So, better than TF2 or...?

So, better than TF2 or...?

It's most certainly better than TF2 post 2011
Now if we're comparing classic TF2 from back in the day with Overwatch, that's a way harder battle.

i still find tf2 way more fun for some reason


Tf2 never got bad

has absolutely none of the longevity of TF2

balance is centered around esports composition rather than 1v1 class parity

shitters won't be able to enjoy it for more than a few months, and they're 99% of the playerbase, maximum Overshill

It's certainly better than MODERN TF2

No way in hell it could ever live up to TF2 in it's 2007-2010 hayday

What's wrong user? Parents didn't buy you the game? Maybe find a job?

how mysterious, the shills aren't aggressively bumping the thread that points out the weak design, and inability to surpass a 10 year old game

Definitely not worth the money Blizzard are charging. The press Q to get kills and frantic gameplay also means that the game in the esports scene will fail miserably. I really don't see overwatch lasting, it will go the same route as hots

Yeah. I'm having about as much fun with this game as classic TF2. It's making me not miss going back to play TF2 again.

you can tell by the 'tier lists' that are appearing in the wild, that people expect some level of straight deathmatch, and are instead getting a game where you're required to play with specific roles at all times

the disparity between the strength of classes that are self-sufficient, and the weakness of ones that are centered around teamplay, at least for people who expect to deathmatch every single game, is startling

the game cannot, and will not survive without the casual player having fun

It's really fun and playing it made me relive the old memories of playing TF2 back when it was good.
It's most certainly better than current TF2.

You're talking as if TF2 didn't have class dynamics where a team full of spies and snipers is doomed to fail

I agree with that, forcing people into classes or characters they don't want to play will eventually cripple the playerbase for casuals.

The game isn't bad, but it has a lot of problems.

Not really, no.
If you have some problem with modern TF2 be it hats or balance or whatever then you can just start your own server and change it.


I bet you're one of those people that think Skyrim is a masterpiece because modding can make it amazing

and overwatch had the opportunity to remove those two design errors, and failed to

it left snipers in, and now we have the same problem in overwatch

widowx2, that team fails, and no one has fun

mccreex3 and everyone feels irritated that they have to play reinhardt or lucio for the thousandth time, and no one has fun

at least in TF2 scoutx6 has a chance of succeeding

>that cunt Mei being stomped against a wall


He isn't really wrong though. I don't play tf2 often myself, but simply removing all cosmetics with a mod and disabling chat is enough for me to have fun

Overwatch isn't very stimulating personally. I already figured out how the game works and it's so boring. There's really no fun coming from it. S4 League was more fun than this.

>design errors
fucking implying

The game is a lot more fun when teams are varied rather than if every fucking character was equally powerful together.

The different class dynamics is one of the things that made old TF2 so fun, and likewise it's what makes Overwatch so fun right now. TF2 did exactly what you're saying but adding a fucking shit ton of unlockable weapons that change the class dynamics and allows you to change your counters, this is one of the thing that makes modern TF2 so shit. It's a casual chaotic shitfest.

Imagine TF2 vanilla 5 years ago but the spy could stun and shoot all his bullets at once

I have 60 hours so far in OW and love it. So much variety of playstyles with characters which also vary on your team mates' characters. I never really got into TF2 though - it just wasn't too exciting for me for some reason. Only played 193 hours until I stopped altogether in 2010.

Main downside of OW is no mods. If Blizz doesn't pump out new maps regularly it will start to get boring.

No. Limited options, maps, gamemodes, playstyles, individual class depth, etc.

All the people saying it's better than modern tf2 are fucking idiots considering modern tf2's content, modability, etc.

Come back in two years and ask the same question.

I'm not going to call someone a great chef if I have to put ketchup over the whole damn thing for it to taste well

Nope, even after 2011, Tf2 is better thatn Overmeme.

>letting mccree sneak up on you

why is there a fat bitch in this game anyway?

who wants to play as a fat bitch in a shooter

>All the people saying it's better than modern tf2 are fucking idiots considering modern tf2's content, modability, etc.
Classic neo-TF2 faggot. Has no idea what TF2 looked like before it became shit.

