The antagonist is evil for the sake of being evil

>the antagonist is evil for the sake of being evil

>antagonist is not evil

>You play as both the protagonist and the antagonist and the game lets you side with either at the end.

>antagonist isn't evil from his point of view

>antagonist is literally you from the future

Whats wrong with that? There is beauty in simplicity sometimes.

>Antagonist is evil for the sake of being evil
>Is so masterfully executed he ends up being the best villain in vidya history anyways

>antagonist shoots one of his henchmen to prove his evilness

>protagonist is good for the sake of being good

>the antagonist is evil because its OMOSHIROI

>antagonist and protagonist are both good

BoF 4 was fine. Fucking hate that part where you have to search for whatever it was in that desert. Made me actually quit the game.

>you are the real antagonist

>Villain doesn't even show up until the end
>Characters have to tell you how mean he is

we have this thread at least once a day

its even when they try to pull that "MULTIPLE SIDES" to an evil character bullshit

more than once user

Villains are fun. Not every story needs some kind of justified sympathetic antagonist you know

>Not liking villains like this
I bet you care about the story in games

>hyped up villain who wants to take over the world is beaten by a literal who controlled by an autist

more like once every 20 minutes

>villain wants to save the world/end all suffering by killing everyone in it
For what reason?!

>antagonist is a big guy
>antagonist got caught to fulfill his master plan
>antagonist mask would be extremely painful if taken off for you
>antagonist next step is to crash the game with no survivors

Antagonist is figment of protagonist mind

>the frogposter is dumb for the sake of being dumb

I think they make the best antagonists for a nice adventure.

Meant to quote OP.

>The good guy is evil for the sake of being evil