficial to your team. Less people play her because they're bad with her, so the people who do play her tend to be more comfortable with her abilities and playstyles

I left games early two times and never got a penalty.

games are short

Is this a meme game?





Lucio and McCree really need nerfs. I tend to lean on the side of thinking reaper is fine, he's just easy to play.

Pic related is best offense IMO. So much fucking fun.


The only faggots are the people I keep getting grouped with. If they didn't suck so much, I wouldn't need to leave so often.

sounds like u should stick to arcade mode u can leave & enter whenever u want. perfect for the casual audience :)

>bitching about Reaper

You're supposed to bitch about Bastion if you want to tell people you're bad.

Reaper is probably one of the easiest ones to kill when playing as the other offensive characters. The shotguns he has have incredibly poor range.

As tracer just keep ~7m distance and headshot drop him in a single clip whilst all his hits do like 10 damage.

He flies away? Teleport after him, reload and instakill when he goes normal again. Ultimate? Just keep a mild distance or press E to rewind.


The problem is the offense heroes (other than tracer) are not adequately balanced compared to the rest of the cast. They have their weaknesses like everyone else, but the risk/reward for them is too unbalanced. Literally babby tier heroes designed for shooty bang bang FPS kids.

high difficulty mean highest bragging right.

Mcree is a counter to fast classes
Reaper is a counter to tanks

Except McCree rapes everything including tanks

Someone is a team player

I love you

If he can get the flashbang fan roll fan off perfectly

It's not exactly hard to do even if you don't flash you can hit tanks easily

How much damage does melee do in this game? it seems to do nothing half the time.

But Reaper beats anyone at close range.
And he has the best tools to get close range.

McCree beats reaper

She's a great defense character but a shitty support.