Unlike tf2, you do not even have the option to add condiments to the shit sandwich, which is overwatch. You are simply stuck with a boring game, with a low skill ceiling and incompetent devs who will ultimately kill the game.

Nah, Skyrim is a throughly terrible game but mods make it good.

TF2 is an amazing game that just got old. A lot of really intelligent design decisions went into TF2 like how classes are tight and self contained, have unique identifiable silhouettes and how the game revolves around the Medic uber. The medic uber is what puts the team in TF2. Its great.

It's just that in order to make TF2 a fresh game again they had to, by definition, deviate away from what made TF2 great. It's no longer so tightly designed because it got updated with hats and gimmicks so that there were new things to play with. So, you can change it back and make old new again since it's been a while since most people have played real vanilla TF2.

Overwatch lacks this level of detail when it comes to design and is just a shitty mess. Not even modded servers could save Overwatch.

It's worse than TF2 before F2P, but better than modern TF2.

>mfw a lone reaper tries to get behind my shield in wraith form and I put my shield down and ready my hammer and he knows he's fucked

>not appreciating the delicious chub

>You are simply stuck with a boring game
I have played 20 hours of Overwatch in the past week.

That's already infinitely more than the time I spent on TF2 since 2012 (and even then I was already stretching a good game turned terrible out of habit)

You're the one playing boring shit, probably a creature of habit stuck in there because you have your valuable 1000 dollar hat, and you can't stand to see it be devalued when a new fun game comes into the genre.

OW has personality.

TF2 has ponies.

I can only deal with him as Reinhardt or Genji

>mfw I block his ult

>mfw I reflect his flashbang

Only thing truly lifted from TF2 are the gamemodes.

The characters aren't so much classes as, well, characters. Blizzard's choice of the word "hero" is apt since their distinctions are more similar to Dota or LoL than class-based shooters. What I think doesn't mesh well is the concept of "ultimates" with long cooldowns. That's something taken from ASSFAGS, but those games feature concentrated teamfights in which most teammates will use their ults, then a lull while most have to recharge. Teams with most of their ults up will engage on teams that have them down, forcing them to play defensively. It's a back and forth type of thing. But in Overwatch, it's really just a constant push and that's encouraged by the linear, claustrophobic maps. There's nothing else to do besides attack the opposing team, no turrets or creep or warding. So most players just use their ults when they see a good opportunity for THEM, not necessarily their team. That's in part due to the fact that it's harder to discern what exactly each teammate is doing from a first-person view than a top-down view. But while it lacks that kind of strategizing around teamfights, it also doesn't feel like a fun hectic battlefield like TF2 does. 6v6, while also the size of comp TF2, doesn't really have the feel of a front line advancing in the same sense that 12v12 TF2 does (which is the amount at which I think TF2 really shines.)

It feels in this awkward middle ground between a "small, focused competitive game defined by skirmishing and maneuvering up until a climactic teamfight", and "a bigger team-sized casual (but the fun and accessible kind of casual) class/character-based battle".

tl;dr it feels like a slightly awkward point on a 2D spectrum between TF2 and Dota/LoL when I think they could have gotten a 11/10 GOTYAY if they had taken the best elements from each, then struck out in a third unique direction to really create something nuanced and new.

Still a lot of simple fun.

I've played tf2 since 2009. Discounting whatever gripes you have with the community, modern tf2 is objectively a better game than it was pre 2011. Class balances, regular updates, new weapons/loadouts/maps.

The real problem with tf2 is that after thousands of hours of playtime and years of life, it's simply gotten boring; regardless, it's still one of the best games ever made.

Speaking of, this game is the first one in a fucking LONG time that has finally made me start to consider selling all my unusual hats and moving on.

I might finally be able to get away from this fucking game


Go Zarya, shield yourself, most will panic and fan the hammer, thank him for charging your gun by melting him

Actually if you had bothered to read, I said already I don't really play tf2. At the moment I'm playing ratchet & clank, and dark souls 3.

The fact is, the classes in overwatch are all boring. There is nothign unique about them, and the competitive scene is already proving this, just look at the ridiculous lineups where every match shuns a character. Without a high skill ceiling the only thing to add replayability are unlockables, meaning more shitty cosmetics, which are already verging on the same tier as tf2's.

