>Hey dude you have a mic? Hop on [voip program]
>Yeah if he's not going to talk we'll kick him and find someone else
Hey dude you have a mic? Hop on [voip program]
Other urls found in this thread:
M-My mic broke. I can listen though desu!
>be girl
>sound like pre-pubescent boy when using my mic
>everyone thinks im a guy
oh well i guess
>if he's not going to talk we'll kick him and find someone else
what horrible community does this
I use to do this in the early days of XBOX. Made lots of friends.
It's 3 AM and I don't want to wake my parents up.
>"Hey dude get on mic"
>When I was 8 years old I was kidnapped, as the police kicked in the front door the kidnapper slit my throat. I've been unable to talk since then.
>"Oh shit I'm sorry"
works every time
>>be girl
get off my board
>voip with team
>its just two guys constantly memeing at each other with no opportunity for actual conversation.
Please vocaroo:
>b-but I'm a girl...
I'll kill myself if you don't do it.
Hey dude if you aren't going to communicate we're going to remove you. No offense its just we have other people that want to play and are willing to talk :)
>Weeaboos are so retarded they literally can't even perform basic human communication verbally
How much of a pussy do you have to be to do this? Do you mom keep your balls in her wallet or something?
>friend brings one of his friends to the group
>not weebing out over the microphone
>"Hey dude join our channel and talk with us we're playing ___"
>"I'm kind of in the middle of playing ___ but okay"
>Hours of grunting noises and occasionally someone sends me a dank meme
why do I continue to put up with this
No my voice is just the most annoyinf thing this side of anything
>Sucks to be you!
>Kick FAGGOT? y/n
>everyone else on the team votes y because they're friends with the guy who started the vote and they don't bother reading chat
>asks to get on discord
>join discord
>have conversation about game being played
>log off
Why can't you stop being faggots Sup Forums
False, we are just a little shy. We are like delicate flowers.
I just think that i suck at speaking english.
You get panic attacks when someone asks you to speak lmao.
>yo mane get on the call
>no ty i'm a faggot
whew dodged a bullet there
Fucking casuals. Just play the fucking game and shut up. You can talk to your waifus if you need to talk so much.
pls, what game requires so much investment in oral communication?
>Do your mum keep your balls in her wallet or something?
>tfw deep, sexy voice
>I'm actually mute as a result of a severe throat infection requiring surgery when I was a preteen
>Now no one wants to play online games with me
Shit sucks.
>le baffled gorilla suit man meme xDDD
Fuck off.
>hold on a second
>can hear him taking the cap off his piss bottle and peeing
>We'll kick you if you don't have a mic
>You faggots aren't the only ones playing this game
>Find another group and play with no issue
It is simple user-kuns
>people have been thinking you're a grill your whole time playing an MMO
>invited to chat for the first time
>fake a disconnect, later tell them there was a thunderstorm
Any good voice-changing software out there? Free stuff of course. Even if just for fun, I wanna sound like a grill.
This is one Sup Forums meme I'll never understand. Why can't you just speak to other people? I'm pretty antisocial but I can still communicate verbally with other human beings. How do you go thru life without talking anyway?
post u fag.
Looks like deal deals chan.
I'm a guy who kicks people with no mics.
I feel bad about it, but in a game like dota 2, communication literally wins games and is generally more fun.
What I can't understand is why you're shy to other faggots playing this shitty video game, and you're never going to talk to them again. Why be shy?
Reminds me of youtube.com
Honestly, i'm not confident in my english-speaking skills.
>i was once kicked from a heroic raid before it even started because they were using vent, i used mumble, and i had to take 2 minutes to download and install it
>dude, why are you so quiet
Sorry for what? Our dads taught us not be ashamed of our dicks
>uncontrollably angry most of the time playing Splatoon
>thankful it has no voice chat so I never have to meet someone like me in game
Pretty much any competetive or fast paced game will benefit from it.
>overwatch releases
>installed vent, mumble, discord, skype, verse, telegram
>in game chat works fine and has push to talk
What the fuck is the point of this voip software? My computer is full of bloatware now just to talk to retards too stupid to use in game which is better than all of that shit with Dolby Atmos on
Are you me?
I have this deep, somewhat posh English Accent that isn't distinctive enough to deciper from where in England i hail.
Bitches love that shit if they're not already from Western Europe.
your accent is actually really annoying but nobody wants to say it
Go the fuck to sleep
>Hey dude you should download Curse voice even though we've been using other software forever and there's nothing wrong with it
/dg/ has the best voices
Protip: If someone threatens to kick you if you aren't on mic, you are better off 100% of the time.
There are no exceptions to this. I'm not joking.
If someone can not function without verbal communication, in ANY video game, they are giant faggots. Always.
