Tfw there's a good amount of girls that also like your favourite game series

>tfw there's a good amount of girls that also like your favourite game series


Any girl that likes Jagged Alliance 2 like I do is probably no girl I would want to know,

>tfw all girls who like Kingdom Hearts are ugly mexicans

>girls liking video games

not for long.

Also they haven't even played all of the games


You show me a woman, any woman, who likes Wario Land OR EDF and I'll date that bitch right now.

What the fuck is that thing outside the window? Some kind of speaker? Did something get tossed off the roof? Angry speaker robots rising up against their asian tyrants?

I'm pretty sure that female SMT players don't exist.

I dated a girl who also liked my favorite game EarthBound but she turned out to be a sociopath and enjoyed my misery...

Did Lobitah like Kingdom Hearts? It's a shame her mafia boyfriend got her killed.

Short for the Horned Reapah?

Your point is?


>played all of the games

Dude, your standards are in the Oort Cloud.

Don't they all?

Cute Mexican cosplayer who got taken out during a gang war.

And get visited by Chris Hanson

>tfw you finally figure out they're all playing games because there is something mentally wrong with them.

I actually do know a woman who grew up playing Wario Land, and she actually was the one to suggest I play 4. She's a long time best friend of mine, so I didn't crush on her or anything, but I did play wingman to one of my bros who liked her. They've been dating for 2 years now, I think.

so they exist, user!

>Love Ocarina

Fuck yes

Tell me a single reason why should i care.

Well yeah, all that gay Richter x Alucard fanart on pixiv had to come from somewhere.

It's a Peeping Tom.

They all can't dude, they just can't. She would fake arguments just to get my attention and when I actually showed sincerity she just disregards it. Then when she wanted to leave me I was like "Okay, that's cool" and then she felt bad didn't want to we're in a relationship stalemate but ultimately I don't care what happens anymore...

I apologize for going into so much detail.

All the women who play video games are no longer single in my age range in my local area. There was one time when I saw one, and she just ended up finding another boyfriend the next day.

I'm sure there are girls who are into Metal Gear. I'll just never find them.

Damn, that's pretty bad.
But >e-celebing

Oh fuck, that's not healthy user, I think maybe you should break up or have her seek counselling?

Best of luck with that, though. I know how it is.

They should at least play more than 2 and re:Chain

Games were better before they thought it was "nerdy" and "cool" to like games. Now we have casual shit to pander to them.

There's hope yet, then.

Dude probably doesn't know his Rangers from his Fencers. Hell, I bet he never even beat Rudy. I'll have nothing to do with that.

Nah man, it's fine. I dated a girl that seemed to enjoy my misery too. But we ended up breaking up, and now I'm much better. She fucked with my mind, made me think all kinds of stuff. It was toxic. I'm glad she fucked off.

Yeah, but how many girls have played Fire Emblem before it came waifu/husbando bait, though?

I've never met another girl, let alone another person that also enjoys SMT that I didn't introduce to it.

>Death threats this
>Death threats that
>Death threats everywhere
Why do I feel like when the media claims "death threats", what they mean by death threat was in reality just a "kill urself fag lol"

sauce? her facebook page say nothing about this

>another girl

Joke's on you, I have no favorite game series.

I can only think of one that I know of. She doesn't like the waifu trash but still enjoys the newer games enough to play them.

Itt: This user knows all the best grills but gets them hooked up with bros that crush on them. I think it helps to have a hardcore gaming lesbian best friend, too.

Shes acknowledged that she does some messed up things herself, though when I try to say something its usually "Accept me how I am" which just kills the conversation. So I sincerely hope she figures it out..

That's good to hear. It would be easier for me if she just fucked off but I care about her. I want her to become better because shes lost a lot of people because of her habits. The weirdest thing is that I would have never cared this much about a person if it wasn't for her breaking down my "walls"

It was bound to happen eventually. Her boyfriend fucking looked like Lords of Shadow Dracula.

You guys think girls like Castlevania or Tales?

>tfw met a kingdom hearts fangirl who was a cute mexican girl at a con
>tfw fucked her good on and off for the next month


Ouch. Again, best of luck with you two. You're not obligated to make anyone happy besides yourself, but it's nice of you to care anyway.

Hope you find someone right for you someday soon, dude.


Tales is fujo property in Japan.

Once I owned a guy in a game and he PM'd me saying that he was going to hunt me down and fuck me in the ass

I don't know how anybody can consider such things anything but amusing

>tfw theres a good amount of girls who will let you suck their tits if you beat them at video games

>not showing your gf a game you love and getting her to love it too
>not getting introduced to great games by her that you never would have played

Just give up.

You'd be surprised. A friend of mine played the shit out of Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga. Not sure if she's played SMT 4 though. She's pretty cool.