This is the best overwatch webm ive seen, up there with the lucio team kill

Sorry that it doesn't pander to casuals and has class dynamics.

Maybe buy infinite warfare? Seems right up your alley!

Not everyone hates playing tank or a healer. Even if you do, you'll just have to do it once in a while or ignore it. I have been winning some matches without a tank or a healer.

Definately had more fun with TF2. The matches are longer and are build more on turret defence. If the turret goes down, there's a huge chance you lose. That made playing engi, demo and spy fun.

OW matches are much shorter and are more about wiping out the enemy team. They lack depth but are fun for casual skirmishing.

...Yeeeeeah, you can keep your fat bitches, dude.

Good advice, but I hate playing as Toblerone

Was starting to get bored until someone linked the site and I checked leaderboards, and saw i was #150 dirtiest bastion player in the US now i have to defend my meme rank

>playing arcade mode
>enemy team goes all McCree
>it's high noon
>it's high noon!
>it's high noon!!
>it's high noon!!!
>it's high noon!!!
>it's high noon!!!!
>it's high noon!!!!!
>go mei to block them
>works for the most part
>one gets behind and high noons the rest of my team
>I get surrounded alone by 5 McCrees
>it's high noon
>it's high noon
>it's high noon
>it's high noon
>it's high noon
>close my eyes and accept my fate


I enjoy Overwatch much more than TF2, but I only played TF2 on 24-32 player dedicated servers.

I think this is my favorite, then again I main Reinhardt


It's going to have longevity because they've hired skilled Jewish economists to design the loot/crate system.

People will pour thousands of dollars on these items and play simply to model these items.

I agree with most of your post but
>It also doesn't feel like a fun hectic battlefield like TF2 does. 6v6, while also the size of comp TF2, doesn't really have the feel of a front line advancing in the same sense that 12v12 TF2 does (which is the amount at which I think TF2 really shines.)
I disagree here, because of the movement of the characters and the size of the maps, Overwatch feels much more frantic, faster paced and intense than the average TF2 match felt, even during the old days, but certainly more so than modern TF2. It's also another reason why I like it a lot even though I hate MOBA's.

please put the name in op next time so I can properly filter this shit thanks

Body Hotness = Breast/(Belly^2)

Why do people say 2011-today tf2 is bad? Was it just the hats?

Yeah just by the fact that there's no tradable items or other dumb crap people idle hours for.

It's not free so it's not full of cheating russians. The game is actually kind of fun. That's pretty rare these days considering it's only $40.

I like the graphics in OverWatch it's better than the beta was. It's nice to see decent visuals in a multiplayer game these days.

economic stability does not mean a stable playerbase

That's why this game is good, teamwork is rewarded.

Damn it.

That and the community started by said hats. Also some people don't like the new weapons, and feel the game is a mess balance wise.

Off the top of my head..

Hats create a lot of visual noise and attract communities of people who are there to be elitist hat barons and not be good at playing the game.

Lots of new weapons have blurred the distinction between classes and given classes uses that they were never intended to have which is suboptimal. Classes like scout got weaker because so much new shit flying around at different speeds hurt them the most while heavy got better for same reason.

The game got kind of old.


Yeah. I fucking HATE mobas, but this feels like playing old TF2 again.

Hell, it's how I wish TF3 would have been

Oh I forgot.

Matchmaking killed private servers because newbies just play shitty valve servers. Then they play 32v32 skial p2w servers and don't know any better. They'll never experience what it's like to play on a server with people who know what they're doing.

Spotted the TFbrony

The artstyle got fucked by cosmetics and paint

The class dynamics got fucked by unlockable weapons

The community got fucked by cosmetics, the trading system, and the nail in the coffin with the game going f2p

I think the hats existed before 2011. 2011 was when all the retarded side weapons (which already existed as well) started going into overdrive and muddying the game up with bullshit that made classes get a bunch of retarded gimmicky sub-classes inside them that removed the simplicity and fun of the original TF2. Then you also had the market and idlers and hat barons and annoying fucking hats everywhere with retarded stupid overbearing and obnoxious effects. And to add further insult to injury, it went free to play so the community completely went to shit.