FUCKING this. My group has used Mumble for literal years and then one guy switched to Discord and forced everyone else to come along. Discord's desktop app is a horrible CPU hog that causes my games to stutter.
>get pulled into discord
>have to get up and actually plug in my fucking microphone
>Hey dude can you hop into this server my friend wants to talk but he's too lazy to just fucking hop into ours
Not here b-but here you go vocaroo.com
those are shit friends and shit people, i'd rather not play with people like that if i knew they did that to invite me.
Gave up like 6 seconds in
Jealousy, its a hard pill to swallow i know user. ?
I'm going to kill myself because of this
>playing autismo wargame simulators online
>have to use teamspeak in order to communicate/figure out what the fuck is going on
There's always going to be someone that's more awkward than you, and no one fucking cares so long as you don't clutter the voice channel with useless shit.
You're a bunch of pussies, Sup Forums.
I have never clicked out of something faster
Maybe stop being as lying attention whore.
Absolutely disgusting
Well played. It's sad Sup Forums won't get it.
Still not as bad as Nyanner's ASMR video.
>have a friend who is part of some homo mumble clan
>"come play x with my friends user, they're cool dudes"
>ok i guess
>memes are already flying
>nothing unexpected, swallow my disgust and move on
>they're pretty bad, but i don't say anything since first impressions etc
>eventually start blaming me for not engaging in their various suicide missions
>"user wtf where were you when i was outnumbered 4:1????"
>tell them to stop making retarded decisions
>"we were doing fine until you fucking joined dickhead"
>kicked from the mumble
i think i'll stick to talking to people i know in real life. People on the internet tend to be a mix of memers, overly aggressive tryhards and embarassing degenerates
>Online friends constantly want me to talk to them
>Whenever I do I have to lead the conversations 90% of the time or there's just complete silence
every fucking time
If I'm not there then they just sit there in silence until I come back, it's so fucking weird. It's not like they all know each other through me either.
I'm not even like that, and as a matter of fact I have never accepted free gear and shit, unless it was some spare low-level stuff from a higher-level friend.
It's more like I wanna match my voice to my characters. In most games now everyone knows me as a dude, but I'd still like to immerse a little better when I play a female.
Feels like my spine is slipping out of my asshole
I have absolutely no problems letting people who ask me to talk sit in dead silence. The more awkward they feel, the less likely they'll bother me with bullshit again. Every quiet second that passes is my victory.
Is that image from a video or something?
>overwatch comes out
>making friends left and right
>find a group of decent players, we usually win
>one day theres a girl in the skype girl
>wont shut up about real life, another guy is talking about real life with her
>we lose the match because they blatantly ignore all the call outs and everything I'm saying, despite me repeating myself "guys guys guys"
>next game I invite my friend
>he gets kicked from the party because he wont join the skype call and communicate
I haven't been that salty in a while. I immediately left as well. Was I in the wrong?
They were like "dude get over it it was one game" when they complained my friend wouldnt communicate and I pointed out they threw the last match to talk over everybody
>Lin talking dirty
I just got a faggy voice /w possible lisp.
I hate my life.
>"hey user, hop on to [voip]"
>get on the server
>"hey guys"
>everyone goes completely silent
>pussy out and leave the server
Nah, fuck em. I can't stand people like that.
that you dragoneye?
if it is, you make up for it by being actually funny
>be man
>sound like pre-pubescent boy when using my mic
>everyone thinks im a girl
I had a group of people do this
And then they act surprised now when I refuse to invite people
"Haha you're still salty about that dude let it go lol"
What the fuck do you expect? I'm not inviting people just to get kicked. Not only is it rude but it makes me look like an asshole.
>friend invites you to play cards against humanity with others in voip service
>bunch of fuckin furfags with the worst mics imaginable and awful taste in humor
e v e r y t i m e
I'm not some eceleb, my mic broke before I ever got the guts to use it much beyond shitposting in random tf2 servers
I get bullied when I talk in online games, they say I sound too much like a girl. That's why I don't use a mic, in also pretty shy.
A little of both. Still, if someone who isn't in the game is in the chat during a game, they should leave. Similarly, unless it is urgent/important, people playing the game should ignore distractions.
he isn't an eceleb, just a guy that I used to play xbone games with who has a noticeable lisp
I have a faggy voice and I have awful studdering problems
>concerned about muh communication
>while they're too busy being beta orbiters instead of playing the god damn videogame
You did nothing wrong user
>user do that again, it was hot
How about you try putting your nuts in my asshole?
You nod your head and eagerly assume the position.
My asshole pointed sky high as you squat over me and start to dip your scrote into my little pucker.
"I love you" you cry out as your balls sink into me.
I'm only following tradition here.
Tits or GTFO