What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Angry white male entitlement

He lives in a world where feminist won

Is this from that le controversial meme game that came out where the devs forgot to actually make a good game and tried to cash in on outrage but nobody cared because the game was shit?

shit I want to remember the name of it but I can't


lol butthurt feminazi. I bought 4 copies of this game just to piss off SJWs.

>I spent money on an objectively shitty game just to stick it to muh boogeyman

Poles can't make games so they make memes.

His QPUS got misaligned

It would have been icing on the cake if the gameplay had been fucking superb.

>Implying SJWs were even aware of it
Very few people know about this game flimflam. It tried to capitalize on controversy but failed to drum any up because no one played it.


There would have never been any controversy if sjws didn't try and succeed banning it in the first place, don't put shit out of the devs control on them, then at that point what's the point of not benefiting from the publicity?
there's that buzzword again when it was undeniable fact that sjws managed to ban the game off steam until Gabe stepped in himself.
The game and the people demanding it be pulled must have just been a figment of everyone's imaginations right? You chump.

He didn't like the new Linkin Park album.

It's bad enough that you're lying because you look dumb as hell

But if you're telling the truth it's even worse because you ARE dumb as hell

Yes, this is that game.

Isn't the new game from these devs some turret shooter about an ISIS invasion? Can these fucks make anything without banking on controversy?

Doubt it, it's ebb and flow innit, every once in a while you get devs who cash in on the offensive dollar.

Why does no one bring up the fact that this game was already made in 1997, and much better to boot?

Practically the exact same accusation that DoAX had after the sjw twitter brigade went one of their charges against people, then blamed the people they went on the crusade against of just intentionally creating controversy to sell a shit game, when the sjws were responsible in creating all the damn publicity and outrage in the first place.
Gee I wonder who is behind this post?

tfw not important

The name is not important.

The game was fine once they fixed the dreadful optimization but just completely forgettable.

>that flamethrower though


All he wanted was a pepsi

Is it bad if I actually enjoyed Hatred?

Shut the fuck up, Mom!

he just hated everybody, that's all

nothing too big

Remind me why the media freaked the fuck out about this game?

It was some forgettable, edgy top down shooter. It would have been released and forgotten if nobody freaked as they did.

And then remade and released little over a week ago
It's almost surreal to think how they went from sadistic murderbone to tongue-in-cheek satire with the sequel.

His name wasn't important

It's easy money.

>shit out 200 words of "think of the children"
>get large amount of clicks from dipshits who bought into the moral panic
>get large amount of clicks from dipshits who don't realise they're being baited
>don't need to worry about driving readers away because everyone will forget about this in a few weeks anyway

>nobody cared

SJW's went apeshit for months, faggot. It should have been embarrassing for them if they had any self-awarenes.


This is what the road to hell is paved with.

It's not important