I think everyone can agree on this.
I think everyone can agree on this
Other urls found in this thread:
>Big Russian tumblrfag
Say what you will but with mercy, she is fucking unstoppable.
>Widowmaker in low tier
Then why does literally every competitive team use her?
Learn to aim, noob.
>high skill required
>reaper in low
>Arrow spamming retard that misses TF2
>high skill
In terms of relative strength to the other heros in their class, as well as overall game impact, Lucio is the strongest character in the game by a mile.
How is reaper low skill?
I only played the beta
Make the green red and yellow lines curve downwards as the skill required get higher
post yfw it's high noon
You know what they sayyyyy
The only people who think Zarya is bad have never played her!
>lol hi gais im 12 and i discovered the le epix color black ;)))))
>lol guys chek out my legit shottysnipers ;)))))
>lol gaiz check out my sik teleport and 360 noscope shotgun snipe ultimate that literally requires no skill ;)))))
literally just hold the trigget
die die die
i'm probably gonna get berated with (you)s for this, but bastion feels like he takes more skill than people give him credit for
positioning is everything, and unless your team is committed to playing around you and keeping you safe, youre going to get focused and die before you can deal your full damage potential
>Widowmaker M1 does more damage than Tracer
>counters every hero in the top tier on this list
>bottom tier
76 high skill lol
I like Roadhog
Bastion doesn't require skill. He requires team communication.
>/fit/ and Sup Forums's lovechild
>Sup Forums
She hates robot migrants
I just called her tumblr cause of the hair, and muh strong womyn
Strong women are tumblr now? Wow I guess Aliens was tumblr all this time!
>Pharah in the middle
I like you user.
Aspiring Zarya main here. Just wondering how to maximise my damage output? I always get killed by Symmetra (fucking lock on 120 DPS BS) and most fights with Mei end up with her just putting up an ice wall and fleeing.
Also, when I have enemies caught in the Graviton Surge, should I use primary or secondary fire?
Sorry, official tier list here straight from reddit competitive scene and /vg/
I don't think I've ever seen a worse image than this.
She honestly shines so much better with a medic, since you can barrier other people, but I usually use mine to quickly go around a corner and deal some sort of damage.
It's great against shit like symmetra and mei too
If mei's slowing you down and about to freeze you, you can pop the shield and reset it. Completely throws her off. By then she's pretty much dead.
>zarya sucks
Woah woah woah. Her ult is godlike and if you actually understand how to increase her damage then her explosive thingies do tons of damage. She's like a mix of support, tank, and dps.
>blizzcucks even thinking of widowmaker in low tier
Shouldn't they all be low skill?
Zarya is unquestionably the highest skill requirement in the game.
If you're too stupid to tell the difference between strong women and the meme, just lurk more until you get it.
This list is just "These classes are good because they don't require any skill o n my part"
I know about the barrier against Mei, but as I said, she always ends up just going into an ice block and then walling herself off from me as soon as she comes out.
With Symmetra and Mei, should I be using primary or secondary fire?
Definitely primary. It tears em apart if you have some energy on you.
I don't see a low skill person getting much mileage out of hanzo or genji.
Good point.
Genji maybe but Hanzo is easy.
>I don't see a low skill person getting much mileage out of hanzo
The nigger has auto aim out the whazoo.
He can miss by a meter and the game will just give it to him.
>Low skill level
Someone is a shit Demoman.
>widowmaker requires skill
>mercy is harder to play than zenyatta
>winston harder than zarya
He doesn't have autoaim. He has a large hitbox for his arrows. He still has to adjust for travel time and drop though. I've never seen a Hanzo get a legit kill. They just spam arrows in a direction and hope someone walks into them.
The Mei running away is a win for you, Zarya isn't about chasing people across the map, she's for area denial and tanking as well as protecting your teammates. When playing Zarya you should be squatting like the tumblr slav you are exactly on the part of the map your team needs to control at any given moment
>retard 67 so high
I gotcha senpai
Why do I always hear about Tracer being "Hard to play"? I guess if you are a beginner to FPS games she would be overwhelming but Tracer is ridiculously easy to get competent with. You have a literal undo button any time you make a mistake and your movement is really easy thanks to her dashes.
I could see her having a high skill cap, since actually maximizing the use of each dash could be hard, but in that case characters like Mccree would be considered extremely skillful just because of how much you get rewarded for getting headshots.
Can Zarya get headshots with her beam?