All I want is a girl who's into tactics games and milsims and guns

Is that so much to ask for

The girl i met here
Had a shit ton of tales games and loved them. Only problem was her favorite being legendia

>hunt me down and fuck me in the ass
Wait a minute... what?

Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment

>Tom Clancy games
highly unlikely

>mfw fav games are DF and aurora

Hah jokes on you op, I gave up trying to impress a long time ago.

Not a chance

Women would never understand mgs

1st step

Girls who are into guns aren't extremely difficult to find, but those other two requirements might things damn bear impossible for you.

I once knew a girl who got into old fire emblems after playing Awakening and really liked them


Need for speed? Highly unlikely, or any car game for that matter, or actual cars...
I still have small amounts of hope

I know one girl who loves STALKER. One.

She's cute, but I suspect she's a lesbian.

Because that's exactly what it is. These people misunderstand the internet on a fundamental level.

>I know one girl who loves STALKER.

Find ONE into Digimon or SMT.

Meanwhile, Pokemon is a fucking dime a dozen.

>Woman gets death threats
>Male Journalists and Developers get death threats
"STOP IT WITH THE DEATH THREATS (You're still mysoganists though)"

I mean, if it wasn't fucking obvious before, it's fucking obvious now. People are asshats on the internet. Women aren't being harassed because they're women, but the harassers are using the fact that they're women to fuck with them.

DESU, gamers kind of deserve an apology at this point. Of course, game journalists all have too big of egos to do this, so they're gonna keep playing the sexism card, even though the last two weeks thouroughly debunked it.


no there aren't

>girl who likes Ace Combat the same way I do
Might as well be hunting unicorns.

>Oh, my little brother plays that game!

He was gonna rape him

I feel you. I've given up what little efforts I had. I'll probably end up having one of those weird relationships with my (affordable) dream car whenever I acquire it.

>tfw girl at work likes going with me when I play Pokemon cards
>we talk all the time and she laughs at the shit I say
>tfw we even got food together after playing a couple weekends ago
>she buys me beer only available in her state
>tell her about Sun/Moon coming out
>she says she will buy Moon and I agree to buy Sun
>she even buys a fucking 3DS just so she will be able to play it

however, she is super introverted and literally hates physical contact. Ive been thinking about her all weekend l. idk if this will lead to anything. please send help.

i want to be a successful author

i have not given up on my dream!

Yes, girl. No Adam's apple.

She's also a fan of System Shock 2, Deus Ex, The Witcher and the original XCom.

You know what you must do user, give her the D

I don't think girls like RapeLay

>"Accept me how I am"
I've been there, get out now. From my experiences, the acceptance is never reciprocated.

Oh I haven't given up on my life dream, not by a longshot, just women. Best of luck to you my man. I hope you produce many acts of literature!


>I'll probably end up having one of those weird relationships with my (affordable) dream car whenever I acquire it.
Wait this is considered to be a weird thing now? I mean I used to have this with an old motorcycle that I had built from the ground up but I didn't think this was necessarily a bad thing. Its just a sentimental feeling and mutual understanding between a man and his machine. I used to call her Alex

I don't see what the big deal is, you can get just about any corporate babe to suck your butthole for a couple laughs and a bottle of whisky.

But if you want a real woman, I can understand your opinion.

>her favorite being legendia
Truly a shame

If a girl was to be into any jrpg it would most likely be the Tales series though

Yes, when women complain about death threats, I'm just like... well, welcome to the internet. There's some retards out there. Keep your chin up and tell them to fuck off.

Just spend more time with her and start asking her to go more places and do more things with you, dont go all aspie and ask her out straight away, let that shit happen naturally.

>She's also a fan of System Shock 2, Deus Ex, The Witcher and the original XCom.
That's some top tier taste, right there.

Do you honestly think they'd pass on an opportunity to complain?

Noooo, ofc not that. That's what I would have. I was overly exaggerating and implying like marriage or sexual relatuons, shit like that. Where is your girl nowadays?

I'm a dude who played the whole series and still don't understand them.
I just like stealth games.

Sounds pretty fruitful to me, even if it doesn't turn into something big its always good to have a friend with similar interests.

I don't want to be one of the people who just leaves her. Shes had it rough so I feel like some of her lashings is understandable.
God I hope that doesn't sound insane.

>Told ever since a child "there is someone for everyone"
>Biggest lie of my life, after getting over built up entitlement I just give up.
>Completely given up at this point but it still hurts.
>I am a autistic manlet, why would any woman chose me when they can have a tall built dudebro

Just let me die in my sleep.

They do exist.

Most if not all of them are fujoshi though.

do not get desperate but maintain chill contact. Go play at her place and be ready to interrupt playing

>Memegami Tensei
Nigga please that shit is mainstream as fuck

>Girlfriend of 6 years who loved to watch me play vidya and play casual shit with me died 9 months ago