So what's my only option to play this shit? Emulation is cancer and I don't own a psx

So what's my only option to play this shit? Emulation is cancer and I don't own a psx

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Listen to the soundtrack on youtube while occasionally asking a high school student fresh out of philosophy 101 his opinions on life

emulation is easy you lazy fuck

Emulation is fucking great. You can play with a controller, you can improve the graphics, you can save state and you can increase the speed for when you need to grind.

Kill yourself.

>I want to play this on thin air
Are you fucking retarded?

Do you own a PS2 or PS3? They both play PS1 games, you know. Plus PS1 are cheap as shit since the are obsolete and no one wants them.

>don't want to play on console
>don't want to emulate on computer
you could watch a Let's Play or something?

Watch a Lets Play


>Saying PSX instead of PS!
>Dumb as shit so he doesn't know how emulation works
>Doesn't have enough allowance to buy a used PS1 console
>Asking Sup Forums of all places to solve his problems or give him a magical answer like most entitled kids do

Sup Forums is for 18+ people, fuck off to reddit where they can spoonfeed you

I think it's on PS3's PSN Store. Otherwise, if you just flat-out refuse to emulate it, I don't know what to tell you. Watch Vinesauce's streams or something. Whatever.

>Most normal humans call it either PSX or PS1
>Literally the first time I have ever heard someone refer to it as just PS
>Used the word "allowance" instead of just saying money like a non-autistic human being

>Emulation is cancer
Emulation is one of the best video game related things

If you have any Playstation with the store you can just buy it for like $10.

Physical copies are $7.49 on the squeenix store right now. That doesn't include shipping, though.

Chrono Cross for Steam. I'm a happy player who is willing to buy this game again.

Isn't this on PSN?

You mean that thing I bought a ton of games on ps3 and can't use them on ps4? Literal theft.

That's what you get for being a dumb sonygger who trades in his console for the latest piece of shit with no games.

You want to know what GREATNESS AWAITS means? It's waiting 5 years for a shit console to actually have games before buying it

I want to play this game because of Time's Scar and the atmosphere (from what I've seen looks pretty comfy) but I havent played Chrono Trigger

Should I just play the game or?

You don't need to play CT first. There is practically no connection.

A couple scenes will fly right over your head, but otherwise you'll be fine.

But should I? I've been interested in both games and I've got some time to play them now so if I were to play them which order would be the ''best''?

I suppose CT first, right?

If you can play them in order, yes, it's better if you do so. But you won't not understand the story of Cross without playing Trigger first.
Not anymore than usual, that is. It gets convoluted.