Okay Sup Forums how do we fix McRee
>Love D.Va's whole style
>Yet I feel I could be doing so much more for the team by playing another tank
I think her cannons need to either be more effective at longer range and/or a lot more threatening at the range they are currently effective. And possibly a second or two off the cooldown of Defense Matrix.
And since I'm being greedy here, something else to her Zero Suit mode. Just something to offer beyond a pretty solid pistol while hoping you can live long enough to suit back up.
Has Blizzard stated any balance issues they see?
Maybe you should play the game instead of complaining like a tumblr faggot about things you haven't experienced.
Remove his flashbang.
A stun has no place in an FPS.
I have played the game. I've also played as her, and I think she's a good character. I wasn't complaining.
What would you replace it with then?
I think an easy fix that would make D.Va more viable is just letting her shoot while shes boosting
Inferior version. Needs Lex's facial expression.
thinking the exact same thing desu
pocket sand
Lucio is one of the most fun, I think.
On the control point map with the well in the middle I wall ride around in circles on the inside and no one on the other team knew why they couldn't take the point.
>Winston in low tier
Maybe in pubs, faggot.
>skill required
Seriously though what could be put in. I think a kick that pushed people back but didn't stun would be an okay alternative. Doesn't remove control from people but still disrupts a fight.
Make it a 2-3 second actual flashbang. No stun though.
>Tracer requiring more skill than Genji when her skills have much lower cool down and can instantly heal/save herself
That sounds funny but also boring to sit in there for however many minutes.
It probably shouldn't be a straight stun. Maybe just a slow or something. Issue is, hes a hard counter to some other heroes that would probably be a little too big a pain to deal with otherwise.
do any anons play with each other? Overwatch Sup Forumseekend when?
>McCree is useless without his two abilities
Nah famalam, I've killed tons of faggots with hammer fanning
You won't sit there long if the enemy team has an observant Pharah
>in the beta
>everyone says Winston is the worst hero in the game
>play him once
>see how strong he is in a ton of different situations
>to this day people say he is shit
Honestly some people just can't learn.
Tracer is the only character I can think of that really needs him as a counter.
>Reduce flashbang radius
>Make ult load only on enemies in sight
nerf fan the hammer's damage again
if he can't just insta-gib any tank that comes to harass him then he'll actually be able to be harassed and that'll do wonders for fixing him.
>Winston, mercy, widow, Zarya
>low tier
>zen, Mei
>high tier
Yeah you're a fucking retard I think we can agree on that
I'm not entirely sure that would be the solution.
D.Va could fill a nice niche of being a tank that can easily setup flanks (Winston can as well with his leap but her boosters are better suited for some of the platforming on some maps), but once she does flank... she can't do that much. Unless she's up close her cannons do pitiful damage and when she's up close a person can easily out-maneuver due to her gimped movement speed while firing.
I was a doubter in the beta.
Then I played a squishy and had a pretty good Winston keep fucking my face for a whole game.
People played him like a Reinhardt, when he's more like D.Va or Roadhog.
who here /76 main because you can basically adapt to any situation/?
I don't understand.
what do you do against shields
until comp comes out pls withdraw from posting memetierlists
shoot em
use helix rockets, or just run.
rocket can chunk shields purty good. but I doubt you'd wanna go behind reinhardt shield
they're playing comp literally as i type
McCree has a >100% pickrate
Tracer was who I had in mind, but hes also very effective against bruisers like Roadhog.
>high tier
fuck off
Competitive play and tourneys have been a thing for a while even in beta. Stop being thinking that comp queuing for all is the only thing that counts as comp.
As long as he is being played competently, he basically can't lose 1v1 to anyone with under 250 health. And if things do go south, his shield is there an option, and the jump gives him crazy mobility. Or he can just pop his ult and roid out.
>We saw the FGC use god tier once we should use it also!
PCucks are really the worst. It's like they saw one marvel tier list and thought thats the only way to make a list.
>Winston in lowtier
Nigger what?
>Flashbang only stuns on a direct hit
>Reduce damage from fan the hammer by 20% [1 shot: (70 -> 54), 6 shots: (420 -> 336)
>zero suit d.va is useless
Have these people even played d.va? If you use zero suit as a sniper per pistol does crazy amounts of damage
I love taking people out when they think they can kill me after the mech is gone
Hell I sometimes avoid re summoning the mech just because of how powerful she is
So McCree is really good but...how do you actually use him? The stun never seems to last long enough to get shots off.
How do I get gud?