Playing TF2 became the equivalent of joining a gmod server where only half the people are actually interested in playing a videogame. Valve ruined their own game for the sake of trying to keep it fresh and to jew you out.

2011 was the last hurrah for TF2 which was already going downhill by 2010, I finally quit in mid 2012 (despite the fact I wasn't having fun with the game for about 2 years at that point) and have been waiting for a good team class shooter ever since. Overwatch has finally delivered five years later. Took someone long enough.


What I don't think people understand is, nearly every esport has its competitive scene different to the casual scene. By this I mean, CS;GO has different timings for bombs, and higher tickrate servers in competitive matches. TF2 has certain weapons banned.

TF2 is the same as it always has been, aslong as you play on competitive servers, and you should be if you are moaning this much about a game being bad. The same goes for overwatch. The cosmetics are already very garish, and the ability to stack classes is insane in the sporting scene. They will have to add special rules for tournaments if they want it to succeed.

Let it go user, it's dead.

At this point it's 100% impossible for a Team Fortress 3 to be good. Valve would most certainly bring in all the bullshit from TF2 and you'd get to keep your hats and weapons and all that shit. Plus Valve seems determined in never making good games again.

Overwatch is the spiritual successor to TF2, which unfortunately shut down in 2011, as far as i'm concerned.

I need this chick on my face


Valvedrone detected

Fuck off. I couldn't give less of a shit about your esports. Overwatch is fun. Trying to play TF2 nowadays is like treading through piles of shit for the occasional nugget of gold.

>spiritual successor
Yeah, that's what I really think this game is

Same here.

From TF2 I moved into Tribes Ascend, but it died too quickly.

Early design art kek bitch is fat in game with her failed tumblr looks, she appears to be an ugly, overweight, white, weaboo, fanfiction writing abomination, how embarrassing

because you're invested in TF2 like the cuck you are.

Nick Garcia you Blizzdrone, you went to PAX East just to get exclusive content for Heroes of the Storm.

But if you care enough to say tf2 is bad and that there are so many hats, why do you refuse to understand that servers are already readily available that are entirely balanced, and ready for fun to be had.



Because you're full of shit. I played TF2 for myself and saw how terrible it got first hand. There's no need to lie.
Maybe in your specific autistic competitive community, TF2 managed to keep a shred of its appeal, but for those of us that played the game whenever we felt like, it went to absolute shit.

user please, Overwatch didn't take any of the good design decisions from TF2. It took it all from LoL. It's design is an abomination and an affront to TF2

You can stop pretending now, user
Team Fortress 2 doesn't have to hurt you anymore
No need to defend it
There are better options now

mei is bae

Overwatch couldn't hope to be a 1/100th of the affront to TF2 that TF2 itself is nowadays.

Oh c'mon, how do you not find this adorable?

no its not. the only thing this piece of mediocrity did right was not adapting random crits. instead of having a few classes with multiple weapons and abilities (more than 2 per character) we got tons of shallow characters where basic weapon swapping is non existent. the weapon design sucks balls too. there's already a massive preference for hitscan weapons over projectile based ones. Some characters get completely fucked over by this too like junkrat, hanzo, and symmetra.

the maps themselves nearly all feel the same. they feel they are following cancerous competitive layout ive seen in 50 million AAA fps consisting of one straight path and 3 to 4 flanks.

it reminds me way more of Gotham City Impostors than it does TF2. except all your abilities have 10 to 20 second cooldowns and it managed to be even dumber than COD.

I think this actually goes to why the game feels off for me. All the fun abilities are on long cooldowns. In a normal shooter, your abilities were your many gun choices. In this game, your abilities are like a gun that can fire once, then you have to take a long time to reload.

Yeah... what dark times these are...

>Some characters get completely fucked over by this too like junkrat, hanzo, and symmetra
Pfhahahahaha, you literally named two of the best characters in the game and one character that is excellent when defending. At least name Genji or something, you retard.

Modern TF2 is an affront to old TF2.

Overwatch didn't go for the same strict guidelines, but it still managed to find a particular style which I find quite pleasing. Yes it does look like a Dreamworks movie, and I'm perfectly alright with that

It's not often I get to be a bunch of Dreamworks characters killing each other